Loving You Always
(The Bennetts #2)
Kennedy Ryan
Pub October 7th 2014
by Forever Yours
ARC for Review
Kerris Moreton should be the happiest woman in the world: She has a successful business and is about to start the family she's always wanted. But the man of her dreams-the one whose green eyes see straight into her soul and whose gentle hands make her body hum with pleasure-is not hers.
Each secret moment with Walsh Bennett serves to remind Kerris of what she's missing. And every stolen hour makes it harder to see her future without him. But being with Walsh would betray a sacred promise and upend her perfect life. When tragedy strikes, the razor's edge between love and loyalty grows sharper than ever. And Kerris must decide where her heart will fall . . .
Don't miss the first installment in The Bennett's Series...When You Are Mine. Available now!

My Thoughts
Loving You Always packed quite an emotional punch for me! What an excellent sequel to When You Are Mine. I believe that the heart wants what it wants, and it is important to be truthful with ourselves. In When You Are Mine, Kerris married the wrong man. Clearly, she made many mistakes, and in Loving You Always, she along with Walsh and Cam paid for them.
In Loving You Always, we see how dysfunctional Kerris and Cam's marriage is, and how their relationship lacks trust, respect, security, and honesty. As their marriage quickly goes in to a downward spiral, Kerris is desperate to try to save her relationship with Cam. Even though she longs for and loves Walsh, she doesn't think that she is good enough for him. She has abandonment issues, and with Cam she thought she had security. However, Cam is extremely jealous, doesn't trust his wife, and feels deeply betrayed by her and Walsh. Eventually, a tragedy occurs that is the final straw for their marriage. Walsh figures he now has the opportunity to be with his soulmate, and begin anew, However, Kerris realizes that she needs to work on herself, and deal with her many issues. She tells him she needs time and space to figure out her life. At the end of that time, will she still want Walsh? Furthermore, will Walsh continue to wait for her?
Love You Always was filled with a lot of highs and lows, deep emotions, and angst. Even though, the situation could have been prevented to a certain extent if Kerris had made better decisions; I still couldn't help but feel sorry for her. Kerris, Walsh, and Cam were all very realistic. They all had flaws, but at the same time vulnerabilities and were good people. I was rooting for Kerris and Walsh to find their way back to each other. After all they were soul mates through and through. While I felt badly for Cam, I also know that their is a better match out there for him, and I hope with all of my heart that it is Jo (Walsh's cousin).
In Loving You Always, we see how dysfunctional Kerris and Cam's marriage is, and how their relationship lacks trust, respect, security, and honesty. As their marriage quickly goes in to a downward spiral, Kerris is desperate to try to save her relationship with Cam. Even though she longs for and loves Walsh, she doesn't think that she is good enough for him. She has abandonment issues, and with Cam she thought she had security. However, Cam is extremely jealous, doesn't trust his wife, and feels deeply betrayed by her and Walsh. Eventually, a tragedy occurs that is the final straw for their marriage. Walsh figures he now has the opportunity to be with his soulmate, and begin anew, However, Kerris realizes that she needs to work on herself, and deal with her many issues. She tells him she needs time and space to figure out her life. At the end of that time, will she still want Walsh? Furthermore, will Walsh continue to wait for her?
Love You Always was filled with a lot of highs and lows, deep emotions, and angst. Even though, the situation could have been prevented to a certain extent if Kerris had made better decisions; I still couldn't help but feel sorry for her. Kerris, Walsh, and Cam were all very realistic. They all had flaws, but at the same time vulnerabilities and were good people. I was rooting for Kerris and Walsh to find their way back to each other. After all they were soul mates through and through. While I felt badly for Cam, I also know that their is a better match out there for him, and I hope with all of my heart that it is Jo (Walsh's cousin).
My Rating
I am really looking forward to, Be Mine Forever. The Bennetts Series is highly addictive, a super fast page turner, and like your favorite soap opera; you don't want to miss one episode!!! I give, Loving You Always, by Kennedy Ryan, 4.5 Intense, Emotional, Angsty, New Beginning Filled Stars!!! Read this series!!! Kennedy Ryan creates an amazing story that will hook you, and leave you begging for more!!!
