Make It Right
By: Megan Erickson
Published: Sept. 9, 2014
Publisher: William Morrow Impulse
Source: Publisher
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GR's Summary:
Max Payton lives by two rules: Size and strength win any fight, and never show weakness.
When a rash of assaults sends Bowler University for a tail spin, Max volunteers to help teach a self-defense class. One of the other instructors is the beautiful pixie-faced girl he keeps butting heads with…and who challenges everything he thought he knew.
Lea Travers avoids guys like Max - cocky jocks who assume she's fragile because of a disability caused by a childhood accident. She likes to be in control, and something about being with Max makes her feel anything but. But during the moments he lets his guard down, Lea sees a soul as broken inside as she is outside. Trusting him is a whole other problem...
When the assaults ramp up and hit close to home, Lea and Max must learn, before it’s too late, that true strength can come from vulnerability…and giving in to trust is sometimes the only way to make things right.
By: Megan Erickson
Published: Sept. 9, 2014
Publisher: William Morrow Impulse
Source: Publisher
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GR's Summary:
Max Payton lives by two rules: Size and strength win any fight, and never show weakness.
When a rash of assaults sends Bowler University for a tail spin, Max volunteers to help teach a self-defense class. One of the other instructors is the beautiful pixie-faced girl he keeps butting heads with…and who challenges everything he thought he knew.
Lea Travers avoids guys like Max - cocky jocks who assume she's fragile because of a disability caused by a childhood accident. She likes to be in control, and something about being with Max makes her feel anything but. But during the moments he lets his guard down, Lea sees a soul as broken inside as she is outside. Trusting him is a whole other problem...
When the assaults ramp up and hit close to home, Lea and Max must learn, before it’s too late, that true strength can come from vulnerability…and giving in to trust is sometimes the only way to make things right.
Lindy's Thoughts:
Ms. Erickson has produced another great story!!! Max was a horrible boyfriend, and appeared to be a shallow, self-absorbed, egotistical womanizer in book one, Make It Count. Well Ladies, he has redeemed himself!!! I always fall for the wounded and vulnerable characters, and as I got to know Max beyond the surface, which was a facade that he used to protect himself, I grew to love him! Lea was his perfect match! She didn't put up with anything, and knew how to put Max in his place, get to the heart of the matter, and keep him on his toes.
Max was abandoned by his mother when he was a young child, and his family consisted of a macho, brash, and at times cold father, and two older brothers. He was taught to never cry, show vulnerability, or back down from a fight. Max was miserable as he went to college and majored in business, so that he could join the family car mechanic business. Lea, was a no nonsense, straight forward, and courageous person. She saw through to the true Max who saved an alley cat, made it homemade cat treats, was a romantic at heart, and loved helping others. She brought out the best in him, and gave him the courage to examine his life, stand up to his father, and pursue the kind of life that would bring him true happiness.
Make It Right was a great story!!! Max and Lea were amazing primary characters who were supported by an amazing cast of secondary characters. Kat, "Zuk," Danica, Monica, Cam, Max's family, and Lea's dad all felt very real to me.
I especially appreciate the fact that Ms. Erickson writes about realistic characters with real flaws. Lea had to deal with a limp, and tremendous leg pain on a daily basis from a childhood accident, that left her with painful emotional scars. She had to learn how to surrender, be vulnerable, and take a chance on love. Max had a lot to work through in order to let himself show people who he really was, instead of putting on a facade.
My Rating:
I give, Make It Right, by Megan Erickson, 4 vulnerable, learning to surrender, fun, sexy, and entertaining stars! While this story touched on deep issues, it also had a lot of humor, witty banter, sexy flirting, suspense with muggers on the loose, and wonderful friendships. I'm really looking forward to continuing the Bowler University series, and Cam's story is next!!!
My Favorite Quotes:
"I finally understand I can't predict how I'm going to feel twenty years or ten years or even five years from now. So I live my life in the moment how I see fit." (eARC, Loc. 1674)
"And she knew that while she might hold his heart, he held hers too. Like they both kept the other beating, the symbiotic relationship necessary for them both to survive." (eARC, Loc. 2699)

Everyone Deserves the Chance To Change
Make it Right was everything I expected and more! Since reading Make it Count I was curious about Max because even though he made a lot of mistakes…I saw something special beneath the layers. He and Lea are absolutely precious together. Erickson does NA right, from the angst to the sweet tenderness of finding a healing love. This was fun but not as light as her first book in this series. Both of our main characters were dealing with some heavy stuff that made my heart go out to them. I really like Ms Erickson’s writing style she has a way of pulling the reader into the pages from the first all the way to the last. This is part of a series but can be read as a standalone though I don’t recommend that because trust me when I say everyone needs some Alec in their life. This series has a special place in my heart so of course I recommend it!
