Ten Tiny Breaths, #0.5
by K.A. Tucker
Sept. 1st, 2014
Atria Press
Publisher via NetGalley
Cole Reynolds had it all. And then one night he makes a bad choice... and loses everything.
When a drunken night out at a Michigan State college party results in the death of six people, Cole must come to terms with his part in the tragedy. Normally, he'd be able to lean on his best friends. The best friends that have been in his life since he could barely walk. Only, they're gone. Worse, there's the shattered body of a sixteen-year-old girl lying somewhere in a hospital bed, her entire life ripped from her because of a case of beer and a set of keys.
Everyone assures him that they know it wasn't intentional and yet he can't ignore the weight of their gazes, the whispers behind his back. The all-consuming guilt he feels every time he thinks of that girl who won't so much as allow him near her hospital room to apologize. As the months go by and the shame and loneliness festers, Cole begins to lose his grip of what once was important-college, his girlfriend, his future. His life. It's not until Cole hits rock-bottom that he can begin to see another way out of his personal hell: forgiveness.
And there's only one person who can give that to him...
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Ten Tiny Breaths Series
Stalker/ Secret Protector…
Potato/ Po tato
I can’t, I just can’t…This was so phenomenal I can’t begin to express all of the emotions…

Don’t get me wrong this wasn’t an easy read it was dark and full of pain. We not only see but we feel Trent’s anguish and guilt that ultimately leads him down a dark path. He was so broken and though he got help, it wasn’t until he and Kace were able to connect that they were able to heal each other. I can't I just can’t…

Okay okay, I know I’ve been gushing…but….What can I say this series is a part of my “forever and always, a part of my heart, and soul” section of my bookshelf. If you enjoyed Ten Tiny Breaths…

Like a special surprise gift after an amazing birthday party. In Her Wake was JUST THAT. We get to view an entire different dimension of Trent. He struggled so much and felt his own loses. Comparing pain is like walking into a dark alley with a dead end. Never ends well, never solves anything, and definitely never makes anyone feel any better. Cole still had his parents but that didn’t negate the desperation of loss. Though he survived that accident a part of him never came out of the wreck. In Her Wake…Gives us a front row seat. Seeing him make his way towards redemption was an amazing treat. Tucker really nailed it with this series its been an amazing thrill ride. I still can’t believe the series is over. I feel a Re-read coming on! A Re-Read coming on! Whoop!


5million…Party, Keys, SUV, Mads, Apartment, Hospital, Law Suit, Separation, Garage, Dr Stayner, Amends, Star Bucks, Church, Gym, Email, Rent, Groceries, Laundry Room Door, The beginning of one of the most heartbreakingly beautifully mending love story…Eva eva! Thinking of these two always makes my heart smile! its a MUST Read!
Potato/ Po tato

I can’t, I just can’t…This was so phenomenal I can’t begin to express all of the emotions…

Don’t get me wrong this wasn’t an easy read it was dark and full of pain. We not only see but we feel Trent’s anguish and guilt that ultimately leads him down a dark path. He was so broken and though he got help, it wasn’t until he and Kace were able to connect that they were able to heal each other. I can't I just can’t…

Okay okay, I know I’ve been gushing…but….What can I say this series is a part of my “forever and always, a part of my heart, and soul” section of my bookshelf. If you enjoyed Ten Tiny Breaths…

This is my serious face…
Like a special surprise gift after an amazing birthday party. In Her Wake was JUST THAT. We get to view an entire different dimension of Trent. He struggled so much and felt his own loses. Comparing pain is like walking into a dark alley with a dead end. Never ends well, never solves anything, and definitely never makes anyone feel any better. Cole still had his parents but that didn’t negate the desperation of loss. Though he survived that accident a part of him never came out of the wreck. In Her Wake…Gives us a front row seat. Seeing him make his way towards redemption was an amazing treat. Tucker really nailed it with this series its been an amazing thrill ride. I still can’t believe the series is over. I feel a Re-read coming on! A Re-Read coming on! Whoop!

