Hosted by I AM A READER
(Runes #3)
Pub April 2014
by Firetrail Publishing
ARC for Review
Summary I love Torin St. James...
I need his strength…
But someone from his past wants me dead...
Raine Cooper is certain of two things: her love for Torin St. James and her destiny to be a powerful seeress. But when she starts having premonitions, they are unclear and disturbing. Worse, they involve Torin. With her mother gone, her father dying, and her best friend in Hel, she is not sure who to talk to.
But when the visions become more personal and she foresees her future with Torin threatened by someone from his past, Raine becomes desperate for answers. Just her luck two new students arrive at her school and they seem to have answers. When with them, her powers are enhanced and her visions become clear. There is only one problem: Torin forbids Raine to see the two girls.
Can their love survive without trust?

Boom Goes The Cannon! This Völva/Valkyrie/Norn is Here to Stay!
Seriously? I just died and came back!
Seeress was the 3rd book but 4th installment in the Runes Series and Ms Walters brings it!! One thing I must say is I still have so many questions! Luckily they aren’t old lingering questions they are bright new ones. I am a mega fan of this series because it’s hard not to be. Ms Walter's world building is excellent, the way the words flow play out like a movie in your mind as you read. When I finished Seeress I wanted to cry scream and run through the meadows. Seriously if I had a meadow I would have ran through it.

This is it y’all this is Raine’s coming out party and she does not disappoint. Has she totally gone 100% super awesome Seeress on us? NOPE but she still blows the roof off the house!! Meaning? She is totally living up to the awesomeness that I knew she would! I love the way the story and characters naturally gravitate to her without question. Everyone knows she is truly special and in this installment we begin to see why. In other words Raine is a BEAST! I can’t wait to see her grow!

I cannot recommend this series enough if you are a YA person, or Paranormal fan, or even a fan of plain old AWESOME this is a MUST Read!! I will not say it’s perfect because there are some frustrating moments but that’s all part of the wide range of feels Ms Walters provides throughout the pages. Regardless…Check this bad boy out NOW!!

S-tress, with her Mother gone Raine fears that she wont return in time to for her father. Things are not looking good and she is frustrated because she can’t help her father.
E-nlisted, Raine’s mom knows there are several things that need to be taken care of in her absence, finding Femi was the perfect solution.
E-vil, a presence is searching for Raine. Tormented by visions of death all she can do is try to figure out who is after her and why.
R-ealization, through work and training Raine is coming into her powers. She and everyone around her know she is powerful helping someone close to her will be the key to finding the person they seek.
E-rase, Torrin feels betrayed by secrets kept from him. Making things right is all he can focus on. Seeing through the veils will call Raine to action, knowing what must be done she will take hold of the situation and finish things.
S-urprise, a visit from an old friend turns sour. A tremendous showdown will ensue and Raine will have to make a difficult decision. Deep in her heart she knows the truth but the actions before her tell her she is wrong.
S-afe, overcoming the threat should be great news and though it is, Raine doesn’t understand why the norns look so triumphant. Thwarting their desires should have caused their faces to show fury not happiness.
Eeeeep we find out so many things in this installment! I’m Giddy!! Giddy Giddy Giddy!!

The wonderful cast of characters is back and they are all amazing. They all have issues but they come together as one to solve the bigger issues. There isn’t a cliffhanger in this one but its set up for more, some things haven't been resolved and the Norns are still playing their games. Definitely more to come for sure and I’m looking forward to it!!!! The Runes series has truly become one of my favorites that I will cherish in years to come. So, YEA!! Read it! Its FAB+FAV!!!
My Wish
The next to come out soon…PWEAS…

My Rating
4.5 Femi, Good Days, Mobi D, Portals, Immortal, Songs, Witches, Tremors, Coffee, Part Time, Hawk, Twins, Running, Search, Family Issues, Positive Verdict, Hel, Amber Eyes, Powerful Love, Undying Bond, Powerful Union Filled Stars!! Seriously GET THIS SERIES NOW!!!
“Did you know I was different when we first met?”
“Fishing for complements now?”
“No, wondering if you noticed something different about me, smart ass. Ingrid and Maliina did.” I faced forward and sighed. “Ingrid said witches can recognize each other.”
Andris shuddered. “Don’t talk to me about witches.”
“What is it with you guys and witches? Torin reacted the same way.” I noticed we were headed east toward my place. “You’re really not going to buy me a macchiato?”
“Got that right, but since I’m such a nice guy, I’ll go back to town and pick up your favorite. Extra large.”
I frowned. “Sounds like you don’t want to be seen with me.”
“No, I don’t. You’ll mess with my game. I’m single and on the prowl. Besides, you have papers for your father to sign and you want to catch him lucid.”
He was right, dang it. “How did you know about the forms?”
“Vulcan hearing.”
I rolled my eyes. He was a serious sci-fi fan. Movies. Books. TV series. He ate it up. Of course, he’d never admit it to anyone but those closest to him. He pulled into our cul-de-sac. My eyes went to Torin’s place. The house was closed up.
“Where did you say Torin went?”
“I didn’t.” Andris pulled up in front of my house. “He’ll be back before you know it, so go hug his pillow or something.” He ducked when I aimed my backpack at his head.
About the Author
EDNAH WALTERS grew up reading Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys and dreaming of one day writing her own stories. She is a stay-at-home mother of five humans and two American short-hair cats (one of which has ADHD) and a husband. When she is not writing, she’s at the gym doing Zumba or doing things with her family, reading, traveling or online chatting with fans. Ednah is the author of The Guardian Legacy series, a YA fantasy series about children of the fallen angels, who fight demons and protect mankind. AWAKENED, the prequel was released by Pill Hill Press in September 2010 with rave reviews. BETRAYED, book one in the series was released by her new publisher Spencer Hill Press in June 2012 and HUNTED, the third installment, was released March 2013. She’s working on the next book in the series, FORGOTTEN. Ednah also writes YA paranormal romance. RUNES is the first book in her new series. IMMORTALS is book 2. She just released book 3, GRIMNIRS December 2013. Read more about this series and the world she's created on this website. Under the pseudonym E. B. Walters, Ednah writes contemporary romance. SLOW BURN, the first contemporary romance with suspense, was released in April 2011. It is the first book in the Fitzgerald family series. Since then she has published five more books in this series. She's presently working on book seven.
I have really enjoyed this series so far, and I hope you read this one soon too. Great review. I am glad that you enjoyed it.