The Gleaning
(The Spellspinners of Melas County #2)
Heidi R. Kling
Pub October 2012
by Coliloquy, LLC
ARC for Review
In the second installment of the Spellspinners saga, Lily’s worldview is rocked by fear, mistrust, and heartbreak, as she deals with the fallout from the night of her enchantment.
Someone powerful is determined to keep her and Logan apart. But who? And why?
As the covens prepare to do battle in the Solstice Stones, the lines between good and evil, dark and light, begin to blur. Allegiances are called into question. Trust is broken. And all Lily knows may just be an illusion.
Will the star-crossed lovers unearth the seeds of betrayal before it’s too late? Or will the witches and warlocks of Melas County be forced to say goodbye to their magic—and any chance of reconciliation between the covens—for good?
In The Gleaning, nothing is as it seems. And Lily and Logan will have to tread carefully if they hope to uncover the truth in time to save their love and break the curse.

The Way I See It
WHAT JUST HAPPENED?!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!! That was bloody brilliant! The Gleaning was everything I expected and more! Again this is an interactive book, meaning you get to chose different paths to get to the end! I was absolutely smitten with it! Lily has to face some pretty painful truths and Logan has to fight a losing battle. What is in store for these two? I can’t wait to find out!!
T-orture, seeing Logan with her doppelgänger was the most painful thing she has ever had to endure. Lilly’s heart is in a delicate state.
H-onesty, Logan didn’t know the person he was kissing was not Lily but he felt something was off he never thought something like this would ever happen.
E-ndangered, Logan and Lily are discovered Jacob will stop at nothing to keep these two apart and it seems as though he is not the only one.
G-uilt, the anger Lily felt towards Logan is quickly overshadowed by her own mistakes. Jude was cunning in his pursuit.
L-ove, what Lily and Logan have is powerful and pure but it seems everyone is against their union.
E-vil, Jacob is a vile creature with a desire to destroy. Iris has protected her daughter Lily all of her life.
A-nswers, Logan is haunted by a memory that doesn’t add up to the story Jacob has always told him. He knows something is wrong and promises himself he will find out.
N-erves, the eve of the Gleaning has everyone on edge. Jude though mostly quiet plans to keep Logan and Lily apart.
I-ndecision, Lily is torn by doubt she will have to remain neutral and try to figure things out after the Gleaning.
N-aive, Lily has trusted the wrong people just when she needs all of her strength and wit she will be betrayed once again.
G-ift, binding two pieces of a puzzle has always been Lily’s destiny now the protection that was bestowed upon her will unveil.
Eeeeeep! Talk about a major cliffhanger ending if I didn’t already have the final book I would be losing my mind! The flow was once again seamless and I can see myself re-reading these over and over again! I loved the story and there are many new elements that are revealed I cant wait to jump into the final installment!
My Rating
4.5 Doppelgänger, Kiss, Dungeon, Curse, Gleaning, Two Halves, Protection Spell, Orchid, Lipstick, Sword, Medallion, Star Crossed Love Filled Stars! For a fun interactive read pick up this enchanting series!!
About The Author
Heidi R Kling is the author of Sea and The Spellspinners of Melas County series. Her first novel, Sea was a finalist for "Northern California Book of the Year", an IndieNext Pick, Goodreads "Mover and Shaker," a Gateway Reader's Award Finalist , Scholastic Readers Choice among other generous accolades. After earning her MFA in Writing for Children from the New School in New York City, Heidi returned to her native California where she lives with her husband and two children right over the coastal mountains from the sea.
Love books that give you pause! Nice.