"So this was love. This fear; this need. This insatiable thirst that racked her soul when she thought of him. The tremble of her hands when he was near. The catch in her breathe at the thought of his hands on her body. The tenderness when she considered what an amazing man he truly was. The possesiveness that sluiced through her at even the thought of him with someone else." (eARC, Loc. 2403)
My Favorite Quote
Lies Reveal Themselves Like an Explosion
What?!! I want to start off by applauding Ryan her characters have been through so much I knew things couldn’t continue the way they were in When You Are Mine. Loving You Always held every emotion for me. I knew something drastic had to happen and it sure did no one remained the same. I wasn’t Kerris’ biggest fan but in Loving You Always she was transformed by the end of the story. I am beyond thrilled about the way this ended I felt that as difficult as everyones situation was they were building towards a bright future.
L-ife, Cam has been very fortunate and given a great amount. What he thought meant the most to him has been his greatest let down.
O-wning, Walsh never wanted anyone hurt but he had to stop lying to himself and everyone he loves even if it means losing their esteem.
V-ow, Kerris knew what was in her heart but she was afraid to admit and accept it. Being Cam’s wife should have been a dream come true but a part of her isn’t convinced.
I-nquisition, finding damming evidence Kerris confronts Cam only to find out she was wrong. Old wounds resurface bringing everything to a boil.
N-uclear, Cam thought all he needed was this marriage and future family soon the explosion will shatter everything he once believed.
G-lacier, Kerris and Cam’s hearts have been ripped to shreds. Cam knows what he must do. Kerris has to pick up the pieces.
Y-outh, though Kerris grew up alone and surrounded by abandonment a part of her past has returned. Knowing this is what she needs Kerris will embrace the past with open arms.
O-bscured, Walsh could have turned into the man he has been in the past but wanting a connection to his father and honoring his mother would not allow that.
U-nion, regardless of what happens Walsh is tired of lies and half truths he knows what he wants and will make sure everyone else knows the same.
A-lone, Kerris has the one person she needs by her side everything else she will do for herself by herself.
L-essons, knowing and admitting what is in her heart will free Kerris knowing someone will be hurt isn’t easy but half truths are what put her in this predicament she will make sure it doesn’t happen again.
W-ords, Walsh has always had to work twice as hard as everyone else. Being his fathers son wasn't easy but now that passion he inherited will be his driving force.
A-way, finally able to face their guilt and demons Kerris and Cam embrace their moment not knowing what the future holds but knowing they will always have a connection.
Y-ielding, Jo and Kerris have work left ahead of them but after all these years they are able to connect. Jo knows where Kerris’ heart lays because she can see it, there is no room for doubt.
S-urprise, knowing his mothers wish before death Walsh will try to make amends and work towards finding the love that was lost. A Christmas gift no one was expecting will unite those that needed it most.
There is so much joy I was balling my eyes out. This wasn’t an easy task for these beloved characters of mine but by the end I felt as though things were where they needed to be. Walsh has always been my favorite so his happiness made me happy. Ryan delivers another page turner with this one full of highs and lows desperation determination and finally the acceptance of happiness these characters so desperately need. I can’t wait to see where these characters go from this point.
My Rating
4.5 Wedding, Kiss, Interview, Paris, Accident, Promise, Mama Jess, Consignment, One Year, Therapy, Christmas Party, Confession, Trust, Yacht, Amelia, Dress, Christmas Present, Portrait, Fame, Unwavering Love Filled Stars! Another great read that I highly recommend.
About The Author
Kennedy Ryan writes contemporary romance and women's fiction. She always give her characters their happily ever after, but loves to make them work for it! It's a long road to love, so sit back and enjoy the ride. In an alternative universe and under her government issue name, Tina Dula, she is a wife to the love of her life, mom to a special, beautiful son, and a friend to those living with autism through her foundation Myles-A-Part, serving Georgia families.
Her writings on Autism have appeared in Chicken Soup for the Soul, and she has been featured on the Montel Williams Show, NPR, Headline News and others. Ryan is donating a portion of her proceeds to her own foundation and to her charitable partner, Talk About Curing Autism (TACA).
Her interview series MOMMIES DO THE MOST AMAZING THINGS is featured each month in Brooke Burke's online magazine Modern Mom.
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