The Millionaire Affair
(Love in the Balance #3)
Jessica Lemmon
Pub June 24th 2014
by Forever
ARC for Review
Millionaire ad executive Landon Downey has a policy: no romantic relationships allowed. So when he's saddled with his six-year-old nephew for a week, he doesn't think twice about asking Kimber Reynolds to act as live-in nanny. What he doesn't expect is the undeniable attraction to the woman he hasn't seen since they were kids. And not only does she like him back-she suggests they work their way down a list of extracurricular activities in the bedroom. How can he resist?
Kimber wants to prove once and for all that she can love 'em and leave 'em with the best of them. All she has to do is keep her sixteen-year crush on Landon out of the equation. No problem . . . until she realizes she may not be the only one whose heart has gotten completely tangled up in their no-strings agreement.

The Way I See It
What a super cute read this was! Ms Lemmon stepped out of her usual zone with this one. Landon and Kimber’s story was full of passion and the strength to follow what’s in your heart. This has been a very sweet and entertaining series to follow. Throughout we have been introduced to many wonderful and endearing characters! Each story gets better than the last…I can think of at least two more characters I can see Ms Lemmon writing about and I hope she does. What a fun ride this has been!
T-iming, Landon is working very hard on an important project taking care of his nephew isn’t something that fits into his schedule.
H-elp, Evan has been through so much finally taking claim on his life his brother Landon will look after his son for a short period while Evan’s life begins a new chapter.
E-nergy, Lyon is a sweet boy but keeping up with him is a task of its own. Running a company and taking care of a child full time is not something that goes hand in hand.
M-otherly, Angel has always looked out for her brothers even though she is younger than Landon its always been her goal to make sure he is all right.
I-ndecision, Landon agrees he needs help with his nephew but he’s not sure if the braces wearing creative writing friend of Angel’s is a good choice.
L-oses, weighted down by a time crunch Landon makes Kimber an offer she cannot refuse. He will find a way to deal with his current situation.
L-ive-in, Kimber never thought she would agree to taking care of a small child but her needs have proven to great. She will just have to find a way of dealing with seeing Landon day in and day out.
I-nnocent, so long ago Kimber came to live with her friend and was introduced to the Downey’s ever since that summer Kimber has harbored a flame for the very drool worthy Landon.
O-ption, Kimber never thought she would be good with children as it turns out she is. This is just a small step towards achieving her goals.
N-aive, Angel always thought Kimber had feelings for Evan upon realizing her mistake the truth of it gets put out in the open.
A-ware, Landon knows of Kimber’s attraction he feels it too but he is torn about whether or not to pursue something he knows cannot go very far.
I-ntrigued, Kimber is pushing all of Landon’s buttons he is shocked to admit he is losing control of his well crafted actions.
R-eveal, tired of hiding behind years of careful omissions and half truths Kimber affirms her attraction to Landon.
E-ntranced, the feelings these two bring out in each other are unlike anything they’ve ever experienced. Landon wants more but he cannot bring himself to admit it.
A-rrangements, though meant to be neat and organized often get blurred when feelings are involved.
F-ear, Kimber has wanted these moments for so long they are crushing her resolve she knows what must happen but it’s painful all the same.
F-uture, Landon had his stolen once running into one past and hashing it out with another has cleared his mind.
A-nxiety, knowing he may have committed the biggest mistake of his life he will do what he can to fix things even if it means waiving some of his control.
I-mages, and what if’s cloud Kimbers vision never did she think she would end up where she is now. Crying over lukewarm tea she decides she has been a coward and perhaps made the biggest mistake of her life.
R-emorse, the road hasn’t been easy and a lot of heart break could have been avoided and yet there is nothing Landon or Kimber would change. All of their missteps lead them together and finding each other and keeping each other has been the best thing to happen to both of their lives.
OMGee!! Okay so I will say this there were some pretty brazenly shocking moments in this one! Ms. Lemmon weaves a story that made me gasp and wait on the edge of my seat for more. There was one HEARTSTOPPING moment I thought I would seriously DIE about but lucky I was put out of my misery very quickly. I enjoyed the fact that even though this is fiction the characters felt genuine. Every character we have been introduced to in this series has an endearing quality that is sure to leave its mark. Do I recommend this series? Most Absolutely!!
My Fav’s
KimberOkay so she a redhead and feisty at times. I fell in love with her right away she is hard working and independent. Though she has been through her fair share of heart break in the past she is not afraid to love. Her kindness and gentle heart is evident throughout the pages. The ending brought tears to my eyes because I wanted her happiness. She achieves just that.
Yummylicious and hardworking! Fun and charismatic, he is a planner till the end. His end came in the form of an unsuspecting family friend that would turn his live upside down. I loved the way Kimber swoops in and changes him without trying to. His relationship with his amazing family also attests to why I’m such a huge team Landon fan! Life throws something pretty major his way and though he does make mistakes he also atones for them. Having his heart is something special I’m so glad these two met!
My Wish
Evan & Gloria?
My Rating
4.0 Chicago, Vintage, Chips, Superman, Balcony, Scotch, Wine, Desk, Past, Nest, Cheeky, Blue Ink, Unknowingly, unabashedly, reciprocated, everlasting love and the magic it makes filled stars! This is a super fun super cute read that anyone can enjoy!
About The Author
Jessica Lemmon has always been a dreamer. At some point, she decided head-in-the-clouds thinking was childish, went out, and got herself a job . . . and then she got another one because that one was lousy. And when that one stopped being fulfilling, she went out and got another . . . and another. Soon it became apparent she'd only be truly happy doing what she loved. And since "eating potato chips" isn't a viable career, she opted to become a writer. With fire in her heart, she dusted off a book she'd started years prior, finished it, and submitted it. It may have been the worst book ever, but it didn't stop her from writing another one. Now she has several books finished, several more started, and even more marinating in her brain (which currently resides in the clouds, thankyouverymuch), and she couldn't be happier. She firmly believes God gifts us with talents for a purpose, and with His help, you can create the life you want. (While eating potato chips.)
I'm set to read this very soon. I hope I enjoy it as much as you, Ria. Beautiful review!
ReplyDeleteAhh I can't wait to read this one. I've enjoyed the others quite a bit :)
ReplyDeleteGotta love those feisty red-heads.