Coming In From the Cold
(Gravity #1)
Sarina Bowen
Pub May 1st 2014
by Harlequin E
ARC for Review
Alpine ski champion Dane “Danger” Hollister does not do relationships, though he has an excellent reason. No woman would ever say “I do” to a guy whose faulty DNA will eventually cost him everything: his spot on the US Ski team, his endorsements, and the ability to fly downhill at 90mph.
While Willow Reade moved to rural Vermont to get back to the land, that wasn’t meant to include a night stranded in her vehicle during a blizzard. Luckily, the hot ski racer she practically ran off the road has granola bars and a sleeping bag, and is happy to share. Maybe it’s the close quarters, maybe it’s the snow, but soon the two are sharing a lot more than conversation.
Yet neither can guess how their spontaneous passion will uncork Dane’s ugly secret and Willow’s tentative peace with her own choices. Only their mutual trust and bravery can end the pain and give Willow and Dane a shot at hard won happiness.

The Way I See It
This ended super cute but it was a rough road getting there. I really felt for the characters. Willow was stuck somewhere she didn’t want to be after making mistake after mistake. Dane was absolutely miserable waiting for the inevitable. The good thing was even though both main characters made plenty of mistakes they found a way to come together in the end.
C-haos, Willow’s life has been hectic a snow blizzard seems par for the course.
O-ncoming, driving too fast is about to change Willow’s life skidding into a ditch will turn into a very fun night.
M-eeting, Dane was supposed to be somewhere tonight the last thing he needed was to get stuck with a beautiful stranger.
I-nnocent, sharing the warmth of a sleeping bag was harmless enough but the chemistry in the air is too much for either of them to handle.
N-aked, Dane has made things perfectly clear to Willow but her attraction is too much to turn him away.
G-uilt, Dane is used to one night stands but something about Willow is different.
I-gnite, the passion Dane and Willow share is undeniable but they both know nothing can come of their one night together.
N-ervous, Dane has so much on his mind but seeing his brother always grounds him and fills his life with dread.
F-irst, saying goodbye was a good breaking point for Dane and Willow but Dane can’t stop thinking about her and he has never encountered that problem before.
R-egrets, Willow may be hurting over Dane’s absence but she wouldn’t change a thing being with Dane was the most amazing thing she has ever experienced.
O-nly, Dane has lost so much throughout his life he knows more losses are to follow. Being alone in the end is all he expects.
M-istake, Willow was carless which seems to be her shtick but now this will affect more than just her.
T-errible, Dane’s actions have hurt Willow deeply. Knowing what they had was never meant to be more than a physical connection doesn’t excuse the pain these two have inflicted on each other.
H-ell, being out of commission is not something that comes easy to Dane. He will push Willow for results but she wont listen so he is forced to do the one thing he has been prolonging for years.
E-asy, calling on Willow’s friend for help shouldn’t be as hard as it is but once he opens up things begin to fall into place.
C-ommunication, Dane is ashamed of his actions but he will do what it takes to win Willow’s trust back.
O-pportunity, after admitting the depth of his feelings Willow has no choice but to understand their particular situation and forgive.
L-ove, there relationship is still too young and even though they may have done things the wrong way being together feels right.
D-estined, Dean knows what he wants and only one woman has ever made him feel this way he will sacrifice everything to have her by his side.
I don’t want to give away any spoilers but let me just say there are a lot of ups and downs and heavy surprises. It was nice to see a pair of flawed individuals find each other and together find happiness. I honestly enjoyed the story but didn’t always agree with the characters. I won’t judge the book based on the fact that I wanted to slap Willow and punch Dane but even so I felt like something was missing. However Ms. Bowen brought everything together and was able to find a way for this unlikely match to find a certain happiness. I wish there were more, I feel like these characters still have so much to do, but thats just me. Even though I didn’t start the book super happy with either character by the end I could understand why they did the things they did!
My Rating
3.5 Snow, Jeep, Truck, Raisins, St Pauly Girl, Corona, Cheeseburger, Slope, Knee, Yes, No, Couch, Syringe, Funeral, lodge, Utah, Second Chance Love filled stars!! For those into love with a lot of turmoil in the beginning I recommend this book!
About the Author
Sarina Bowen writes steamy, angsty contemporary romance from Vermont's Green Mountains. (Her ancestors began logging and farming Vermont during the 18th century. These were rugged, outdoor types without benefit of a laptop or a good latte. It boggles the mind.)
Sarina enjoys skiing, skating and good food. She lives in Windsor County, Vermont, with her family, eight chickens and too much ski gear and hockey equipment.
I love the idea of being stuck in a car in the snow together to get to know each other but your review concerns me. I'm not sure I'd read this one.
ReplyDeleteLovely review! This sounds good. I don't mind a lot of ups and downs as long as the ride is good! :)
ReplyDeleteOhh this sounds interesting :) I think I'm gonna like this 'cause of the different "setting" compared to what I'm used to reading. (Btw, I'm a new follower of ABE and I really love how you write the reviews by using the title's letters :D)
ReplyDeleteJust the type of book I love to read, it sounds really good.Thank you for your honest review!