Wonderfully Wicked
C.J. Burright
Pub May 13th 2014
by Swoon Romance
ARC for Review
He haunts her dreams and embodies her nightmares…
A dreamcaster with the ability to channel creatures from her nightmares, headstrong and cynical Kalila Montgomery longs for a peaceful, picket-fence life…until the man literally of her dreams kidnaps her. Survival quickly becomes her number one goal, yet a growing attraction to the man featured in her nightmares is impossible to ignore. While she fears he will kill her, other, more terrifying enemies surround her, and Kalila succumbs to his scheme to escape.
She may be his one hope for freedom…
A deadly combination of power, cunning, and cold-hearted charm, Lydon v’al Endrian fears nothing. Feels nothing. Chained to a brotherhood of men with the supernatural ability to invade dreams, he hunts dreamcasters to be harvested for their dreams and killed. His target: Kalila Montgomery. But Kalila awakens an undeniable dark desire and a longing for a freedom long-lost. To gain everything he craves, Lydon must seduce Kalila before his plot is discovered…a hopeless challenge which, if failed, will earn him a death-sentence.
Caught up in a dangerous world of secrets and obsession, doubt and betrayal, Kalila and Lydon face the nightmare of their lives, where love will either deliver them—or destroy them both.

Night Visions Never Lie
Now that was a fun read! Wonderfully Wicked was like jumping into another world. I could not put this one down fun fun fun. Burright’s world building was fantastic. Kalila is tormented by her nightmares she has always been isolated but her strong will has always protected her. The man sent to capture her is the very person she should fear the most but something happens that goes beyond everyone’s control. These two face insurmountable odds but the fierce way they fight for each other is astounding. I can’t wait to see what will happen next. This one is definitely making my fav’s list.
W-ild, though he has watched and waited to take her something tugs at his soul Lydon doesn’t understand what Kalila is doing to him.
O-bstacle, all Kalila has ever wanted is normalcy but her curse has never let her have a moment of piece.
N-otorious, Lydon is a black the second strongest of his kind. He refuses to accept that his heart is no longer his.
D-estruction, a confrontation is inevitable buy when Kalila make a terrible mistake Lydon has no choice but to take her.
E-scape, their only chance is to return but Kalila makes Lydon bring the only sister she has ever known.
R-estrained, taken like a lamb to slaughter Kalila is forced to meet the men who one day plan to ruin her.
F-ather, the white holds to his power with a vise grip. He has plans for this dream caster and will do whatever it takes to keep her near.
U-nrelenting, something unexplainable has happened to Lydon he will risk everything to keep Kalila safe.
L-ies, Kalila is offered a reprieve that she has longed for all her life. What she doesn’t know is the details that lead to her ultimate death.
L-ust, Kalila cannot explain the desire Lydon ignites within her she wants desperately to trust him but her fears keep her from opening up to him.
Y-ielding, no longer able to deny the truth Kalila flees with the most dangerous person she knows searching for safety.
W-ise, Duhnle will help Kalila without question her safety is important to him and soon they will create a bond.
I-nnocence, Lydon can no longer run he must do whatever it takes to ensure Kalila’s safety even if it means the greatest of sacrifices.
C-alculating, a deception tears Kalila apart but soon she will figure out what her heart truly desires.
K-ill, unable to give up with the help of an unexpected ally they will rid the world of a great evil.
E-choes, knowing of more Kalila promises to offer peace she will do what she can to help mend the world of the people she has come to care for.
D-estined, being pulled in two directions isn’t ideal but knowing where her heart belongs brings Kalila a sense of home and happiness.
Eeeeep that ending was beautiful. I was so worried it would end with a cliff hanger but I’m happy to report thats not the case. Though there are more answers to be had out there, the pertinent things that needed resolution were met. This is unlike any paranormal book I've read before so that was pretty perfect. I’m looking forward to finding out more about dream casters and their mates. Every character introduced added to the enjoyment of this read and I can’t wait to see what comes next. This is one I highly recommend.
My Rating
4.5 Nightmares, Starbucks, Broken Glass, Pajamas, Sister, Woods, Mansion, Tests, Celebration, Red Dress, Stripped, Teachings, Friend, White Door, Dragon, Keg, Cell, Call, Claiming, Vows, White, Black, Mated, Passionate fiery love filled stars! Read this one ASAP y’all!!
Guest Post
What are 5 items absolutely necessary for writing?..i.e. cozy sweater, heavy metal, sunshine, taco bell? lol ;)*you know what I mean*
Thank you so much for having me on a Bookish Escape!
Want a peek into my weird writing world? Note the word ‘weird’. You’ve been duly warned. ☺ My day job interferes with my imagination spewing onto pages (need a lawyer? Give me a call), but on those perfect days off when the schedule is free for a writing marathon, I’ve got five must-haves to keep the creative juices flowing.
1. A scented candle. Don’t ask me why, cuz I don’t know, but concentration is easier with a flame and a delectable aroma soothing the senses. Yankee Candle Company loves me.
2. Snacks. My go to snack used to be Cheez-Its, but since doc discovered I’m allergic to gluten, the snack selection is more limited. Oh, how I miss thee, succulent Cheez-Its! Crunch is the key—so long as the teeth have something to destroy with a commotion, it works.
3. Music. Music affects the mood, and I’ll adjust it depending on the scene I’m writing. For a fight scene, give me Evanescence, Breaking Benjamin, Skillet, a hard beat with defiant words. For a love scene, I made a sexy-times playlist to keep me focused on the steamy stuff. For the black moment, I go to my emo roots. It’s so much easier to write a painful scene and dig into emotions when your heart is hurting too.
4. Reference Books. If I get stuck on something, I turn to the stack of books at my elbow. The Emotion Thesaurus by Angela Ackerman & Becca Puglisi helps me out when I want to get a little more creative with showing emotions. Rogets International Thesaurus is great for finding that perfect word sitting on the tip of your tongue. RWA offers fabulous classes ranging from sexual tension to medieval history, and I take advantage of it. If you’re a writer or even thinking of trying the writing thing out, join RWA. Best writerly decision I ever made. I have notebooks of classes and articles all arranged in sections, so no matter what I’m having trouble with, I’ve got it covered.
5. Solitude. I’m easily distracted…ooh, look! A squirrel! Nah, I’m not that bad (unless it’s a cute cat video), but my writing suffers if the TV is on or people gather around me, whether they’re talking to me or not. I don’t want to miss out on what’s happening! But authors must suffer for the life they’ve chosen to lead. Sigh. Isolation is a necessary evil at times.
Thanks for Stopping by Ms. Burright!
About The Author
C. J. Burright was born and raised in Oregon and loved it so much she never left. While she has worked for years in a law office, she chooses to avoid writing legal thrillers and instead leans toward urban fantasy, paranormal romance, or—since all things medieval and magic fascinate her—fantasy romance. A member of Romance Writers of America and Secretary for the Fantasy, Futuristic & Paranormal special interest chapter, C. J. also has her 4th Dan Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do and believes stories should always include a gratuitous fight scene. In what spare time she has, she enjoys working out, reading, gardening, and rooting on the Seattle Mariners with a nice glass of wine. She shares a house with her husband, daughter, and a devoted herd of cats.
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Great review. I really look forward to reading this one. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteThank you SO MUCH for the lovely review, Ria! And for having me on A Bookish Escape! MUWAH!
ReplyDeleteHonestly, the blurb had me not interested but your review has me re-thinking that.
ReplyDeleteEnjoyed reading the post, look forward to reading this book!
ReplyDeletewicked gift you are giving way and thank you for doing it
ReplyDeletethanks for the chance