Love's Sacrifice
(The Billionaire Banker #5)
Expected Publication
April 29th 2014
Author Self pub
April 29th 2014
Author Self pub
Some secrets won’t stay silent...
An evening out at the theatre for Lana and Blake ends prematurely with shocking news.
Frantic, the couple rush home to discover their worst fears. And Blake is forced to confront the realization that his new family is on a collision course with his past — caught in the crossfire of adversaries who won’t hesitate to hurt them.
Once again Lana shows the strength that underpins her character to keep her family together, but with Blake already weakened by the revelation of devastating secrets, will they be strong enough to face down such menacing adversaries?
Lana and Blake know that time is running out and difficult decisions must be made, ones that will irrevocably and forever alter their lives.
And that ultimately, Blake will be called upon to make the greatest sacrifice of all…
(18+ due to mature themes and sexual content)

True Evil is Not Always in The Open For All Eyes to See
Oh my SH*T! that was phenomenal Le Carre brings her A game to the table for this one. This is part 5 of an intense series that started with a desperate girl and a man who had it all except the most important thing. Lana and Blake's love has been through so much pain but through it all they have always maintained their passion. I'm a huge fan of this series its always bitter sweet coming to the conclusion of a these two's story. L-ost, Victoria was casted away her horrendous act has make Blake take action.
O-pen, Lana cannot get over how amazing Blake is their honeymoon is something she will never forget.
V-ictoria, the pain inflicted upon her can't hold a candle to what she has planned as her revenge.
E-ncounter, visiting with her mother will be the beginning of what Victoria plans to set in motion.
S-uspicious, while away a visit to Sorab from Blake's mother will prompt them to find out more about why she is taking an interest.
S-uperior, Blake's mother will never accept Lana in his life after a humiliating display Lana knows never to try again.
A-lone, playing into Victoria's game she will acquire the pawn she needs to set things in motion that will alter everyones lives forever.
C-areful, not sure of what may happen Lana and Blake take extra security measures.
R-evelations, part of Victoria's plan has been executing crushing Blake and Lana is only the beginning.
I-ncriminating, Blake knows who is behind his and Lana's torture he will do what it takes to restore their happiness.
F-ierce, Lana will not go down without a fight she is willing to give up everything in order to have what was taken from her back.
I-llusion, everything Blake knew to be true was false walking away is something he welcomes.
C-onfrontation, coming to terms with everything has been easier than expected. Blake will never be fully rid of his past he now knows where the power was hidden all these years.
E-ntrust, Lana saved Blake from the darkness he vows to keep Sorab safe and away from the evil that will always loom over their lives waiting for a chance to strike.
Omg so I've spoken before about Ms. Le Carre taking us through twists and turns, Love's Sacrifice is no different. So many shocking truths are revealed that they will have your jaw hitting the floor. I despise spoilers so I won't go into it just know that things aren't as they seem. The people we've met have motives that aren't revealed until this installment. The ending was perfect! There were a few shocking things that happened and evil's were dealt with accordingly. The most powerful of serpents makes a promise to Blake and he vows to make sure it never happens. Finally achieving the peace he has longed for will be the beginning of the rest of his and Lana's life. So I know this is the conclusion of Lana and Blake but the ending was left a bit open. Fast forward through time and I can totally see something being written about Sorab. This was a wonderful read I cannot recommend this series enough! Bravo! Bravo! Bravo!
My Fav’s
Lana & Blake
These two love each other fiercely there is nothing they wouldn’t do for each other. My heart broke for them when they were crushed by Victoria but they figured out a way to remain together through the pain and the finale was magnificent. This power couple will stay with me and the obstacles they've overcome. Lana & Blake have both suffered a great deal of loss in their lives seeing them together and the light they shine was epic!
My Rating
4.5 Honeymoon, Mother in Law, Tea, Servants, Brooch, Cell Phone, Opera, Test Results, Brother, Sister, Mother, Serpent, Always Watching, Limo, Good vs Evil Love Filled Stars! I'm so sad to see these characters go but their happiness was amazing to read about! I absolutely recommend it.
About the Author
Georgia Le Carre lives in England, in an old 19th century romantic cottage surrounded by a magical garden filled with fruit and walnut trees. When she is not feeding words into her laptop, she is either curled up in bed with a box of chocolates and a good read, or lost in a long walk in the woods. Especially on moonlit nights. And often with the man of her dreams.
Phenomenal!? Nice.