The Fault in Our Stars
John Green
John Green
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Pub: January 10th, 2012
By Dutton Books
Source: Purchased
Despite the tumor-shrinking medical miracle that has bought her a few years, Hazel has never been anything but terminal, her final chapter inscribed upon diagnosis. But when a gorgeous plot twist named Augustus Waters suddenly appears at Cancer Kid Support Group, Hazel's story is about to be completely rewritten.
Mini Reviews
The Fault in Our Stars, by John Green, is a story that I will never forget. It resonated deeply within me, and is a story that I connected with. Hazel Grace, and Augustus Waters began to mean something to me. They weren't just fictional characters in a book. They represented real people, life, and situations. I saw myself in Hazel, and my mother in Hazel's mother. Mr. Greene did an amazing job of bringing these characters to life.What I loved most about this story was that even though it was devastating, and broke my heart, it also made me experience a wide range of emotions. I smiled, laughed, and swooned from the charismatic, charming, and one of a kind, Augustus Waters. Many truths were laid bare about Cancer, death, life, and love. Mr. Greene addressed what it's like to have a terminal illness, and how it affects the people around us. Certain medical terminology like Cannula, CPAP, PICC Line, and G-Tube, made me cringe, as it took me to a dark place when I was in critical care from Pulmonary Emboli. I related to Hazel Grace, because even though I didn't have Cancer, we both underwent many of the same procedures due to severe problems with our lungs.
Hazel Grace and Augustus Waters really complimented one another. Hazel was raw, real, sarcastic, and genuine. Augustus was very positive, sweet, loyal, and romantic. Together, they shared the kind of relationship that many people dream of. They completely "clicked," and just got each other. Yes, this story was sad, devastating, and heartbreaking. However, it was also real, beautiful, and full of life lessons. I highly recommend this story to people of all ages, male and female! I give The Fault in Our Stars, by John Green, 5 Unforgetable, Gorgeous, "There will never be another story like this," filled Stars! This story is a priceless gift, and a book that everyone should read!
The Fault IS most definitely in our stars. Everyone and I mean EVERYONE, kept telling me I needed to read this. I never disagreed, but I also never really knew what it was about. Once I started reading it, I was like Sh*%!! What have I gotten my poor sensitive heart into?! I was balling from the very first pages.
Okay, that was the rant! Here is the hard hitting analysis-> I knew straight away that this book was going to pack a punch. Green is very witty and I loved Hazel's interactions with every one. Her infinity with Augustus was insanely endearing. The story was full of ugly truths and things that people don't want to admit. Hope is hope and it may not be the same for everyone, but without it everyone is surely lost. The writing as I said was very intelligent, thought provoking, and moving. There were a couple of things I didn't necessarily agree with, unresolved issues and such, but hey, as they say "the world is not a wish granting factory."
Warning* This book is filled with EXTREMELY POTENT emotion. Wear your big girl pantaloons ladies. No room for your own "Bluie" in this one.
This was a great book and I do so recommend it, "a must read" at least ONCE.
I'm giving it QuATRO stars
The Fault in our Stars, by John Green, will destroy you. Be prepared to visualize the reality of living with an incurable disease, side effects, coping mechanisms, support groups, friends who don't understand, and friends who are going through what you are going through; who's days are in fate's hands. "Depression is not a side effect of cancer. Depression is a side effect of dying." (Kindle, Loc. 76) These words are relayed by the ever cognisent 16 year old Hazel, who is obsessed with the statistics that say 1 out of 5 people with cancer will survive, so she is looking at everyone in her support group, wondering who she will outlast. Hazel has thyroid cancer with mets in her lungs, and has to be on oxygen at all times. She is harassed by her mother to go to the support group to make friends, and be a teenager. What her mother doesn't realize, is that most of those kids will not make it out of that support group, and this only makes Hazel more unwilling to open up to other kids her age.
Hazel is obsessed with her chipmunk cheeks, her oxygen machine that she has to drag with her everywhere, and her ankles that have turned into cankles. Till one day, at the support group, a boy named Augustus Waters walks in, and as he stares at her, she feels things she has never felt before. Hazel fights it at every turn because she feels she is a grenade, ready to explode, and wants to take as little people down with her as possible. Augustus has been in remission for the last year and a half. He has osteosacoma, and is 17 years old. Augustus is a breath of fresh air, with his never die attitude. The two of them are very intelligent, love reading, and exchange books and ideas. They decide to take a trip to meet an author who wrote a book that Hazel is obsessed with, and gets Augustus just as crazy, wanting answers that have been left unanswered in the book, before the inevitable happens.
