The Stranger in the Mirror
(Records of the Ohanzee #1)
Rachel Smith
Published October 2015
by Amazon Digital Services
An Heiress, an ancient prophecy, and a masquerade...
Nerissa, the Heiress of Chiyo, prepares for the masquerade celebrating the twentieth anniversary of a thwarted assassination attempt on her family. Longing to be admired for herself and not her title, she arranges to switch costumes and enjoy the ball in blissful anonymity. But, when the fateful night finally comes, a prophetic warning of a second attack arrives too late, and the evening turns from revelry and romance to violence. After being pulled from the chaos by an enigmatic guardian, Nerissa learns that the Royal Family has been concealing a formidable secret for generations--and it is only one of many that are about to be revealed.
Reflection: The Stranger in the Mirror is Book 1 of 4 in the Records of the Ohanzee series, which is written in a serialized style with a story line that flows continuously between books.

Stones Have a Link to the Soul
This was a very enjoyable read. The author tells a fun story set in another world. I would describe this as fantasy with paranormal elements. Not the characters per say but the elements found in the story. When I first started reading this book I was immediately drawn into this world. I must warn you once you get to the end you will want to continue this story. I’m a bit disappointed that the only other book available is the next and there is no mention of the third or the fourth. I will have to do some digging to find out when the last two will be available for readers. There are still so many questions that are unanswered but the stories developments were enough that the reader maintains interest. I will keep an eye out for the following books because I did enjoy this read very much.
The Story, Nerissa is the heiress of Chiyo she has wonderful parents and a secret group of guardians that protect their kingdom. Reflection is told in the third person and follows many characters. It isn’t difficult to follow because the way the book is laid out there is no question of who is in each scene. In the beginning the reader is given the option to read a prologue now or wait till the end. I of course went with NOW…LOL when given the choice between now or later I will typically always chose now. There is a prophecy of complete destruction but hope that one will be able to change the final outcome. Certain measures have been taken to ensure when the time is right everything will fall into place for our main gal. I would say this first installment was a great introduction that mainly set the stage and things start to be revealed. There is quite a bit of subtle build up that keeps the reader interested in the events to come. If you like romance there is like none at all. There are moments that set the possibility for future developments but there is no clear “guy” don’t despair my lovelies…there are things in the works…WONDERFUL THINGS!!!
The Characters, Nerissa is the main gal and the prophecy could be about her though I think it could be about her and another…pum pum pum!!! She is everything that a good ruler should be. She is kind and fair and there is a certain light she exudes all the while being a good humble person. Her parents have love and she hopes to find the same thing for herself one day. In everything that she does the well being of her people is always in the forefront of her mind and her actions. She gets dealt a really crummy card but she is determined to not be crushed by despair. Instead she will rise from the ashes and make everything right in any way that she can. There are the guardians who will always support whatever she wishes. Nerissa is keeping her identity a secret for the ultimate well being of everyone for now. People and things click into place as this wonderful little read develops.
The End, as I mentioned before get ready to be left wanting…WANTING MORE!!! I was like what the heck?!! I jumped on line and have started on the next. The ending isn’t cliffy but it doesn’t feel like an end it felt like the beginning. Most of the story is a stage setter where the characters are well established and the storyline is explained. We know what the prophecy is but the pieces of the puzzle have yet to be discovered. We know there is a couple of great connections but they are still little buds. This was like the appetizer and I’m hungry for the main course.
My Rating
4.0 Phoenix, Dream, Messenger, Secrets, Books, Ball, Friends, Omens, Jewels, Training, Heat, Chiefs, First Swordsman, Lost Prince, Hidden City, 20 years, The beginning of a wonderful journey!
About the Author
Rachel R. Smith lives near Cincinnati, Ohio with her husband and the cutest dog in the world, Sumo. When not writing, she plots to fill the interior of their home with books and mineral specimens and to cover the exterior with roses. Her latest book, Reflection: Harbinger of the Phoenix (Records of the Ohanzee Book 2) is now available. You can stay up to date on the series and learn more about Rachel by visiting her blog at or by following Records of the Ohanzee on Facebook.
Rachel R. Smith lives near Cincinnati, Ohio with her husband and the cutest dog in the world, Sumo. When not writing, she plots to fill the interior of their home with books and mineral specimens and to cover the exterior with roses. Her latest book, Reflection: Harbinger of the Phoenix (Records of the Ohanzee Book 2) is now available. You can stay up to date on the series and learn more about Rachel by visiting her blog at or by following Records of the Ohanzee on Facebook.
I was thinking about reading this book until I read how it ends. No real ending? I'll pass. Maybe once ALL the books are out then sure, but by then I'll forget about this book.