Bliss Carrington has known Jimmy most of her life, since Kindergarten to be exact. He took on the role of the big brother Bliss never had, breaking Bliss out of her shy shell, encouraging her to have fun in high school, and pushing her to live her life. It’s always been friendship between them until one day, she realized, it wasn’t. Now seeing women everywhere swoon over Jim Brason, NFL's head quarterback of the New York Cougars, is enough to drive her to madness.
Jim Brason, an alpha whore, is on a fast track to fame and money. In all this craziness, the one person who keeps him sane, keeps him whole is Bliss. He’s been in love with her since before forever, but she doesn’t know and can never find out. He’s a firm believer that history repeats itself. With his tainted past, he’s afraid he’s fated to hurt her if he allows himself to follow his heart.
Bliss watched this boy grow into a man and it wasn’t fair that someone else would get to keep him when in her heart, she knew he only ever belonged to her.
Can their friendship survive? Can she live pining over a guy who will never commit? She doesn’t want to live like this, but she doesn’t know a life without him either.
EVERYTHING HAS CHANGED is a story of Love, Loss, and Longing for the boy you grew up loving.

The Purest Love Stems From A True Friendship
I first fell in love with Mia Kayla's writing style when I read Marry Me For Money!! I loved Loved loved that story it was right up my alley. I didn't bat an eye twice when I saw she was writing another novel though its completely different from her first book it still made me feel all giddy and happy and on the edge of my seat. Oh and don't get me started on the buckets of tears that I shed!! Lol seriously at least two buckets. Ms. Kayla's writing style is one I've come to love so I will definitely be following her work in the future.
E-vening, one night out with her friend will bring to light many feelings Bliss has been trying to ignore.
V-ice, for as long as she can remember Bliss has loved her best friend.
E-scape, Jim has always relied on Bliss and there isn't anything he wouldn't do for her.
Resenting, Bliss has been driving herself insane recently with all of the self imposed stress.
Y-outh, since the beginning of school Bliss and Jim have been side by side.
T-houghts, when they were younger things were easy the love they shared didn't come with any complications.
H-ope, thoughts of their time together and the electricity they share fill Bliss' mind and heart with maybe someday.
I-nstrumental, life has given Bliss and Jim some difficult times but through it all they have been each others rock.
N-ostalgia, so many things that surround Bliss remind her of Jim but she knows she has to give up and find a way without him.
G-host, when someone from her past comes back and admits certain feelings Bliss dares to take a chance.
H-esitation, Bliss has always had certain quirks and is not like most girls. Her reaction to attention has never been a good one.
A-ssumptions, everyone has always expected certain things from these two but things have recently become more complicated.
S-earching, so many times Bliss and Jim have shared many moments but life keeps creating these perfect pockets where they are on the brink of something more.
C-harged, the thought of Bliss being with someone else drives Jim mad and he will chase the one thing he has always wanted.
H-eartache, reality comes crashing down on these two in the form of Jim's mother so quickly the void is beyond painful.
A-nger, Bliss cannot believe their current situation or why things are turning out the way they are.
N-eglect, life is hardly livable without Jim but Bliss will try as hard as she can to move on.
G-ames, a promise made is a promise kept nothing will ever stop Bliss from being true to her heart.
E-ruption, an earsplitting accident will rip Bliss apart for the last time. Regardless of the capacity she will never deny herself Jim.
D-ream, living in love is so much better than living in fear. Life will have ups and downs but their love has always been a constant and something these two will fight for till their last breath.
Eeeeeeeeep!! This was such a sweet read I devoured it on one fell swoop! I could not STOP!!! Everything Has Changed was told in Bliss' point of view and went from past to present. LOVED THAT!! I felt these two falling in love from the very start and it was a super endearing read. There were a few story lines that I wished would have been tied up a bit further but nothing crazy important so it didn't affect the overall story. Ms. Kayla's characters are super relatable and I just love that. So for a sweet quick read that you won't be able to put down def pick this one up NOW!!
My Rating
4.5 School Bus, GoldFish, Camp, Sleepover, Broken Glass, Prom, Tube Dress, Red Hair, Blonde Hair, 8am, Opening Game, Stretcher, Cab, Father, ESPN, Mother, Blessings, An innocent tender love that develops into so much more LOVE filled STARS!!
About The Author
Mia Kayla is a New Adult/Contemporary Romance writer who lives in Illinois. On the weekdays, she can be caught wearing a suit, commuting to her corporate job in downtown Chicago and raising three beautiful munchkins in the suburbs, four if you count the husband.
In her free time she loves reading romance novels, jamming to boy bands, catching up on celebrity gossip and designing flowers for weddings.
Most of the time, she can be caught on the train with her nose in a book sporting a cheeky grin because the main characters finally get their happily-ever-after at the end.
She loves reading about happy endings but has more fun writing them.
Awesome review this book looks and sounds like a really cute fun read I most difinately need to check it out! Thanks for the great giveaway!
ReplyDeleteAwww! I love stories about best friends being in love with each other, but too afraid to tell. IT always makes me nervous though, wondering if they will finally admit and just love and be happy. This sounds really, really good! I am definitely going to have to look into it!
ReplyDeleteI am happily married, and I married him because he is my best friend, and the most amazing, perfect guy for me. And I love him more than words! So, in answer, money isn't everything. Sure, its nice. It is awesome. But, I wouldn't be happy if married for money. I can honestly say that, even if we were poor, I would be so happy in my love for my husband!
DeleteRia!!!! Thank you so much for your awesome review. And thank you for joining my tour again :)