Your Guardian Angel (Guardian Angel #1)
Pub December 2012
by Limitless Publishing
ARC For Review
Gr’s Summary
For Ruby Moore life is far more complicated than that of your average teen, for she is in no way average. Ruby is a vampire and her life as a vampire is far from traditional.
It has been one year since her normal life was brutally taken from her. Still adjusting to the shock of the change from mortal to immortal, her world is rocked again and she is taken under the wings of a guardian angel back to Sage Sanctum- a school beyond reach from the vampires that are determined to destroy her.
There, she is freed from her vampiric chains and her normal needs and urges return. However a new urge arises… Lust. A forbidden lust toward her savior, her guardian angel.
Attempting to control these desires is difficult, very difficult and when things couldn't possibly get any worse, her situation becomes life or death as someone, somewhere in the school is aiding those who want her dead.
The Way I See It
Yay!!! I LOVED THIS BOOK!!!! Your Guardian Angel had it all!! It had Love, Action, Suspense, Mystery, Drama, and my favorite, ANGELS!!! Seriously, as angel, paranormal, young adult story goes, Ms. Madi kicks serious tail!! Eeeep! Giddy Giddy Giddy! A big FAT thank you goes to Nereyda over at YA Bound for introducing this wonderful series to me!! Seriously, unputtadownable, and great stuff going on in the pages of this wonderful book!
Y-ears with her mom knowing love, truly Ruby was happy.
O-usted, betrayed by her love, a mother will sacrifice all for her child.
U-nnerved, outmatched Ruby finds herself trapped.
R-escued from herself and from those who seek to cause harm.
G-rotesque, a creature is brought back to the light, no longer a being of evil.
U-nable to hide her feelings, to fit in, to accept who she is supposed to become.
A-nonymous threats, will cause her to betray those she should trust.
R-elief and anguish, her family is safe, but she is face to face with her worst nightmare.
D-angerous encounter, Ruby will have to fight for her life.
I-nnocence ripped away, as so much death and betrayal surround her.
A-nger, at the lives that were lost and thrown away, so much sorrow.
N-ausea, because of what Ruby had to do, to live, to keep those she loves alive, and to avenge.
A-ccused of laws broken, trusts shattered, and sullied hands.
N-ear miss, Ruby felt what it would be like to lose everything she has worked so hard for.
G-ame, a jealous rival will stop at nothing to see Ruby eliminated.
E-arnestly he is giving his heart. Hunter will wait for Ruby, until she realizes the truth.
L-ove Lost, called upon by the higher power, Ruby wonders if she will ever see Eli again.
I seriously had such a great time reading this story. Ms. Madi made me feel like I was walking along the halls beside Ruby. I enjoyed the secondary characters soo much! Everyone fit in the story seamlessly! I highly, highly recommend this book for Young Adult and Angel fans!!
My Favs
She is beautiful and has a kind heart. She has a strong will, and knows how to fight with it for good. After being put in an awful situation, most people would have given in to the darkness, not Rubes!! I’m so excited to see what she will become.
He has experienced so much loss, but his heart is still beautiful. He will do anything to ensure Ruby’s safety. I see Eli through Ruby’s eyes, and I must say I like what I see. ;) I can’t wait to get to know Eli better, and I’m keeping my fingers crossed that these two will find a way to one and other.
My Fav Quote
“Since guardian angels don’t actually have big feathery wings, it must mean I’m protected by a chicken.”
My Rating

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