Death's Redemption
(Eternal Lovers #2)
Marie Hall
Pub June 3rd 2014
by Forever Yours
Mila is a human with a secret: she can see the future. Working alongside an elite San Francisco task force her identity was supposed to remain a secret and in return she'd use her powers to bring about justice on the supernatural baddies gone rogue. Problem is, someone's found her out and leaked the information to a sect of vampires that want her for more than just her blood.
Frenzy, is a grim reaper of legend and part of The Morrigan's personal retinue. He wasn't supposed to be working the streets of San Francisco but thanks to a sudden shortage of reapers to do the job, he finds himself staring into the eyes of a woman who reminds him fiercely of a lover he'd once known in the seventeenth century. He'll do anything to make her his, even if that means becoming the monster the world had once feared.

The Way I See It
Thats IT!! I love the Eternal Lovers Series!! This is Frenzy’s story and Marie Hall has knocked it out of the park once again! After reading Death’s Lover I wasn’t sure how I’d feel about reading Frenzy’s story but the transition was marvelous. This can be read as a stand alone but I’m pretty anal about reading books in order so I most absolutely recommend this series. Marie Hall has built an amazing world where Fates meet Fae and even in the norm things are never what they seem. We find out more about the makeup of this fantastic world. We learn more about Lise and her sisters. We also learn more about Chaos, the queen of the Fae. One thing I was a bit sad about was not hearing from Cian and Eve, we didn’t cross their paths at all. That helped with making these two stories stand alone-ish so I totally understand BUT it would’ve been great. None the less Frenzy and Mila’s story was sultry sexy and I couldn't get enough of these two.
D-elicate, Mila’s future is in her hands as long as she can escape her pursuers. A moment she could not change but she would prevent harm befalling an innocent. Now she has revealed herself and she must run.
E-ager, Lise and her sisters will work to make sure things that need to fall into place will do so. The balance of things is still off but with a few little nudges Lise believes order may be restored.
A-lone, Mila knows her time has come she is tired of running now her only hope is to bait her enemy’s into taking her life.
T-ired, Frenzy comes from a very dark place. A long time ago something was taken from him. A certain madness befell his mind since that time Frenzy has been a shell where the only things he knows are anger and hate.
H-eed, Frenzy has a job to do he will wait out the creatures in order to get it done. Sick of the pain and anger he will tell his queen he is done.
S-ummoned, Lise knows what must take place she will task Frenzy with keeping Mila safe.
R-evulsion, Mila cannot stand what she’s become. For so long she has fought for the week against the monsters. Her mind and heart are at war.
E-ndanger, Frenzy discovers exactly what has Mila so terrified he will face the monster to buy them some time.
D-estiny, Mila’s bloodline has been coveted for centuries. Keeping herself safe has always been her goal but she is tired of being alone.
E-xcitement, things are so new for Mila she is a different person. Frenzy will do what it takes for her it seems Mila’s firecracker personality has found its way to his heart.
M-ore, what started off as a job has developed into true love. The passion and interaction these two have has been the fates goal all along.
P-romise, with every ounce of his being Frenzy will never leave Mila’s side regardless of the danger ahead living without Mila would be much worse.
T-rust, Chaos has shown her cards it is up to Mila to rid the world of a dark force. Everyones hands are tied as much as Frenzy would like to do this it can only be Mila.
I-nexplicable, a perfect union can only happen once Frenzy has found his mate and Mila could not be happier. Sharing ones soul only happens once.
O-pportunity, Mila has made a binding deal now she must face her darkest nightmares. She will face the darkness with love by her side.
N-ear, things are starting to fall into place Lise has impressed her sisters though it seems there are still things that need to be accomplished.
OMgee that ending! Loved it! I have to admit I wasn’t sure how Ms Hall would pull off the connection between these two hot heads but it was perfect! We are introduced to new characters even though I missed quite a few from the previous novel they were great! I’m hoping we will get to see from all of these wonderful characters again. This can be read as a stand alone but don't miss out on either story. So far Ms. Hall has done an amazing job with these different yet very intriguing story lines. I cant wait to see what she throws our way next! This series is absolutely killer I cant wait to see more!
