Sunshine & Whiskey
Romantic Comedy
Cover Designer:
Silver Plum Creations
Release Date:
April 21st, 2015
Sometimes the best things in life come from the unexpected. So if you lower your expectations, then you’ll never be disappointed. Sound cheesy? It is, but it's also true. Clichés come from a grain of truth…like a man with a Porsche is compensating for something, or once a cheater always a cheater—you get the idea. Sorry, I digress. I'm supposed to be telling you what this book is about.
I'm Megan Walker, a lawyer at one of the hottest boutique law firms in Atlanta. I'm on the fast track to making partner and have my entire life planned out...or I did.
We all know how that goes, right? Best laid plans and all that.
Life just threw me a couple curveballs, so I've set out to take things into my own hands. By throwing caution to the wind and getting out of my A-type personality bubble, I'm learning more about myself than I have in my twenty-seven years.
Sound like a chick flick, doesn't it?
It’s not.
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Something Stunning This Way Comes
I must say this is a TOTALLY different read than what I’m used to from Griffin…But what an escape!! I loved every minute of Megan and Laura! Being a fan of road trips myself I must say these two ladies take the cake. There isn’t anything dark or any insane earth shattering discoveries. But what there is, is…Friendships, Love, Laughter, Family, Life, Jokes, Tears, Fights, Heartbreak, Loyalty, Passion, Wine, Whiskey…and a story of what it means to find oneself through a sea of expectations. Lol and all this happens because of a road trip! Get ready to lose yourself for an evening in this delightful yet deep read, that demonstrates what it is to love those in your life, and finding out what it means to love oneself. Beyond everything anyone has come to expect, waking up and knowing everything you do is because it makes you happy! Gah I’m gushing and I know it! #FanGirl
S-ass, Megan has worked so hard to get to where she is. All her focus is on nailing today.
U-shered, a pull has directed Megan home and what she sees will lead her to a life she could never imagine.
N-otorious, always so strong all Megan has ever wanted is to make partner her drive is an immovable force to be reckoned with.
S-hame, Megan has learned a very important lesson lately with the help of her family and friends she will forget the memories that lay just behind her eyelids.
H-ope, life has brought Laura back by Megan’s side. Together these two will figure out what to do next.
I-mminent, leaving her life was bound to happen. Megan will let people believe what they want but the truth is all she wants is to figure out who she really is.
N-ice, a meeting with her family will give Megan the push to solidify her plans of a new beginning that will give her the opportunity to reflect on what she truly wants.
E-scape, a trip across the country will give Megan and Laura the means to find their way in this world and a break from reality.
W-orry, Megan does not want to fall back into her usual pattern. This trip will give her the opportunity to make decisions she never thought she would.
H-idden, behind a mask of strength and determination it is very hard for Megan to give up her usual control of things.
I-ntrusion, knowing her past could be there wasn’t enough to stop Megan. Admissions of love will cause great pause.
S-trained, hurt by the actions of the past will confuse Megan enough to make her decide on actions that aren’t normal. A past love is not enough to heal the hurt from the heartbreak that altered her life.
K-nowingly, aware of the pull Megan deems him Magic but there are many things that keep her wall up. Nevertheless Walker has this pull that will make Megan close all other doors and open her heart.
E-lude, making a move that could cost her everything will not stop Megan and Laura from doing what they know is right. Now Megan must face what is coming her way.
Y-esterday, the past no longer has a hold on her and everything in her future is bright. Together with the possibilities of what could be is all that she wants. Love has found its way back into her heart and no one plans on letting go anytime soon.
Gah this was such a fun read!! I Fu*&ing love Unicorns and Rainbows!!!! Everything that Megan went through was real and relatable. We've all been there down to every single feeling she felt. Even the amazing bestie that just gets you unlike anyone else. I won’t say this is a perfect fairytale cause its not there is plenty of mistakes and heart ache but it is perfectly imperfect. I cannot recommend this enough for a wonderful afternoon full of laughter and knowing a wonderful ending is yet to come. I can’t wait for this series to continue. I’m curious to see what happens with Lo and all of the wonderful characters I’ve come to love. This was a surprise of a read full of delightful moments and the end brought plenty of heartfelt tears and goodbyes. I cannot recommend this one enough! Megan and Laura are an epic team and I fell in love with their adventures!!
My Rating
4.5 Deposition, Stain, Ramming, Next Day, Strapless Dress, Best Friend, Road Trip, Social Media, Concerts, Mustang, One Night Stands, Peter, Love, Mistakes, Napa, Wine Whiskey, Investments, Christmas, Vineyards, Proposal, Tattoo, Believing in Magic filled Stars!!! Eeeeeep I heart this read so hard!!!!!
R.L. Griffin published her first book in 2004. After that she focused on practicing law. A few years ago she began writing the By A Thread series, which is out now. Her goal is to keep readers on their toes, whether it's the plot twist or the book itself, her books are outside any box. There is a little bit of grit in most of her books and a ton of cussing. Most books are enjoyed better with a glass of wine, or whiskey, whatever your poison may be.
She lives in Atlanta with her husband, kid and dogs. She loves to travel and meet readers.
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Just not sure what to expect from this book. The blurb has me wondering and your review seems to suggest it's a lot more than I realized. Great review.
ReplyDeleteRoad trip and best friends. Looks good! I don't get to read many of these.