Forget Tomorrow
(Forget Tomorrow Series #1)
Pintip Dunn
Expected publication:
November 3rd 2015
Entangled Teen
ARC for Review
Imagine a world where your destiny has already been your future self.
It's Callie’s seventeenth birthday and, like everyone else, she's eagerly awaiting her vision―a memory sent back in time to sculpt each citizen into the person they're meant to be. A world-class swimmer. A renowned scientist.
Or in Callie's case, a criminal.
In her vision, she sees herself murdering her gifted younger sister. Before she can process what it means, Callie is arrested and placed in Limbo―a hellish prison for those destined to break the law. With the help of her childhood crush, Logan, a boy she hasn’t spoken to in five years, she escapes.
But on the run from her future, as well as the government, Callie sets in motion a chain of events that she hopes will change her fate. If not, she must figure out how to protect her sister from the biggest threat of all—Callie, herself.

Ripples and Anchors Secrets and Conspiracy
Oooh la la! Secrets, secrets, secrets the theme is secrets. When I first read the synopsis I was immediately attracted to this story. I wasn’t sure how it would pan out because yikes…That’s pretty severe BUT!! I really enjoyed this read. The author did a marvelous job of world building and I really enjoyed so many concepts of this futuristic sci-fi world. I have to admit there were times when I was like what the what? Just when I thought I had it all figured out something crazy would happen. I recommend this for anyone who likes sci-fi or interesting little mind mystery’s.
The Story, as we know from the synopsis people receive a memory from their future selves. Callie receives one that will make her entire existence shift. This is the beginning of many discoveries coming her way…Callie doesn’t understand why she was given the memory of killing her sister. Running seems to be her only option and she does but it seems fate has a strong hold on Callie. Trying to find answers about what is really going on with people and their memories seems impossible. With the help of people she has taken refuge with she will discover the agencies in power are being forced to break civil rights. All through this process Callie has reunited with her childhood love. With Logan’s help Callie discovers love is what drives her motives. Knowing what she and Logan share is only temporary Callie will focus on communicating and rescuing her sister. Determined to change the future Callie faces an ultimate sacrifice she is will to make.
The Characters, Callie doesn’t understand love her life has been spent in the shadow of a father who abandoned her. Growing up Callie looked forward to receiving her memory of the future but once she does Callie realizes she has missed out on many things. I enjoyed her character because of the way she loves, fully and without measure. Callie is an average girl with an ability few know about. There is a deep connection between her and her sister but the reader doesn’t find out just how deep that connection is until well into the book. I hope in the next installment we see major growth. I want Callie to develop more confidence in herself and her abilities. I also hope we find out more about what is really going on in this wonderfully crafted sci-fi world. Logan, though he is strong physically and has a wonderful heart he is plagued by the mistakes of his past. Losing his brother has been very hard but their connection is strong and he will do what it takes to make him proud. Knowing that their time is short Logan pursues Callie because losing her friendship is just another great regret he harbors. I hope these two find a way to be together. Their friendship and love is very endearing.
The End, wow talk about looming danger. Through the help of an unlikely source Callie figures out the truth. She knows she has to stop fate somehow so she sets off to stop the cycle and close the loop. The ending was really cliffy because…well I can’t say, just know I’m highly anticipating the next release. Many answers are revealed but there are a slew of additional questions I hope get answered in the next installment. I can’t wait to find out just exactly how future memories work. As I mentioned before I do recommend this book for YA and Sci-fi fans a like this is one that will have the reader engaged and trying to guess the out come at every turn.
My Rating
4.0 Birthday, Leaves, Memory, Limbo, Chanting, River, Woods, Jerky, Harmony, Friends, Log, Incident, Key, Extensions, Olivia, Mediocre, Syringe, Love, Park, Images of Memories Love filled stars!
Guest Post
Five things I need in order to write
1. My iPhone. I have long-standing fibromyalgia/RSI, which means I can’t type on a keyboard without debilitating pain. Before smart phones, I coped by having a typist, taking exams orally (even the bar exam!), and using a voice-activation program such as Dragon Naturally Speaking. I made it work for about ten years, but I hated every minute of it. For whatever reason, I just don't enjoy dictating my words. And then, I got my first iPhone, and my life changed. I discovered I could type on the screen's keyboard with minimal pain, so long as it was locked in "portrait" position. (Even the keys in "landscape" position are too far apart for me.) I was so happy to be “typing” or at least “tapping out” my words again. Forget Tomorrow was the first novel I wrote on my iPhone. Since then I have written (almost) three more.