Together, along with upsets and down slides, these two take a loving journey of a lifetime, and Augustus teaches Hazel how to break down her walls, and let him in. This was an amazing story, with magnified human emotions that will hit everyone straight through the heart, and will never be forgotten. The triumph of the spirit, when love comes calling, fate is on your heels, and death comes knocking at your door, is real and tragic. Especially for the young, that should never go before their parents. Mr. Green's message to his readers is to "Live our best life today." Live in the moment; Don't wait for tomorrow, because sometimes, tomorrow never comes. This was a phenomenally poignant novel that will touch everyone's hearts, because everyone has someone they know and or love that has been diagnosed with cancer. Fate has no rhyme or reason, it just is, and Mr. Green's passion is clear and poetic in his wonderfully written prose. I will never forget this novel. This book is a tear jerker, have your hanky's ready.
I give, The Fault in our Stars, by John Green, 5 Passionate, Heartbreaking, Beautifully Written, Inspirational Stars!!!
Hazel and Augustus absolutely captivated me! My connection to these two amazing characters started from the moment they are introduced in the book, and I must admit that they are still very present in my everyday thoughts. I don’t want to give anything away about their story because you absolutely need to feel every single emotion that their beautiful love story will make you live. I read a quote a few months ago that stayed with me ''When reading, we don’t fall in love with the characters’ appearance. We fall in love with their words, their thoughts, and their hearts. We fall in love with their souls.'' This is EXACTLY how I felt about Hazel and Augustus. I laughed and cried with them. Oh, boy did I cry! Before I started reading it, I knew it was going to be a very emotional journey. This story is about two young people that meet at a cancer support group and fall in love. I got so invested in the story that I felt like I was part of it! I wanted to show my support and bring comfort to them just like I would with my loved ones. Their story is eye-opening. Hazel and Augustus talk about the way they see life with such honesty.
Amazing work by John Green! His writing style is brilliant! Is it a sad story? Yes! I freakin’ balled my eyes out!!! But, what I will remember the most about this book is the inspiring story and the two beautiful young people that stole my heart. Reading The Fault in our Stars was a life experience that I will never forget! I can’t wait for the movie to come out and see Hazel and Augustus’ remarkable story come alive on the big screen. I’ll make sure to bring tissues with me. If I cry watching the movie trailer, I can only imagine what 1 hour + of movie will do to me. People who have not read this book have no idea what an emotional roller coaster ride this will be!
I give, The Fault in our Stars, by John Green 4.5 inspiring, brilliant, realistic, honest, heart-rending stars! I highly recommend this outstanding book!
Ria: So today we are discussing The Fault in Our Stars
Ria: Lindy's first question was, "What did you expect out of the book before you read it?"
Mikki: Tears, heartbreak and an eye-opening story
Lindy: When I first heard about The Fault in Our Stars, I was expecting a sad story, but I was in no way prepared for the sobbing mess that I would become!
RO: I thought it would be a heartbreaking love story and it was.
Lindy: Ria?
Ria: I thought it would be good, but I had no idea that it had to do with cancer survivors, but when i found out I was scared. It was amazing, but it crushed me!
Ria: What was everyones fav character and why?
Lindy: Augustus was my fav! He was so charming, sweet, and he just made everything better.
RO: Mine was Augustus. I loved him. He was a free spirit, lived in the moment, and seemed to make things easier for everyone around him.
Mikki: Augustus!!!!!!
Mikki: He was the perfect dose of happiness for Hazel <3
Ria: Augustus!! He was amazing and truly brave he was not afraid to fall in love and live his life to the fullest
Ria: So we all loved Augustus the most!! Yay! Next question...
RO: In the book, Hazel discusses the dilemma behind support groups for cancer patients. What is you opinion? In my opinion, I completely agreed with Hazel, because I have been in support groups for Chemo and the numbers dwindle down and your hope dwindles with it.
Ria: I would say with the terminally ill it may not be positive but in other cases could be good for support, I find it comforting to talk with like minded folks because they understand more than others.
Lindy: I think being part of a support group would have it's pro's and cons. On the pro side, you would have someone who could relate to everything that your going through, and on the con side, you have to watch all of your friends die.