5million…Party, Keys, SUV, Mads, Apartment, Hospital, Law Suit, Separation, Garage, Dr Stayner, Amends, Star Bucks, Church, Gym, Email, Rent, Groceries, Laundry Room Door, The beginning of one of the most heartbreakingly beautifully mending love story…Eva eva! Thinking of these two always makes my heart smile! its a MUST Read!
Mikki's Review:
I am a HUGE fan of K.A. Tucker's Ten Tiny Breaths Series! I have read all of the installments, but my absolute favorite is Ten Tiny Breaths. I felt so many emotions while reading that book. It's the first book that made me ugly cry and it left me with a ridiculously big book hangover. I'm talking weeks people!!!! I could not stop thinking about it! When I finished reading it, I wanted more, more, more! I was so happy when it was announced that K.A. Tucker was writing a prequel to TTB in Cole's POV. I have printed two particular scenes that she wrote a while back from his POV (snake scene & mirror scene) and I have read them over and over again. I just love him and Kacey to pieces!
It's difficult to discuss about this book without giving out major spoilers to TTB. I highly recommend reading TTB before IHW, even if IHW is a prequel. Everything will make much more sense! I always wanted to know how Cole was living with what had happened that tragic night. Well, know that I have read IHW my heart is once again in a million pieces. I know how TTB ends, but my stomach was in knots, I was crying and a totally took a moment to think about Cole's journey. It was a very difficult one, but he did such an amazing job at getting back on his feet. The way he was determined to make everything right was remarkable! Small steps bring you big rewards.
I have to admit that I really did not know how far into TTB this book was going to take us. I started reading IHW with no expectations. I was simply happy that this was really happening! This is exactly what every TTB fan was hoping and praying for! I loved every single chapter of Cole's healing journey. IHW answered all those questions that I had while reading TTB. I love a book written from a male's POV, and this one was fantastic! I fell in love with him in TTB, and my heart is beating once again for him in IHW.
K.A. Tucker's writing style is PERFECTION! When reading one of her books you not only READ the story, you FEEL it! I had to reach for the tissue box a couple of times, and at the end I cried of joy because I was so proud of Cole's achievements. If you have not read any books by K.A. Tucker, you are SERIOUSLY missing out!!!! Add them to your TBR list ASAP, you will not be disappointed! I highly recommend them!
It's difficult to discuss about this book without giving out major spoilers to TTB. I highly recommend reading TTB before IHW, even if IHW is a prequel. Everything will make much more sense! I always wanted to know how Cole was living with what had happened that tragic night. Well, know that I have read IHW my heart is once again in a million pieces. I know how TTB ends, but my stomach was in knots, I was crying and a totally took a moment to think about Cole's journey. It was a very difficult one, but he did such an amazing job at getting back on his feet. The way he was determined to make everything right was remarkable! Small steps bring you big rewards.
I have to admit that I really did not know how far into TTB this book was going to take us. I started reading IHW with no expectations. I was simply happy that this was really happening! This is exactly what every TTB fan was hoping and praying for! I loved every single chapter of Cole's healing journey. IHW answered all those questions that I had while reading TTB. I love a book written from a male's POV, and this one was fantastic! I fell in love with him in TTB, and my heart is beating once again for him in IHW.
K.A. Tucker's writing style is PERFECTION! When reading one of her books you not only READ the story, you FEEL it! I had to reach for the tissue box a couple of times, and at the end I cried of joy because I was so proud of Cole's achievements. If you have not read any books by K.A. Tucker, you are SERIOUSLY missing out!!!! Add them to your TBR list ASAP, you will not be disappointed! I highly recommend them!
I give, In Her Wake, by K.A. Tucker 4.5 moving, phenomenal, healing stars!
About the Author
Born in small-town Ontario, Kathleen published her first book at the age of six with the help of her elementary school librarian and a box of crayons. She is a voracious reader and the farthest thing from a genre-snob, loving everything from High Fantasy to Chick Lit.
Kathleen currently resides in a quaint small town outside of Toronto with her husband, two beautiful girls, and an exhausting brood of four-legged creatures.
Well...I guess I need to read this one.