Love & Loss
(The Austin Series #5)
C.J. Fallowfield
Pub June 25th 2014
By Author Self Pub
ARC for Review
Physically scarred and emotionally tormented, Gabe struggles to deal with the way his accident is affecting his future and relationship. Mia is resolved to stand by her man, no matter what, and she reaches out to her father to try and resolve some of her fears in order to move forwards with Gabe. The results of their meeting are both shocking and illuminating, helping her take a major step in her healing process.
Lexi struggles with the pressures of her past affecting her relationship, as well as her University workload, and is forced to re-evaluate what she actually wants from her life.
The Campus Killer continues to evade the authorities and potential tragedy looms when he strikes too close to home.
The Austin Series is six books in total, and is designed to be read in sequence.

Say Yes! You Know You Want To!
GAH!! Fallowfield wants me to have a heart attack! That ending was brutal. Love & Loss was AH-Mazing!! This is why I read books y’all. Brilliant by far my favorite of the series Fallowfield knocks it out of the park with this one. This is a special teams touchdown a must, must, MUST read all the way. If you haven’t picked up this series you are doing yourself a great injustice. Gabe and Mia are my power couple of 2014. Their love is epic and their chemistry is unmatched. Adults only as this has steam factor 10! Whew these two can make the most brazen blush va va va voom. All the gushing aside this installment is where we see major character development and Mia faces her fears while Gabe works on taming his demons. Unputadownable this one will keep you on the edge of your seat salivating for more. I cannot recommend this series enough!
L-ashing, not being able to control his rage Gabe will commit an unthinkable act promising never to let it happen again and willing to make a painful sacrifice.
O-nly, Mia cannot imagine a life without Gabe when she promised to try she knew all that was left was to figure out a way to make things happen. With help these two will find their way back to each other.
V-ice, pushing Gabe’s buttons is something Mia does frequently but confiding in each other and promising to be open will begin to solidify their union.
E-scape, going away has proven to be the medicine the doctor called for. Not being anywhere near Uni relaxes Gabe knowing that Mia is safe from the campus killer. Knowing what his heart wants he will take a huge chance and confess his intentions towards Mia.
L-ines, Mia has suffered so much at the hands of her father she will face him once and for all. A confrontation that was a long time coming exposes Mia’s heart and shatters her but Gabe is there to mend the pieces further embedding himself in her soul. Knowing where she stands Mia faces more troubles but she is determined to make it on her own.
O-bligations, Mia has always taken care of Lexi they are chosen sisters so when Lexi starts making bad decisions Mia knows she has to step in. Making a rash judgment call Mia will risk their friendship to do what she knows to be the right thing. Lexi needs Mia more than she knows together they will take the next step towards Lexi’s mending.
S-urprise, being with Gabe fills Mia with joy even though her life hasn’t been easy she knows what she wants and who her soul mate is. Paris will become more than just a lovely memory, it is the beginning of the rest of their lives.
S-ecrets, a wolf in sheep’s clothing will finally reveal all of the intentions all along. What turned out as Mia doing something kind may end up as the final moment of her life.

How dare you! ;0) Omg I’m dying that ending was it was gahh! Even though it was crazy cliffhangery and I usually hate those this just worked. I can’t wait to pick up the next. Like I mentioned earlier this is my favorite of the series so far! The character development was perfect just what Mia and Gabe needed. We got to know the side characters better as their story lines also developed it was amazing to see! Fallowfield took something great and with this installment she made it truly special. We find out so much and one thing in particular…*warning spoiler* I knew it! I FALLIPING KNEW IT! What a turd! ERMERGERSH! I CANT TAKE IT!!! I’m serious people don’t wait pick up this series asap!
About the Author
I am a very young hearted 44 year old female from the United Kingdom. I enjoyed writing fictional stories as a child but, like many, long working hours in my career meant that I had little time for anything else. Finding myself in the fortunate position of now being able to work from home part time, I have been able to rekindle this long lost passion for storytelling. Writing aids include chocolate, Ben & Jerrys and copious amounts of coffee, wine or cider.
Oh no. A brutal ending.