Pieces For You
(For You #2)
Genna Rulon
Pub December 17th 2013
by Author Self Pub
ARC For Review
GoodReads Summary
"The phoenix hope, can wing her way through the desert skies,
and still defying fortune's spite; revive from ashes and rise.” -Miguel de Cervantes
Samantha Whitney survived unimaginable tragedy only to discover she had been betrayed by a man who claimed to love her. Shattered, Sam spends months at a safe haven trying to piece herself back together. Ready or not, the time has come for her to return home.
As Sam struggles to resume a life that no longer feels familiar, she finds unwavering support in an unexpected, familiar face. Confronting Sam’s raw emotions and open wounds head-on, Griffin manages to take two steps forward for every step she retreats.
But when Sam is once again threatened, Griffin must decide how far he is willing to go to protect the woman he wants…knowing the cost of her safety is the risk of losing her.
Pieces For You is a captivating journey of survival, healing, and sacrifice—teeming with honesty, humor, unexpected twists, and love’s unsurpassed endurance.begin to plague Sam, it is Griffin she is forced to turn to.
• This story is appropriate for readers 18+
• Though Pieces For You is a part of the For You
Series, the book can be read as a stand alone.

The way Ria Sees It
Pieces For You! OMG, this was an amazing story of rebuilding what was once broken. Ms. Rulon has done it again! Seamless, her writing will pull you in from the beginning and not let go until the last word has been read. This story deals with a very difficult subject matter and I couldn’t have picked a better spokesperson than Sam. My Heart broke for Sam and my fists ached to punch her enemies in the face. This series has been nothing short of genius and I highly recommend it.
P-ower, being a victim will not hinder Sam’s progress through hard work and dedication. She will regain what was stolen from her.
I-nnocence, life was never easy for Sam but every decision was hers until the choice was brutally ripped from her. She has experienced humanity at its cruelest her view of life will forever be changed.
E-xperiences, not one to share Sam’s recovery has been hindered by the fact she can’t recount the night everything was ripped from her. Help from a fellow victim cements her resolve. A flood of words will shed light to her nightmares opening the path for her recovery.
C-aring, her chosen family Ev and Hunter are there to help her mend and to protect her what may.
E-vening, Griffin has been waiting and finally obtaining his invitation. He will ensure that Sam will never be harmed again.
S-ex, not something that will come easily Sam is curious and willing to pursue something with Griffin. Whatever happens she knows he would never do anything to hurt her.
F-ocus, through therapy and her cherished friends, Sam will obtain her sanity and find happiness through small achievements. A new job and daily regiment will increase Sam’s steps towards recovery.
O-bstacle, Sam’s last name will prove to be a hinderance coming from those that were meant to protect her. It seems her parents have only ever hurt her.
R-esigned, and determined. Cutting all family ties prove to be the final step towards achieving full independence. Nothing will stop Sam from doing whats right. She will give a voice to those who don’t have one.
Y-earning, a mistake made by Griffin will break Sam to pieces. It will take everyones help to guide her. In the end sorting through all of her turmoil will be the key to forgiveness.
O-uted, the most shocking of revelations occurs when everything is seemly resolved. Sam is once again forced to deal with painful revelations. Embracing the love of those around her Sam will face her most painful nightmare with resolve and strength.
U-nited, and strong life has proved that love has the power of rebuilding. Griffin will never give up on Sam and she will never have to face anything alone ever again.
GAH!!! This was such an amazing read. All of my favorite characters from the first book are back! Even though Ev and Hunter were instrumental in this story they never took away from Sam and Griffin. You will become an insta-fan! Like I said before, this is one you wont regret! There were so many emotions flying through the air. I laughed and I cried. My heart broke and went out to sam and her inspiring strength. Pick this series up NOW.
My Fav’s
Holy Moly this girl is a firecracker! Definitely someone I could see myself being friends with. I fell in love with her in the first book and her story solidifies my feelings. She is so smart and so brave I admire everything she does. Even when she is faced with danger Sam refuses to bow, her determination and willingness to get back what was taken from her puts her at the top of my favs list. Sam’s capacity of love is just another amazing trait that will have you cheering for her to overcome the evil that has clouded her existence.
I was totally loving on him in the first book and I am beyond happy that he decided to pursue his love. Aside from being funny, caring, and drop dead gorgeous, its his love for Sam that made me love him. Hands down his heart is the attribute that will have you sighing along with the story. Not only will you be Sam’s cheerleader you will be Griffin’s as well.
