Novella (191 pages)
New Adult (18 +) Paranormal/Fantasy Romance
Released January 2014
I’d always been different. I saw objects in the night where others saw emptiness. Large, human shaped shadows, fierce yet beautiful, melting into the darkness. I collected secrets like other women collected bells; afraid to fully trust lest my oddities be exposed.
Until I saw him. He’d been gliding down the street, unshakable confidence in every step. It wasn’t just that he was breathtakingly handsome with perfect features. Something about him drew me. Sucked my focus to him and then tugged at my body. As his eyes met mine, I was entrapped.
No one had noticed him. He’d been right there, just beyond the light, but only I had perceived.
I had to know if he was real. Or maybe I really was crazy. And even when my secret box was blasted wide open, dangers hurled at me like throwing knives, I couldn’t stop until I unraveled his true identity.
I just had to know.
“She was fated to live.”
“Then why must you save her?”
“Often Fate is struck down by dumb luck.”
New Adult (18 +) due to sexual content and not for the faint of heart.
The Way I see It
Hold on to your seats y'all this was a wild thrilling ride!! My eyes are bugging out of my head and my chin hurts from all the times my jaw dropped to the floor! This was a super sexy steamy and disturbing read!! Definitely 18+ there were a couple of m/m scenes that seriously shocked my shoes right off! Seriously my shoes came off I was like where did my shoes go? Lol my usual concern with novella length books is connecting with the characters well let me tell you. Sasha is larger than life and her spirit shines through the pages. Breen’s writing is captivating definitely on the brazen side but a delightful read none the less.
From the very first page the action and mystery takes off. Recently I've read books that have left me hanging in the end and that's been a bit disappointing. Into the Darkness did the exact same thing BUT I’m not disappointed AT ALL! In fact I’m pretty dang giddy! Yep, I said it! Giddy!! As the reader we are given some answers and see some foreshadowing just enough to whet our pallets. Sasha is different but quite normal at the same time. She isn't overly anything, she finds herself in situations where she is not in full control of her body and she is drawn to “the Boss” Stefen in a way she cannot describe. There is a magic locked inside of her that will reveal itself but the origin of her power is unknown. I have some speculations but I've yet to see if they are founded. This is action packed from the first page to the last.
The characters were perfect Sasha and Stefen exude chemistry even though their contact was minimal. Stefen pushes to keep Sasha at arms length but just the way she has a pull towards him he feels that same pull towards her. Sasha is strong and brave in a very human way. Stefen is a leader among his people so he has to act a certain way. Sasha has a boyfriend whom she cares for dearly and though I thought their relationship was nice I felt like he was holding her back. Stefen can have his pick of the litter but his mind keeps veering back to a very stubborn and very beautiful human girl. Charles…at first I didn't know what to think of him but then he grew on me the banter he shares with Sasha is classic! I see a true friendship forming like I said I’m hooked and invested in this series I can’t wait to see what happens.
My Rating

Darkness #2
Novella (190 pages)
New Adult (18 +) Paranormal/Fantasy Romance
Released March 21, 2014
Sasha has always known she was different, but now she also knows that the shadow men she’s seen all her life, are real.
With a life goal of fitting in, Sasha hopes her strange abilities will finally make true friendship a possibility. Unfortunately, her magic doesn’t function like everyone else’s. What she thought would make her belong, sets her apart now more than ever.
Stefan, all but promised to a different woman, has tried to keep his mind on his duties instead of the irresistible and free-spirited human. But when she is threatened, he can’t keep his distance anymore. He realizes he’ll stop at nothing to keep her safe, and more importantly, make her his.
Just when one thing clicks into place, another spirals out of control. Stefan’s clan isn’t the only group that would benefit from an extremely rare type of magic. And their enemies will stop at nothing to get what they want.
Braving the Elements is the second novella in K.F.Breene’s long awaited Darkness series. Sasha’s story is one of discovery, awareness, and understanding, and is jam packed with action, humor, sexual tension, and an overwhelming desire for final acceptance.
