The Curse Defiers
(Curse Keepers #3)
Denise Grover Swank
Pub September 30th 2014
by 47 North
ARC for Review
For centuries the gods have waited—for the betrayal that will release them, for the traitors who will defend them, for the warrior who will challenge them. Now at long last the gate between the human and spirit worlds is open, and with it, an army of vengeful demons poised to swarm the earth. Only the Curse Keepers, Ellie Lancaster and Collin Dailey, can stop it…if they can break free from a tangled web of treachery, jealousy, and lies.
Torn between two men—her heart belongs to David, yet her soul is bound to Collin’s—Ellie no longer knows who she can trust. Demons slipping through the gate are leaving a trail of bodies in their wake, each death a chilling reminder of the power of the ancient spirits to bring humanity to its knees. Faced with an unimaginable future, Ellie realizes the time has come to turn her back on prophecy and choose her own destiny—even if it means defying the gods themselves.
In the thrilling conclusion to the Curse Keepers trilogy, humanity faces its final battle for survival!

The Alpha Omega is Ready to Party
BAM!! This is what I’ve been waiting for!! As far as book 3 in the Curse Breakers Series goes…it has by far been my favorite one! There is no slump, not to too much back story crowding the things happening, and boy oh boy they sure do happen! From start to finish I devoured this book I could not wait to see what would happen with these characters. One of the major plot twists was pretty predictable but that’s okay it didn’t take away from the surge of emotions when the main characters find out. Seriously y’all The Curse Defiers has set the bar pretty high for the next in the series. OH, did you think it was a trilogy too? Nope! It is going to be a 6-7 book series! Yikes?! Right?! The ending was great not a cliffhanger per say but intense enough that I’ll be anxiously awaiting the next.
C-hilling, an encounter that brings a vague prediction will be just the beginning of what Ellie must face.
U-ndone, Claire has come back from her honeymoon and brings very surprising news to Ellie regarding her role as Ellie’s advisor.
R-ecoil, something evil and dark surrounds the house Ellie grew up in. The time has come to consider walking away. At Claire’s persistence Ellie agrees.
S-ign, through all of the research Ellie and David have done they know someone who may have some ever sought answers. Returning to David’s home fills Ellie with reservations. Allison, David’s ex doesn’t know she is just another pawn in the game of the gods.
E-vil, a sudden attack shocks David to his core making him realize exactly what they are up against. He feels useless but Ellie needs him more than they know. Filled with a new found determination these two will take a great risk at a great cost.
D-angerous, Ellie’s new ally wants to live freely he will help her as much as he can. Ellie is no longer very trusting but she knows to trust her gut. In this instance she knows she needs Tsagasi, he has already proven himself useful when she asks the right questions.
E-vents, Ellie’s memory has been repressed for so long it will take her new found powers to make them emerge. Having the strength is not an issue, but there are scary things out there making a blood oath will ensure her safety.
F-rozen, coming face to face with the events that destroyed her life is hard for Ellie. Knowing who was behind the murder of her mother rocked her foundation. Being on a precipice isn’t easy Ellie knows she will have to face this truth soon.
I-ndignant, Ellie’s new alliance informs her she will need Collins help. Going to him has never been easy but he is trying to prove to her his sincerity. Collin is committed to making things as right as he can, his love for Ellie has made him change.
E-lders, things have gone terribly wrong. The warehouse was not what they expected, Ellie knows she is up against cunning forces. Nothing and no one will stop her from making things right, even if it means risking her own life.
R-ealization, rocked to the core Ellie taps into her power making everyone feel her pain. Things have drastically changed, rest is not an option. The demon terrorizing everyone is on the run now that Ellie knows who she is there is a new book in play. Nothing can hide that demon from her wrath.
S-urprise, everything Ellie has known changed in an instant. Another piece of an important puzzle has survived, Ellie knows this is a message from her father that she can defy those that intend to cause harm.
That ending…that ending right there! It was like, bang, pow, zap, punch, stab, BOOM! I just ate it up! Update: Ellie still hasn’t decided between Collin or David. Oh wait! She has actually, she chose David. The only thing is there is this crazy connection between Ellie and Collin!!! I will say that something changed between them at the end of the book. #TeamDavid is looking pretty smug right about now! Wait! Does that mean I’m #TeamCollin? Well I’ll be darned! I guess I am…call me a hopeless romantic but if there is a magical soul connecting earth shattering bond then I want my main girl to have it! David seems to be Mr. Right Now but who knows I could just be plain crazy. Any who, all the gods were there and we were introduced to new characters all of which I thought were fabulous additions. I am so eager to continue this series I sure hope Swank releases the next one tomorrow! Lol but cereal guys stick it out with this series the 3rd was KILLER!
My Rating
4.5 Alley, Raven Mocker, Curse, Ring, Tree, Gate, Letters, Guardians, Grill, Brothers, Forest, Blood Oath, Murder, Hood, Carpet Store, Roof, Phone, Death, Steven, Sacrifice, Dual, Chase, Sword, Attic, Fire, Heirloom, Peace for Now, But Something Big is Just Around The Corner, Filled Stars!!
About The Author
New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Denise Grover Swank was born in Kansas City, Missouri and lived in the area until she was nineteen. Then she became a nomadic gypsy, living in five cities, four states and ten houses over the course of ten years before she moved back to her roots. She speaks English and smattering of Spanish and Chinese which she learned through an intensive Nick Jr. immersion period. Her hobbies include witty Facebook comments (in own her mind) and dancing in her kitchen with her children. (Quite badly if you believe her offspring.) Hidden talents include the gift of justification and the ability to drink massive amounts of caffeine and still fall asleep within two minutes. Her lack of the sense of smell allows her to perform many unspeakable tasks. She has six children and hasn’t lost her sanity. Or so she leads you to believe.
You can find out more about Denise and her other books at:
Nice. I'm glad there wasn't a slump for book three. I love this author too.. I need to read this series.