My Rating
4.5 Phoenix Center, Sushi Dinner, Gym Membership, Coffee Shop, Family Dinner, Threatening Notes, Club Serenade, Unleashed Fury, Song Request, Couch Cuddle, Shameful Bankruptcy, New Roommate, Forever Promise, LOVE filled Stars!! Seriously this is one that you must read! Fall in love! Do it NOW!
Mikki's View
Pieces For You by Genna Rulon was everything I wanted it to be. It was powerful, entertaining, charming, sexy, emotional and absolutely A-D-D-I-C-T-I-V-E! I fell in love with Sam and Griffin in Only For You. I was really anxious to read their story. They have an amazing chemistry! Sam is the BFF that every girl wants and Griffin is the protective, sweet, sexy, romantic boyfriend that every girl dreams of. These two have scored a place in my top favorite couple list. They are UNFORGETTABLE, just like their friends Everleigh and Hunter. Genna Rulon created a world where I want to live in. I want to be their friend. I want to work at Higher Yearning with Meg, Sam and Everleigh. I want to hang out at The Stop and eat yummy food and play pool with these awesome people. I want to attend Thia Thursdays and listen to her wise advice. You get my point, eh?! I love them!!!
This was a very emotional book to read. Sam went through hell in Only For You and my heart broke into a million pieces when I read her gut-wrenching story. Sam is a fighter. Day after day she fights to rebuild her life after that horrible attack left her numb. The only people she can really count on are Everleigh and Hunter. They are her family. What she never expected on her road to recovery was to find Griffin along the way. The support that he shows her is breathtaking! He's been in love with her for a while, but kept his feeling a secret. Now that Sam is back in his life, he will do everything in his power to protect her. The more they spend time together, the more they realize that they complete each others like a puzzle.
I can't even put into words how much I loved this story! The sequel to Only For You was a success and I am positive that the next books in this series will be just as wonderful! Pieces For you can be read as a stand alone, but I highly recommend reading Only For You before. You really don't want to miss Everleigh and Hunter's love story. It's a beautiful one! What I love the most about Genna's characters is that they are so easy to relate to. In this book, we were introduced to Meg, Sam and Everleigh's co-worker, which is getting her own book Temper For You .... Yay!!!! I was so happy to find out that her story will be the next one in the series. Meg needs a sexy, tender, passionate lover that will sweep her off her feet and be the ultimate O-man ;) I don't know why, but i'm cheering for her mystery man to win the competition that the girls of Higher Yearning have going on for ''HOTTEST BOYFRIEND''. Genna Rulon sure knows how to write a swoon-worthy male character. These hotties leave you in a state of mush!!!! After reading this book I now associate Yogi bear, Andes crème de menthe chocolate and honeydew melon to Griffin .... Tehehe! ;)
My Rating
I give Pieces For You by Genna Rulon, 5 intoxicating, seductive, hilarious, memorable, emotional, romantic stars! I highly recommend this series and I am so happy I found it! I had the chance to chat with Genna Rulon a few times and I can see a bit of her personality in her books. She's a beautiful human being and I'm so happy that she decided to share her love for these characters with us. This series is a must on your TBR list <3
About The Author
Genna Rulon
An up-and-coming contemporary romance author who loves nothing more than a good love story.
During her 15 years in the corporate world, Genna, inspired by her love of reading, fantasized about penning her own stories. Encouraged by her favorite authors, many of whom are indie writers and self-published, she committed to pursue her aspirations of writing her own novels.
Genna was raised on Long Island in New York, where she still resides, surrounded by the most amazing family and friends. Married to a wonderful man who patiently tolerates her ramblings about whichever book she is currently working on, even feigning interest relatively convincingly! Genna is blessed with two little boys who do their best to thwart mommy's writing time with their hilarious antics and charming extrapolations.
All of Genna’s reviews are brought to you courtesy of copious amounts of coffee and Disney Junior (something has to entertain the boys when mommy is writing).
It's always a good thing when you like both the male and female protagonist in a story. It makes the read much better. I'm glad you ladies enjoyed this book and it's good to see you are both in love with it. Those pictures look hot and the book has a super pretty cover. Awesome reviews!
ReplyDeleteSarika @ The Readdicts
Wow from the characters to the intense plot this sounds fabulous. I am going to add this series to my list! I love the quotes and all of your reviews had me itching to use my one-click finger.LOL