M-istakes, Max lives with the guilt of what he did to his friend and the dread of what will become of his life after graduation.
A-lone, Lea has regained a part of herself she thought was lost but in that process she has vowed to never trust again and always be one step ahead of the game.
K-ind, Max is a jerk self proclaimed and justly titled but Lea see’s another dimension of him that most tend to gloss over.
E-nlightening, bickering and picking on each other was how Max and Lea always interacted but everyone could see there was more to it than the banter.
I-ndecision, Max vowed to stay away from girls but something about Lea has him rethinking everything. Not wanting to take a risk but no longer able to deny he wants more Max jumps in with both feet.
T-rust, Lea cares deeply for her friends and she has overcome many obstacles but the thought of letting someone like Max in pushes her to do something out of character.
R-emorse, knowing that what she did was wrong Lea will seek Max’s forgiveness and try to open up to him.
I-ngrained, being raised by a callous old bear has always taught Max to fight and never to be week. He cannot stand his old man but he loves him.
G-uidance, with the attacks on campus Max and Lea have been helping the students learn how to protect themselves and escape should they be attacked.
H-opeless, with the omission of the truth Max effectively destroys what he and Lea have been building. Knowing he has to act quickly he runs straight into a trap.
T-ruth, strength is not in size or muscle it is in Love and Trust. Together Lea and Max will happily embark on their future.
This was such a great read the characters will touch your heart and stay with you. The ending set up the next book very nicely and I’m looking forward to getting inside Cam’s head. I hope we get to see all of these wonderful characters again. For a great NA read pick up these books pronto!
My Favs
Yep I said it. He has been a jerk but he lives with the guilt of his mistakes and vows to learn from them. I loved his character development Max has certainly come a long way since we were first introduced to him in Make it Count. I saw something special beneath his exterior in the first book and I am so glad I was right. The circumstances of his childhood were harsh and through it all he loves his brothers and father fiercely. Finding Lea was just what he needed she gave him strength where he was lacking so of course he was going to fight for her! Well done Max!
Super cool Lea wasn’t always the way she is now. Lea has both physical and emotional scars that she has to bear everyday. They have impacted her life a great deal. Yes she went through the angry gothic phase but grew out of it. Just because she limps doesn’t mean she is a pariah. I love that she became a black belt and learned to channel her anger. All that was missing was the strength to trust. Fortunately Max got under her skin and was able to make her open up. Trust me when I say these two make a wonderful couple and it was a super treat watching them fall in love.
My Rating
4.5 Parties, Pizza, Boyfriend, Cousin, Library, Stray Cat, Cucumber, Treats, Cookies, Garage, Business Major, Black Belt, Hospital, Gym, Ice Skating, Twinkling Lights, Kissing Bet, Snickerdoodle, Gun, Emergency Phone, T-shirt, Confession, Coconut, Building Tour, Thanksgiving, Graduation, New Beginnings Love Filled Stars! Check out this series it has my <3!!
Megan Erickson grew up in a family that averages 5’5” on a good day and started writing to create characters who could reach the top kitchen shelf.
She’s got a couple of tattoos, has a thing for gladiators and has been called a crazy cat lady. After working as a journalist for years, she decided she liked creating her own endings better and switched back to fiction.
She lives in Pennsylvania with her husband, two kids and two cats. And no, she still can’t reach the stupid top shelf.
She’s got a couple of tattoos, has a thing for gladiators and has been called a crazy cat lady. After working as a journalist for years, she decided she liked creating her own endings better and switched back to fiction.
She lives in Pennsylvania with her husband, two kids and two cats. And no, she still can’t reach the stupid top shelf.
I'm reading this right now and really enjoying it! :) I just read Make it Count and immediately had to jump into this one too. Sooooo good!
ReplyDeleteI really loved the first book. Still need to read the second.