The Thirteenth World
(The Corridor #2)
Pub September 29th 2015
by Alloy Entertainment
ARC for Review
Time is running out for Stel Alaster. The Corridor, the only portal between First and Second Earth, is failing and the barriers between all twelve worlds are thinning. Using her unique ability to travel through the multiverse, Stel sets out to save the Corridor . . . and ends up discovering a mysterious new world.
In the sequel to The Corridor, will the thirteenth world hold the key to the Corridor’s secrets? Or will the portal implode and take every last universe down with it?

Who Said Anything About Another Universe
The Thirteenth World is the sequel to The Corridor. Although the first installment was a fun read my expectations for this one were high…I thought the last had a few holes and things that weren’t explained in layman’s terms for me were a little confusing or hard to grasp. The author did a great job in filling those holes and making everything flow nicely. I loved the concept of parallel universes and this idea really flourished under Willis’ careful planning. The cliffhanger from the first was pretty shocking and brutal but it was corrected in a plausible way. Everyone involved was involved again but this time actions were rectified and everything was believable and explained well enough. Through and through if this is the end of the series I can honestly say I will miss this world and these characters. If Mrs. Willis decides to give us more from Estele and her motley crew I would lap up the story like a thirsty puppy! Is this my favorite ever? No. It is however something I recommend for those looking for a quick and enjoyable sci-fi read.
The Story, Gah! I despise giving away plot points so forgive me if I’m vague. Estele is now in the hands of the enemy and she knows she has to do something to save the multi-verse. Through this knowledge and the help of those that believe along the same lines as she. Estele will embark on an adventure through multiple universes searching for clues that will help her set the corridor right. Along the way feeling incredibly lonely she will find where her true home is and who she wants to spend the future with. There are plenty of surprises some endearing and some horrifying but through it all and overcoming all the odds Estele finds herself. Even though the cost means everything for her, Estele’s steadfast commitment to those she loves will push her to do what is right.
The Characters, Estele is just as wonderful as before but we see a definite growth. She learns what her heart truly wants without it being selfish if anything her actions are more selfless than before. Those around her that made several mistakes atone for their misbehavior. The reader was able to see changes in key players that added to the depth of this story. Our main guy was just as wonderful if not more than before. It was his love and unwavering trust in Estele that gave her the confidence to pursue the right albeit extremely dangerous path. I was beyond ecstatic to know all the characters had made proper amends for their misdeeds.
The End, although it was sad it was necessary. I really appreciated the authors commitment to the story line and to see it through. I like that most of the readers questions are answered but a lot was left pretty open. I’m pretty big when it comes to books that have nice little bows tying everything up so I don’t really care for endings that are like “go ahead give it your own spin” but all and all I’d say this was a job well done. Could I see another book in the future…Yes absolutely. Would I be okay if this is the last…sure why not. I can say with the utmost sincerity that I enjoyed this read and feel that those who are sci-fi fans would too.
My Rating
4.0 Darnit the corridor is acting up and everyone in multiple universes may surely die. I think I love you but this whole relationship thing sure is going to be hard…Hey look there, I’m going to college. A love from 2 planets is way more powerful than a love from 1 planet filled stars.
About the Author
A.N. Willis spent way too many late nights in high school watching sci-fi shows, resulting in a possibly unhealthy obsession with yellow-eyed androids, renegade FBI agents, and wormholes to distant galaxies. She feels at home anywhere she can see the mountains.
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A love story from different universes? Sounds interesting. Sounds like you enjoyed this one better than the second. I'm glad.