Ria: lol Mikki's screen just jammed
Lindy: Disaster!!!
Ria: lol. Okay, what was everyones fav part and why?
Ria: well...
Lindy: My favorite part of the story was when Augustus professes his love to Hazel. It was so romantic!!!
Mikki: When Augustus declares his love to Hazel
Mikki: twinsies!!!!
Mikki: “I'm in love with you," he said quietly. "Augustus," I said. "I am," he said. He was staring at me, and I could see the corners of his eyes crinkling. "I'm in love with you, and I'm not in the business of denying myself the simple pleasure of saying true things. I'm in love with you, and I know that love is just a shout into the void, and that oblivion is inevitable, and that we're all doomed and that there will come a day when all our labor has been returned to dust, and I know the sun will swallow the only earth we'll ever have, and I am in love with you.”
Lindy: Sawoooooon!!!!!
Ria: Okay mine was when they gave away Hazels swing set Augustus came in and did what she needed to give away part of her past so others could enjoy the same happiness that Hazel experienced as a child.
Mikki: :-X
Mikki: Awwww! That was cute too!
Lindy: Yeah, that part was really sweet too!
RO: I liked when the story turned and Hazel had to be the one to make Augustus feel safe and secure. She finally realized what life was really about. Giving to the one you love.
Ria: Ro, I totally agree it was amazing to see!!
Mikki: What did you think of Peter Van Houten? Did you hate him?
Ria: Oh do not get me started on THAT GUY
Mikki: LOL!!!
Lindy: I couldn't stand Peter!!! Ugh, he was horrible, but I figured that there was a reason why he was so bitter!!!
Mikki: I really hated him when he did not deliver the end of the story to Hazel and Augustus :(
Ria: He made me laugh A LOT when he was all like yea I invited you but I didn't think you'd actually come
Lindy: Yeah, I thought that was really mean. I didn't understand why it was so hard for him to be compassionate!
RO: I thought he was an A** Wipe!!!
Mikki: lmfaooooooo!!!
Ria: I also love when Gus wrote Peter and told him to write Hazel's eulogy
Lindy: I cried like a baby on that part!
Mikki: Me too!
Ria: Who thought that him listening to rap music was weird.
RO: I definitely thought he had a screw loose!
Lindy: Yeah, I didn't understand his obsession with Swedish Rap.
Mikki: Ditto! That was weird!!!
RO: I thought I had missed something somewhere...
Ria: lol so weird and it kinda had NOTHING to do with the story
Ria: Okay, saddest part and why?
RO: The saddest part to me was when the Issac's girlfriend dumps him. I thought that was heartless.
Ria: About that!!... I felt like that was unresolved, but I understood Hazels view on it.
RO: How important do you think Independance plays a role in creating your own reality when fate steps in?
Ria: I think independence plays a large role in creating your reality, because if you don't have independence you are just living for everyone else.
Lindy: I agree Ria! We all need to live and direct our own lives!
RO: I agree
Lindy: What character did you relate to the most and why?
Mikki: I related to Gus the most. I found a bit of myself in his character.
RO: That makes me love you more Mikki
Mikki: <3
Ria: I related to Hazel the most...always wanting to please everyone else at the expense of herself.
Lindy: I'm more like Hazel. I'm a realist, but I want to be more like Gus, an optimist!
RO: I related to Hazel, because she never had time to be herself and feel what she needed to feel, because she was always placating her mother and everyone else.
Mikki: Oh, I forgot to mention that I LOVEDDDDDD when she asked him ... Why are you staring at me? And, he replies .... Because you are beautiful!!!!!
Ria: That was amazing mik!!!
RO: Awww, that was sweet.
RO: I loved the part when they throw the eggs at the ex-girlfriends car and the mother comes out and he tells her to go back in or he will call the police!
RO: lol
Ria: Lol yea that was awesome, but it was never resolved like why did she dump him? There was a lot of assuming going on.
RO: I agree, but unfortunately, when you are really sick, the sick end up consoling the healthy ones.
Ria: I felt like green played us a bit like peter played hazel.
Lindy: He sure did!
Lindy: Some questions were never answered!!!!
Ria: did anyone think Hazel's friend was a spare? Like she provided nothing towards the story whatsoever.
Mikki: Me!!!! She was there at the beginning and in the end. I found that she did not play any important role in Hazel's life. She should have been there to support her more.
