Devil's Frost
(The Spellspinners of Melas County #3)
Heidi R. Kling
Pub January 21st 2014
by Coliloquy, LLC
ARC for Review
Every young witch looks forward to her first Solstice Stones. The pride of representing her coven against the warlocks. The rush from her first taste of dark magic.
But a few short minutes into the Stones, and Lily’s lifelong dream turns into a nightmare of pain and regret. Betrayed not once, but twice, her restraint snaps—with dire consequences.
Lily is wracked with guilt and on the run from the powerful Congression, when her broken confidence is further shattered by an ugly secret from the past. As her options dwindle, Lily is forced into a distasteful alliance.
Will she be able to find her way back to the light? Or will darkness consume her before dawn's new day?

The Way I See It
My heart hurts! When. Does. The. Next. Come. Out. Okay Y’all know what a fan I am of this series and I will say it totally kicks bootie! Its interactive which is pretty awesome because you get to read the same book in different ways. The possibilities are endless. I thought this was a trilogy but let me tell you its not there is so much more that needs to happen. The Gleaning is over Lily and Logan have reunited now they must work together to stop the 100 year curse. The flow was great Ms. Kling does an excellent job of keeping the reader engaged.
D-anger, things have become so hectic now Lily is in possession of a powerful object everyone covets.
E-scape, Lily is forced into a corner by the last person she suspected. Trying to run will not be an option she will need to strike down a friend.
V-ision, finding out the dreams he had were actually memories will hurt Logan deeply finding out he was loved all along will provide a small solace.
I-llusion, Jacob has warned Logan and all of his warlocks against witches but there is something deeper there that he has never shared with anyone.
L-ove, two dear friends have fallen its up to Logan and Lily to ensure their safety now its a race against the clock.
S-urprise, Lily has always been protected by her mother very soon she will find out exactly why.
F-reedom, Lily and Logan have come a long way and finally being able to give to each other completely has liberated their hearts.
R-evealing, Iris has harbored a life altering secret the time has come for Lily to know everything about herself.
O-pportunity, Jacob is vile and murderous but during a moment when a haste decision is necessary he reveals a different side no one has ever seen.
S-orrow, Lily’s life will never be the same she is faced with a terrible truth. She knows she should give up Logan but the thought of not being near him is to painful.
T-omorrow, nothing is certain but Logan and Lily will have to face their destinies and embrace them together.
So yea I don’t want to get into the darkness within Lily cause I’ve got total faith she will overcome it. The ending was’t the usual shocking ending but there is much to be done and I can’t wait to see what Lily and Logan do. We learn a lot more about the Spellspinners curse and not everyone is totally against Logan and Lily. The prophecy will keep you on the edge of your seat wanting to find out more. I’m def going to be on the lookout so I absolutely recommend this series!!
My Rating
4.5 Gleaning, Doppelgänger, Two Teardrops, White Eyes, Red Eyes, Magical Wound, Family Secret, Cliff Dive, Protection Spell, Destined Union, Dark Secret, Determined Love filled stars!! This series is one to add ASAP pick these up now!!
About The Author
Heidi R Kling is the author of Sea and The Spellspinners of Melas County series. Her first novel, Sea was a finalist for "Northern California Book of the Year", an IndieNext Pick, Goodreads "Mover and Shaker," a Gateway Reader's Award Finalist , Scholastic Readers Choice among other generous accolades. After earning her MFA in Writing for Children from the New School in New York City, Heidi returned to her native California where she lives with her husband and two children right over the coastal mountains from the sea.
About to start a marathon of these books!! So excited, thank you for sharing!!
ReplyDeleteOh no. Hurt heart? I hate waiting for books.