Claire Contreras
Release date:
November 17, 2013
Age Group:
Contemporary Romance
ARC for Review
In the past, I've always been given everything I've wanted, but nothing that I truly needed. I've experienced a lot of things in my twenty-five years, everything except the one thing I want. It's the one thing that can’t be bought. It can't even be taken, it has to be given. And nobody has ever given it to me, not really anyway.
Not until him.
Music is the center of both our lives, but as he found his place in it, I lost my way. He soared, while I spiraled down a destructive path.
I lost myself in more ways than I can count.
The ironic thing is that I didn’t realize how lost I was until he found me.
And now that he has, I have to wonder if he'll stay around long enough to catch me.

The Way I See It
I was instantly attracted to the cover of this book and once I read the synopsis I was hooked. I knew I had to check it out. My heart went out instantly to Brooklyn and I was super curious about “him.” Ms Contreras writing is very detailed I felt as though I was in Brooklyn’s shoes living every minute. From the first turn of the page to the last I could not get enough. Every side character was to die for! I enjoyed this read immensely.
C-haracter, Brooklyn is used to doing “favors” for her family. She knows how to find talent people with the “gotta have it” factor.
A-side, Brooklyn has been working on her own company of Mic’s for a while. Trusting her best friend she will have to back away slightly from the company to meet her families requests.
T-rust, Brooklyn has always been used for her name and her connections. Few people have cracked all of the barriers she has set up.
C-ousin, Nina is a wild child she lives her life to the fullest a free spirit through and through. She loves Brooklyn fiercely and would do anything for her.
H-ope, during a time full of darkness Brooklyn attempts the unthinkable. Two guardian angels will be her hope and guide her to the light.
M-elody, of her heart Brooklyn is afraid to make this leap but we are all helpless when it comes to matters of the heart. The last person she expects this from wishes her well and happiness.
E-vents, Brooklyn’s family has always been good at hosting the best parties. This event will enlighten everyone, Brooklyn’s love interest is out in the open feelings have been declared and there is no backing out now.
So many things happen in this book some amazing and some heart breaking, I enjoyed reading through it all. All of these complex characters will wedge their way into your heart. I could tell that everyone loves Brooklyn even if they don’t know how to show it. She is a special gal and throughout the book you will be cheering her success along. Of course there is betrayal and love, acceptance and lust. The way it ended was absolutely beautiful. I could not and would not have done it any other way. So YES for a dramatic and desolate read with light at the end of the tunnel pick this up!
My Fav’s
Oh. My. Gawts. This girl. This flippin girl. She has a heart of gold and she is real. Even when everything around her is fake she remains real. Her struggles became my own and I wanted so dearly for her to over come the darkness. She has had 2 best friends since she can remember. One, loves her unconditionally but leaves her and breaks her. The second, is toxic and will be the stepping stones to her darkest moment. Soon “he” comes into the picture seeming to be exactly what she has always wanted, what she has always needed. Brooklyn is kind and loving even though plenty of people have pooped on her. That says a lot, and thats why I love her.
Wow…Where do I order one?..Complete with a great dane named Scooby?!!! Eeeep fangirlmoment here. This guy is SCORCHING HOT as in H-A-W-T hot!!! He is everything Brooklyn needs but he’s not perfect I love that about him. He knows what he wants and he definitely goes for the kill but OMG?! He does it with STYLE. He is guarded because he has something to prove. Nick was raised with love and praise so he knows how to give and how to cherish. I love the way things turned out and the way everyone accepted who he is and who he loves. Unconditionally these two are super awesome!! Read the BOOK you’ll see why.
My Rating
4.0 Phone Call, Manhattan, Studio 10, Shea’s Tour, Elevator Visit, Tour Promise, Private Jet, San Fran, Family Dinner, Love Making, Lawsuit, White Party, Gossip Column, Broken Promise, Weekend Getaway, Lovers destined to be together filled stars!! For a fun and enticing read pick up this book STAT!!!!
About the Author
Claire Contreras graduated with her BA in Psychology from Florida International University. She lives in Miami, Florida with her husband, two little boys, and three dogs.
Her favorite past times are: daydreaming, writing, and reading.
She has been described as a random, sarcastic, crazy girl with no filter.
Life is short, and it’s more bitter than sweet, so she tries to smile as often as her face allows. She enjoys stories with happy endings, because life is full of way too many unhappy ones.
He has a dog named Scooby?! That. Is. Awesome!!! I want to read the book for that reason alone lol! I also love the sound of Brooklyn being a 'real' character. It's so much easier to relate to an MC when they're not fake and artificial.
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness, Ria, this sounds so awesome! Music, romance, and something very dark - yup, added to my TBR :) Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteLexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews
YAY! Glad you liked it! Thank you for participating!