Lindy: Yeah, I can't even remember her name! LOL
Ria: me neither thats why i didn't mention it!! was it Katie?
Ria: or something like that?!
Lindy: I can't remember. All I remember is the girl liked to shop!
RO: She didn't belong in the story, I thought.
Ria: I agree with Ro
Ria: That ending KILLED me did it KILL anyone else?
RO: Yes, but I saw it coming.
Lindy: When Hazel talks about not being able to be around healthy people, because she see's pity in their eyes. Do you think you would still be able to have the same relationship with your old friends if you were terminally ill?
Ria: Absolutely NOT
Lindy: Why?
RO: No. It would be very hard to explain everything day in and day out. I completely related with Hazel on that level.
Ria: I know I would with Y'all and Tash and maybe 3 of my friends out here, but I thank the heavens nightly for my son's health and mine.
RO: I agree!
Ria: because they would not understand and they would begin to fear me. Everyone fears the unknown and I would be that, with y'all it wouldn't matter because of our bond. It's the artificial friends I’m talking about. They would distance themselves and hey maybe I'm wrong but i don't think so.
Mikki: My relationship with my friends would change. It would be even BETTER. My friends and family have supported me 100% in my time of need.
RO: I think that the person dying takes nothing for granted anymore. Therefore they cannot relate with the daily, mundane BS that others think are problems and really aren't.
Lindy: I think people are uncomfortable and don't know what to say or how to act around those that have a series illness.
RO: True
Ria: so very true Lin.
Mikki: I agree with Lindy. Sometimes you can't find the words to express what you feel
Lindy: That's why Hazel, Augustus, and Isaac were so close. They were comfortable around each other.
RO: I have had a great support system, but it's still different when you're going through so much and have to act like everything is okay for the sake of your loved ones, but you do it anyway.
Ria: Okay, lets start to wrap this show up don't want to bore our readers to tears.
Ria: Anyone want to add any awesome last words?
Mikki: Wait!!! I have another question!!!
Mikki: Why do you think Hazel was so desperate to find out what happens beyond the ending of An Imperial Affliction?
Ria: OOOOOOOHH I know!! because its just like US, when we relate to a character we want to know how they end up. we want their HEA. And how SHI&%^ is it that we never find out!!!
RO: It's true, I think she was just obsessed with not having answers in her life that she transferred them to the book and had to have control over something, so it was the story she read.
Mikki: I think it was because she wanted to know that everything would be alright once she was gone.
Lindy: Because she wanted to know that her mom would be okay when she died.
RO: She was always worried about her mom and the ones she was leaving behind.
Mikki: OMG! Lindy ... it's scary how we are so much alike!!!!!
Lindy: Twins!!!
Mikki: lol!!!!
Ria: Okay, so did everyone clear the air on TFiOS? WAIT Stars lets give it stars and why before y'all go...
Ria: I gave it 4 cause it was well written, but it left a lot of questions unanswered.
Mikki: 4.5 stars for me. I agree with the unanswered question part.
Lindy: I gave it 5 stars! Any book that has me crying and that emotional has to have 5 stars! I forget a lot of stories, because I read so much, but this is one I will never forget :(
RO: I gave it 5 Stars cause I loved the story and it was so relatable because of all I have seen and been through with family and friends throughout my life. I loved Augustus and his positive outlook. It was inspiring.
Lindy: Yes, very inspiring, and it made me think a lot about life. I thought this story had a lot of depth to it.
RO: Yes
Lindy: I think everyone that is going to work with terminally ill patients should read it! This was fun! I'm looking forward to our next discussion!
Ria: Okay, so just so we're clear, everyone hated The Fault in our Stars?
Lindy: LoL
Ria: Muah love y'all ladies
Mikki: :-X
Lindy: Love Ya!!! Talk to you tomorrow!!!
RO: It was fun gals. Talk soon!
