Death's Lover
(Eternal Lovers #1)
Marie Hall
Pub September 3rd 2013
by Forever Yours
ARC for Review
Summary Eve Philips thought she could never love again. After her husband died in a hit-and-run accident, Eve poured her heart into her potions shop, Witch’s Brew, and hasn’t given any man a second glance—until Cian. As soon as she locks eyes with him, Eve knows she’ll never be the same. Gorgeous and mysterious, he incites a passion in her that she’s never felt before. And it’s almost otherworldly . . .
Cian knows Eve is special the minute they lay eyes on each other. He’s a supernatural being with a dangerous duty, and being seen is not part of the job description. But when he meets the kind, beautiful Eve, all the rules go out the window. Now that his superiors have gotten wind of it, he has a wicked enemy on his tail. Yet all he cares about is Eve: loving her, protecting her—and finding the right time to tell her his dark and terrible secret, a secret that threatens both of their lives . . .

The Way I See It
The word I would use to describe Death’s Lover is Mysterious. I’m a big fan of Marie Hall’s contemporary trilogy so I was a little hesitant. Let me explain, it has been my experience that when I enjoy an authors work in one genre reading something in a different genre by the same author is usually lacking. For the purpose of anonymity I won’t mention any names but its true if I love an authors paranormal then read a contemporary book by them its lacking. Or vise versa if I love an authors contemporary then read their paranormal I find it lacking. What’s a girl to do? So you can see my hesitation. Boy was I ever WRONG! Marie Hall has mad skills, as much as I love her Moments Series I not once thought about it during this read!! There is no comparison between the two because they are soooooo different while still maintain the essence of love, loss, despair, and strength to overcome. Death’s Lover was an amazing story with a powerful love and sensational supers! I enjoyed all of the characters and the mystery behind the story. I’m excited about continuing this series.
D-esires, Eve has an amazing life with a man she loves though she has been haunted by dreams she never expected her life to change during a shopping trip.
E-nchanted, Cian has never seen a woman so beautiful and captivating, yet he knows happiness isn’t something for him. He has a job to do but the desperation of the woman who truly sees him is too much for him, he cannot say goodbye.
A-bhor, Chaos refuses to accept insolence. This fae will see to it that all strings are cut, loose ends tied up, and balance is met. She will call upon a trusted fae to help her with this task.
T-ime, years later the lines have been drawn and wagers have been made. Altering time is something Dagda has never done. Chaos knows something is going on but she refuses to lose.
H-inder, sent by the queen Frenzy will find a way to finish what Cian could not accomplish. A promise was made, Frenzy has bought some time for Cian and Eve but he cannot ignore his responsibilities. He will do what it takes to restore balance.
S-urprise, seeing Cian for the first time is very overwhelming for Eve. There are great forces at work, she has never felt this way before. Cian’s heart swells every time Eve is near he does not understand his feelings but he knows there is nothing he can do to fight them.
L-ies, Cian has a dark past he doesn’t want to taint his beautiful witch but he needs to figure out a way to save her soon. Everyone is pushing them together but it breaks Cian’s heart that he cannot tell her what he is.
O-pportunity, Frenzy has been lurking in the shadows doing what he must to keep Eve at bay. No one knows of his plan and it is working marvelously. All that is left is for time to run out then he will strike with stealth.
V-ice, a love more powerful than imaginable has caused Cian more pain than anything he has ever experienced in all his years. The lies have destroyed the trust he has to do something to restore the balance before his love is lost to the world.
E-thereal, the forces that give power can also take it away. Chaos is left to her affairs plenty but something more serious hangs in the balance. She has gotten the death she desires and balance is restored. Through the gloating and scheming, Chaos discovers she did not win after all.
R-esolve, debts have been paid balance restored but much is left to be done. The powers that create want to destroy and start over. Lise will do what it takes to see make sure that is not what happens.
Eeeeeeep So Good I Tell Ya! Adult paranormal at it’s finest. There is a whole cast Witches, Vamps, Shifters...and FAE!!! Each character provided an excellent detail to the story. I hope we get to see more of them. Eve’s sisters were spellbinding and every one she came across. There is a good deal of mystery the answer is hinted but not revealed till the end. Death’s Lover was absolutely gripping; I could see this story playing like a movie in my head. Marie Hall’s world building is just right. Not too much detail, but with the descriptions given it was just right. I’m really pumped about this series there are some things I would like to see happen, fingers crossed. I def recommend this!
My Favs
OMG she is like the ultimate girl ever! Wow her character was fun sassy saucy and sexy! I fell in love with her right away. Losing Michael was very hard for her and my heart went out to her because of her pain. It was palpable. Seriously her personality had me smiling she is a sultry go getter! Not perfect because she does make a few mistakes. Eve’s spirit is so bright and enthralling we know right away the mistakes she made where just that. Mistakes.
Hold.The.Phone…This guy is AWESOMESAUCE!! From the very first page we are hit with tons and tons of redeeming qualities. There were a couple of times I wanted to shake him because he refused to see what was right infront of him! Good News! I never had to cause Eve would step right in and take no prisoners. I was so relieved when he finally GOT IT! Lol he didn’t realize until the end everything he did was right. Cian tortured himself for the lies and for letting Eve down I have never met a character like him and though he suffered dearly I was happy to see things end the way they did!
My Rating
4.0 Sanfran, Great War, Treaty, Potions, Fae, Frenzy, Curtis, Tabby, Sisters, Club X, Lise, Coffin, Taffy, Tattoo, Meeting, Rain, Bagels, Candles, Skull, Massage, Death, Soul, Chaos, Matched, Pure Love filled Stars! If you like paranormal then this is for you!! Eeeeeep!
About The Author
Marie Hall has always held a dangerous fascination for creatures that go bump in the night. And mermaids. And of course fairies. Trolls. Unicorns. Shapeshifters. Vampires. Scottish brogues. Kilts. Beefy arms. Ummm... Bad boys! Especially the sexy ones.
Then the day came she realized apart from the sexy bad boy she married, there'd be no vampires/shapeshifters/mermaids/fairies/or even stinky trolls in her future unless she wrote about them. More often than not she can be found roaming the wild, lush tropical forest she calls her backyard (a.k.a. Hawaii) and day dreaming constantly about her latest project.
Her Mad Hatter is the first book of her Kingdom Series.
She loves to hear from her readers and can be reached at
OK, OK, I'll read it lol ! Awesome review ;)