2. Recliner or high-backed chair. For the same reason as above, I need to support my neck and shoulders while I write. This is especially true during a flare-up. During one such period, I wrote my second book while I was lying flat on my back under a glass coffee table. My laptop was face down on top of the glass, and I dictated into a microphone. My pain is not usually that intense, so most of the time, a recliner or high-backed chair where I can rest my head will suffice.
3. Perrier. Regular, lime-flavored, or grapefruit-flavored. I have tried, on several occasions, to quit drinking soda. It was always so difficult – and then, I realized that it was the carbonation I liked, not the caffeine or sugar or flavor. So, I started drinking sparkling water, and I didn't miss soda at all! I've been soda-free for a couple years now, and I am addicted to Perrier. I probably go through half a dozen cans a day, and I can't write a single word unless I have a can by my side.
4. Blankets. Socks. Sweatshirts. Fingerless gloves. What can I say? I am SO COLD all the time -- bad circulation, I guess -- and I need to be nice and cozy in order to write. I have been known to show up at a writing friend's house for the afternoon with blankets, pillow, and slippers. I haven’t gone beyond the socks, sweatshirt, and gloves for the library yet, but you never know…
5. Okay, this one is bad. I kinda don't want to admit it, but here goes... Before I can start writing, I go to my phone's settings and turn on airplane mode, so that my text and internet is disabled. If I DON'T, then I will write two words, check my email, write another sentence, scroll through FB, look up some synonyms for an overused word, write a paragraph, and then hop over to Twitter or instagram... You get the idea. I get distracted SO EASILY and the only way for me to rack up a significant word count is to shut off my access.
Five things I need in order to write
1. My iPhone. I have long-standing fibromyalgia/RSI, which means I can’t type on a keyboard without debilitating pain. Before smart phones, I coped by having a typist, taking exams orally (even the bar exam!), and using a voice-activation program such as Dragon Naturally Speaking. I made it work for about ten years, but I hated every minute of it. For whatever reason, I just don't enjoy dictating my words. And then, I got my first iPhone, and my life changed. I discovered I could type on the screen's keyboard with minimal pain, so long as it was locked in "portrait" position. (Even the keys in "landscape" position are too far apart for me.) I was so happy to be “typing” or at least “tapping out” my words again. Forget Tomorrow was the first novel I wrote on my iPhone. Since then I have written (almost) three more.
2. Recliner or high-backed chair. For the same reason as above, I need to support my neck and shoulders while I write. This is especially true during a flare-up. During one such period, I wrote my second book while I was lying flat on my back under a glass coffee table. My laptop was face down on top of the glass, and I dictated into a microphone. My pain is not usually that intense, so most of the time, a recliner or high-backed chair where I can rest my head will suffice.
3. Perrier. Regular, lime-flavored, or grapefruit-flavored. I have tried, on several occasions, to quit drinking soda. It was always so difficult – and then, I realized that it was the carbonation I liked, not the caffeine or sugar or flavor. So, I started drinking sparkling water, and I didn't miss soda at all! I've been soda-free for a couple years now, and I am addicted to Perrier. I probably go through half a dozen cans a day, and I can't write a single word unless I have a can by my side.
4. Blankets. Socks. Sweatshirts. Fingerless gloves. What can I say? I am SO COLD all the time -- bad circulation, I guess -- and I need to be nice and cozy in order to write. I have been known to show up at a writing friend's house for the afternoon with blankets, pillow, and slippers. I haven’t gone beyond the socks, sweatshirt, and gloves for the library yet, but you never know…
5. Okay, this one is bad. I kinda don't want to admit it, but here goes... Before I can start writing, I go to my phone's settings and turn on airplane mode, so that my text and internet is disabled. If I DON'T, then I will write two words, check my email, write another sentence, scroll through FB, look up some synonyms for an overused word, write a paragraph, and then hop over to Twitter or instagram... You get the idea. I get distracted SO EASILY and the only way for me to rack up a significant word count is to shut off my access.
There you have it! The five things I need in order to write. What am I missing? What do you need in order to write/read/study/work?
Wow!! Wasn't that inspiring?!! Thank you for stopping by and I can't wait for the next installment!
About the Author
Pintip Dunn graduated from Harvard University, magna cum laude, with an A.B. in English Literature and Language. She received her J.D. at Yale Law School, where she was an editor of the YALE LAW JOURNAL. She also published an article in the YALE LAW JOURNAL, entitled, “How Judges Overrule: Speech Act Theory and the Doctrine of Stare Decisis,”
Pintip is represented by literary agent Beth Miller of Writers House. She is a 2012 RWA Golden Heart® finalist and a 2014 double-finalist. She is a member of Romance Writers of America, Washington Romance Writers, YARWA, and The Golden Network.
She lives with her husband and children in Maryland. You can learn more about Pintip and her books at
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