Favorite Quotes
"I'm in love with you, he said quietly. "Augustus," I said. "I am," he said. He was staring at me, and I could see the corners of his eyes crinkling. "I'm in love with you, and I'm not in the business of denying myself the simple pleasure of saying true things. I'm in love with you, and I know that love is just a shout into the void, and that oblivion is inevitable, and that we're all doomed and that there will come a day when all our labor has been returned to dust, and I know the sun will swallow the only earth we'll ever have, and I am in love with you." (Pg. 98)
~Augustus Waters
"But, Gus, my love, I cannot tell you how thankful I am for our little infinity. I wouldn't trade it for the world. You gave me a forever within the numbered days, and I'm grateful." (Pg. 163)
~Hazel Grace
You don't get to choose if you get hurt in this world, old man, but you do have some say in who hurts you. I like my choices. I hope she likes hers." (Pg. 194)
~Augustus Waters
''I'm in love with you, and I'm not in the business of denying myself the simple pleasure of saying true things. I'm in love with you, and I know that love is just a shout into the void, and that oblivion is inevitable, and that we're all doomed and that there will come a day when all our labor has been returned to dust, and I know the sun will swallow the only earth we'll ever have, and I am in love with you.'' (kindle loc. 1617)
~Augustus Waters
~Augustus Waters
"But, Gus, my love, I cannot tell you how thankful I am for our little infinity. I wouldn't trade it for the world. You gave me a forever within the numbered days, and I'm grateful." (Pg. 163)
~Hazel Grace
You don't get to choose if you get hurt in this world, old man, but you do have some say in who hurts you. I like my choices. I hope she likes hers." (Pg. 194)
~Augustus Waters
''I'm in love with you, and I'm not in the business of denying myself the simple pleasure of saying true things. I'm in love with you, and I know that love is just a shout into the void, and that oblivion is inevitable, and that we're all doomed and that there will come a day when all our labor has been returned to dust, and I know the sun will swallow the only earth we'll ever have, and I am in love with you.'' (kindle loc. 1617)
~Augustus Waters
About The Author
John Green is the New York Times bestselling author of Looking for Alaska,An Abundance of Katherines, Paper Towns, and The Fault in Our Stars. He is also the coauthor, with David Levithan, of Will Grayson, Will Grayson. He was 2006 recipient of the Michael L. Printz Award, a 2009 Edgar Award winner, and has twice been a finalist for the Los Angeles Times Book Prize. Green’s books have been published in more than a dozen languages.
In 2007, Green and his brother Hank ceased textual communication and began to talk primarily through videoblogs posted to YouTube. The videos spawned a community of people called nerdfighters who fight for intellectualism and to decrease the overall worldwide level of suck. (Decreasing suck takes many forms: Nerdfighters have raised hundreds of thousands of dollars to fight poverty in the developing world; they also planted thousands of trees around the world in May of 2010 to celebrate Hank’s 30th birthday.) Although they have long since resumed textual communication, John and Hank continue to upload two videos a week to their YouTube channel, vlogbrothers. Their videos have been viewed more than 200 million times, and their channel is one of the most popular in the history of online video. He is also an active Twitter user with more than 1.2 million followers.
Green’s book reviews have appeared in The New York Times Book Reviewand Booklist, a wonderful book review journal where he worked as a publishing assistant and production editor while writing Looking for Alaska. Green grew up in Orlando, Florida before attending Indian Springs School and then Kenyon College.
Aw, I'm so glad you ladies read The Fault in Our Stars and I'm so stunned by the mini reviews each of you have written. I wrote a lengthy review for the book and still felt that I had to say more. I admire you guys for being so precise and thoughtful with your reviews. Absolutely lovely job there! And I liked this conversation you've had. Y'all should do it more often. So overall, I absolutely loved this post. I hope you are just as excited as I am for the movie. The stills and teasers look really promising so far. I know it's impossible to incorporate the whole book on screen but I'm hoping they've done a great job with it. *fingers crossed* Thank you for this post, guys!
ReplyDeleteSarika @ The Readdicts
Thanks Sarika! We plan on doing a discussion once a month! vYes, we are all really looking forward to the movie!!!
DeleteLadies..I have never read a John Green book, but I love how this touched each of you, and made you feel emotions towards the characters. I really need to try this book. Have I told ya all I love when you interact about a book and each share your thoughts? Well I do!
ReplyDeleteYou need to read this one Kim! I'm glad you loved are post, and we plan on doing more discussions :)
DeleteOh my god, I loved that book! Broke my heart but loved it so much!! Amazing review ladies!! And I just loved those quotes!! :D
ReplyDeleteThanks Magen :)
DeleteI feel heartbroken just thinking about reading this book...and that trailer ah!! I just know I'll be a broken mess when I finally get the courage to pick this one up. I have heard that it is actually quite funny and there are some lighter moments mixed in with the sad, so I'm holding onto that :)
ReplyDeleteI really hope you read it! I was hesitant for the same exact reason's, but it's such a beautiful story!