My Favs
Talk about a chip on your shoulder. LOL jk but seriously he is still haunted by a love that was ripped from him driving him insane. Due to the actions of another reaper he finds himself on the streets ready to call it quits, just then he is introduced to a set of enchanting eyes that remind him so much of the past. I loved getting to know Frenzy his determination and the way he got under Mila’s skin made me laugh. I knew from the beginning these two were cut from the same cloth. It was nice to him figure out just how much Mila truly meant to him. Saying goodbye to his past was difficult but in order to move on its something he had to do.
Such a hot headed little firecracker! Lol I was surprised she was not a red head herself! I fell in love with her personality right away giving up her own safety to save the life of an innocent takes great courage. She was a hellion with a take no prisoner personality. I enjoyed watching her open up to Frenzy and letting him in. Once she realized she wasn’t alone we got to see a whole new side to her. Watching her strength resonate through the pages was amazing and the love she shared with Frenzy absolutely enchanting!
My Rating
4.0 Serial Killer, Vampire Poison, Deaths Kiss, Shifter Bite, Lone Wolf, Apartment Fight, Lake Bath, Frenzy, Mercury, Amber, Woods, Warning, Queen, Box, Promise, Mother, Crone, Fate, Chaos, Death, Seer, Union, Love Filled Stars! For a super sexy read with paranormal flare this series is for you!!!
“You want to know the truth?” She whispered, voice quivering because she didn’t want to tell him this. Lightning quick a million thoughts pinged through her mind. She was so used to bottling it all up inside. Keeping it all to herself. But she’d just opened herself up to him in a way she hadn’t with anyone else before. Not that she’d been a virgin, but hookups had always been secret, and brief. A way to relieve an itch. She’d never faced a partner while he’d entered, never let him see the truths in her eyes. Because truths were dangerous and bloody things that could kill as surely as stepping on a land mine.
Mila was tired of running, tired of being alone, tired of pretending that she didn’t need anyone. Pulse hammering, throat so dry it felt like swallowing sand paper she considered a never ending life of either trying to figure out someway to commit immortal suicide, or running. Again. Alone and scared. Always just barely one step ahead of the shadow, one step ahead of a death that wasn’t really a death. It was an eternal prison of torment, once sucked into the creature her conscience mind would remain, trapped, like a fly in amber. Unable to ever stop being consumed by the creature who only wanted the secrets of the future and past revealed. She’d lived her mortal life that way with the knowledge that life wasn’t long, that even if she lived to be seventy, it would one day end. But this—an eternity of running, always looking over her shoulder, always wondering where the enemy was, who it was—it was a dismal, deflating future. She was a freak even amongst monsters, there’d be no clan to offer protection, no one she could turn to.
About The Author
Marie Hall has always held a dangerous fascination for creatures that go bump in the night. And mermaids. And of course fairies. Trolls. Unicorns. Shapeshifters. Vampires. Scottish brogues. Kilts. Beefy arms. Ummm... Bad boys! Especially the sexy ones.
Then the day came she realized apart from the sexy bad boy she married, there'd be no vampires/shapeshifters/mermaids/fairies/or even stinky trolls in her future unless she wrote about them. More often than not she can be found roaming the wild, lush tropical forest she calls her backyard (a.k.a. Hawaii) and day dreaming constantly about her latest project.
Her Mad Hatter is the first book of her Kingdom Series.
She loves to hear from her readers and can be reached at
Then the day came she realized apart from the sexy bad boy she married, there'd be no vampires/shapeshifters/mermaids/fairies/or even stinky trolls in her future unless she wrote about them. More often than not she can be found roaming the wild, lush tropical forest she calls her backyard (a.k.a. Hawaii) and day dreaming constantly about her latest project.
Her Mad Hatter is the first book of her Kingdom Series.
She loves to hear from her readers and can be reached at
Ahhh I so need to get caught up in her books! I'm so far behind but gah sounds good! And dang that cover. Love the scruff!
ReplyDeleteI don't know this series but I like it when a character you're not sure about in one book becomes someone you love in another. Great review.