The Year We Fell Down
(The Ivy Years #1)
Sarina Bowen
Pub March 24th 2014
by Rennie Road Books
ARC for Review
She expected to start Harkness College as a varsity ice hockey player. But a serious accident means that Corey Callahan will start school in a wheelchair instead.
Across the hall, in the other handicapped-accessible dorm room, lives the too-delicious-to-be real Adam Hartley, another would-be hockey star with his leg broken in two places. He’s way out of Corey’s league.
Also, he’s taken.
Nevertheless, an unlikely alliance blooms between Corey and Hartley in the “gimp ghetto” of McHerrin Hall. Over tequila, perilously balanced dining hall trays, and video games, the two cope with disappointments that nobody else understands.
They’re just friends, of course, until one night when things fall apart. Or fall together. All Corey knows is that she’s falling. Hard.
But will Hartley set aside his trophy girl to love someone as broken as Corey? If he won’t, she will need to find the courage to make a life for herself at Harkness — one which does not revolve around the sport she can no longer play, or the brown-eyed boy who’s afraid to love her back.

The Way I See It
Such a sad read, The Year We Fell Down had my eyes getting watery throughout. Corey is an amazing young woman who is handed a tough hand. She meets Adam and their friendship is absolutely effortless. Adam has plenty of baggage but he has worked really hard and has a bright future all the while maintaining a charming and lovable personality. Both characters had to deal with their own demons this book was about self discovery and the power to overcome life’s hurdles.
T-urmoil, Corey’s current situation has her wanting to ditch her very pushy family.
H-urt, Corey has always had a wonderful relationship with her father but since her injury things are strained.
E-scape, going off to college is the last lifeline Corey feels she has.
Y-esterday, Adam was careless making a horrible mistake his injury has hurt more people than he knew.
E-arned, life hasn’t been easy for Adam but he has worked hard and his future is bright.
A-wkward, meeting a girl who is everything that is right for Adam doesn’t resonate because his is distracted by a cold beauty.
R-eprieve, being away from his girlfriend Adam should miss her but his days have been lighter and his friendship with Corey is blooming.
W-orries, something about being near Adam, Corey has been able to open up to him. She trusts him with a secret that has haunted her for almost a year.
E-ntertainment, what started off as a fun and carefree friendship has become much more complex and complicated.
F-uture, Corey has given up on so many things the time for her bloom has come she will show everyone just how amazing she truly is.
E-vening, what was supposed to be a fun night will become the catalyst that punches Adam in the stomach.
L-ives, Corey and Adam’s experiences have been different but they both understand each other in a way no one else can ever fully share.
L-ove, the feelings these two share are so transparent Adam will do what it takes to prove the sincerity in his heart to Corey.
D-estroyed, a very painful memory threatens to ruin every happiness Corey has worked for. With her friends support she see’s what has been in front of her this whole time.
O-pportunity, Adam has never shared his painful past with anyone but Corey’s courage is inspiring she has changed him deeply.
W-ork, Corey knows she is a fighter everyday she proves her strength.
N-ews, everyone’s pasts are out in the open. Together Corey and Adam will figure out what whatever life throws their way.
The ending was really good I was kind of hoping for a miracle fairy tale ending but thats not what we get. Ms Bowmen kept it real and at the same time was able to tidy things up. Corey was an excellent leading lady and her best friend wasn’t too far behind. This was a sweet New Adult that meets all of the requirements. Don’t worry about the love triangle it was written very well it was mostly Adam’s issues he had to overcome. I didn’t hate his materialistic ditzy girlfriend one bit. He was a smart good looking guy who knew exactly what Stacia was about like I said he’s the one who had to get over the issues. Corey had deep and painful issues it was really nice to see them find each other. Their love blossoming was my favorite part of this read.
My Rating
4.0 Hockey, Gimpmobile, Flatscreen, Lunch Tray, France, Friday nights, Little Goalies, Beer, Date, Mr D, Dana, Daniel, Italian Stallion, Braces, Red Dress, Letter, Retribution, Future, Tender Loving LOVE filled stars! For an entertaining New Adult contemporary romance that will zip on by pick this one up!
About the Author
Sarina Bowen writes steamy, angsty contemporary romance from Vermont's Green Mountains. (Her ancestors began logging and farming Vermont during the 18th century. These were rugged, outdoor types without benefit of a laptop or a good latte. It boggles the mind.) Sarina enjoys skiing, skating and good food. She lives in Windsor County, Vermont, with her family, eight chickens and too much ski gear and hockey equipment.
I haven't read a book like that, that makes me cry, in a long time. It sounds like a great book.
ReplyDeleteOh. I'm not sure I'm up for a crying book. But I do like the idea of them both being hurt and figuring things out together. Well mostly. Great review.