Yep this is one super addictive series. Sasha has been through quite the ordeal Jared the person she loved is gone she knows its for the best but her heart still aches with his absence. This second installment was more addicting than the first. I had great expectations and it met every single one. I seriously read through the night because this was un-put-a-down-able. Each page had me moving right along and falling more and more in love with all of these wonderful characters.
B-usy, If Sasha keeps her mind focused on the tasks presented to her she does not feel the pain of her heart so deeply.
R-estricted, Stefen tucks Sasha away and no one is allowed to know her location.
A-spire, going back to classes isn't something Charles wants to do but he knows Sasha has plans and he will stick by her side.
V-icious, Darla wants Stefen to herself she feels threatened for the first time, she is determined to make those around her pay.
I-ntrigue, Stefen was weak he continues to punish himself, he knows what must be done but staying away from Sasha gets harder and harder.
N-emesis, Sasha finds one everywhere she turns. She is tired of running she refuses to be anyone's kicking stone.
G-rowth, Sasha knows she is different and everyone around her knows she is powerful it is time she began embracing it.
T-ouch, Sasha feels the pull towards Stefen but she will blanket the connection she has to find a way to distance herself.
H-elp, kind and handsome Sasha allows herself to lend her trust and small parts of her heart to an unlikely candidate.
E-mbrace, accepting this new world is too hard but it seems Sasha has no choice she has always been alone.
E-nlightened, Sasha is a hands on type of person now that she has discovered how to tap into her magic she will improve dramatically.
L-earning, an evening full of sadness will introduce Sasha to a new world of possibilities. A confession is made that should infuriate her but all she can feel is whats right in front of her.
E-ngaging, Stefen knows he will be forced into a decision he does not want to make. His feelings are changing and complicating his life.
M-esmerizing, the connection Stefen started has been completely solidified. Nothing can severe this bond, a moment of pure bliss will further complicate his life.
E-nsconced, a power unlike anything imaginable will unite and ignite, changing not only them but everything they've ever known.
N-etting, Charles will sacrifice and fight, nothing can stop what is about to take place.
T-orment, everyone knows his stance, his rage absolute anything in his way will crumble. Stefen will not be bested.
S-urvival, together Stefen and Sasha complete the impossible. White magic is no longer the most powerful. Black has come to party and what a party it is!!
The emotions are off the charts in this one! Seriously. Breene has something special going on here. There isn't anything disturbing in this installment but the steam is steamy. Breene writes one of the best sexy scenes I've ever read, and I've read a lot of them. *winky face* I definitely recommend this series its a great adventure full of allure. I can see this making the golden screen and people lining up.
My Rating
4.0 Jared, Classes, Ginger, Magic, Blood Link, Black Level, Marking, Betrayal, Underground, Draining, Explosion, Promises of Love filled stars!!! If you are 18+ and you enjoy a sultry paranormal read PICK THIS UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Darkness #3
Novella Length
New Adult (18 +)
Paranormal/Fantasy Romance
Releasing April 22, 2014
If Sasha thought life would slow down after being captured, she was dead wrong.
Having an extremely high level of magic, but not knowing how to use it, has become more than a little problematic. Struggling to get her power under control has everyone on their toes, waiting for something to blow up. And then there is the issue of loving Stefan, but not being able to mate him because she hadn't a clue how to lead, which is necessary if she wants to rule by his side.
No, things have not gotten any easier.
With the incoming visit of the Regional and his white mage, the pressure turns way up for both Sasha and Stefan. So many issues are riding on the balance, and one word from the authoritative pair could have Sasha back in her old life, still in danger, and without the resources to carry on.
Sasha has to learn to battle while walking on a razor's edge.
The Way I See It
Wa WHAT?!!! I have a new guilty pleasure y'all and its the darkness series. I love, love, love, this series K.F. Breene is a world building GENIUS!!! I review books because I like to spread the word about a really good one when I come across it. Let me tell you The Darkness series will fulfill all of your naughty desires!! 18+ This installment was just as good, or better than the last we know so much more and Breene covers a different facet in this story. Just when I think I've got my head around it she throws another wallop your way! Ga certain people were born to write that is the case with Breene. Definitely auto buy one click this author cause… doesn't even measure up!!!
O-pportunity, Sasha wants to fit in, Stefen will make spare time and work with her.
N-emesis, the crazy caped crusader plots to capture Sasha now that they know her power they must take control of her.
A-ware, the regional leader will come with his mage to test Sasha’s power and Stefen will try to make them understand why they must be mated.
R-ealization, Sasha recognizes Dominicous but cannot place him, he knows he must help her.
A-lone, the only thing Sasha has ever wanted was to fit in. Even now her magic is all over the place and she doubts she ever will.
Z-ones, accepting the challenge Sasha begins demonstrating her magic she will prove to everyone she can do this.
O-nly, Stefen has vowed to take care of Sasha he will face whatever challenge comes his way.
R-esults, Toa is eager to show Sasha how to harness and work with her magic.
S-eer, Sasha has always had certain intuitions. Since the arrival of Dominicous and Toa it seems they have brought her some solid answers and she begins putting pieces of the puzzle together.
E-nlist, Sasha will go with Toa to work a very fragile allegiance if they accept her this could solidify her status among the clan.
D-arla, sent to keep an eye on things she will do what she can to be on top again even the most unthinkable of things.
G-ain, a sworn enemy makes a vow of fealty to Sasha. Her strength, her power, but mostly the capacity of her heart is what makes her so valuable.
E-ngagement, lineage and strength cannot be disputed. Sasha finds the things she has been searching for her whole life.
There are major things in the horizon and people are making plans for my beloved Sasha. I cannot WAIT for the next installment in this series. I was hooked from the first one and now I can't get enough...I'm not sure when the next novella comes out but I will be be dying a slow death until then. Sasha and Stefen are like this amazing duo and they sizzle baby! They sizzle! Breen's writing is truly captivating and I find myself stuck in this wonderful world she has created!! Heck Yea if your 18+ and you like paranormal sexiness this is a must read series!!
4.5 Black Level, White Mage, Car Accident, Cinnamon, Shifters, Woods, Viper, Vindictive Beeyotch, Betrayal, Destruction, Union, Committed Vows, Fealty, Love Filled Stars! Pick up this series! Fall in love the way I have!!

About the Author
A wine country native, she moved to San Francisco for college just shy of a decade ago to pursue a lifelong interest in film. As she settled into the vibrant city, it quickly became apparent that, while she thought making films was great fun, she lacked cinematic genius. For that reason, her career path quickly changed direction. Her next goal was a strange childhood interest, conjured at the dining room table while filling out a form. For some reason, her young self wanted to be an accountant. Thinking on it now, she wonders how she had any friends. Regardless, it was the direction she finally took.
While she could wrangle numbers with the best of 'em, and even though she wore the crown as the most outspoken, belligerent accountant in the world, her mind got as stuffy as her daily routine. It was here that she dusted off her creative hat and began writing. Now she makes movies in her head, and then writes them down. Way easier than dealing with actors--she should know, she’s been one!
I was drooling watching these covers when I realized I've got book #1 ! Yay ! Love your review :)
ReplyDeleteThank YOU!! Yes they are great I loved them hope you do too :0)
DeleteGiddy? Addictive? Hmmm. I love the covers. Maybe they need to be on my TBR pile.
ReplyDeleteThey absolutely need to be on your TBR!!! These were great!
DeleteSexy and disturbing, huh? That's all it takes to hook me. lol. And woohoo it's free. Grabbing it right now.
ReplyDeleteAtta Girl!!! Yes to DIE FOR!!
DeleteWill there be a 4th book.
ReplyDeleteKim xox
You KNOW it!! She has a rough outline it depends on her beta readers but yes...we can be sure there is more of these great characters to come!!!
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