Enchantment (Spellbound #3)
Nikki Jefford
Pub April 6th 2013
by Author Self Pub
ARC for review
Gr’s Summary
Barcelona. Summer escape. Or so Graylee Perez thought until her old adversary, Adrian Montez, brings his magic show to Spain.
Gray seeks out a Spanish wizard to help banish Adrian from her life once and for all. Instead, she tumbles headfirst into a love spell with the arrogant warlock.
After Gray follows Adrian to Paris, she must face her true feelings and decide if Adrian’s worth fighting for.
The Way I See It
Is my WoW coming true?! YES! Why yes it is!! Eeeep!! Okay well we’ll say this for starters...100% satisfied, and then some!! I’ve been pining away for this book, and you know when you build something up to be amazing and full of grandeur then you taste it or check it out and your left wanting?.. WELL.NOT.TODAY...This book FULFILLED.ALL.OF.MY.WISHES. It has action, love, broken boys, love, magic, mischief, an adorable nan, banter, some laughs, major swoon moments, beautiful views, girl who kicks butt, oh and did I mention love? One thing I will say is what am I supposed to do now? One of the scariest things about reading the “final” book of any series I love is I’ll never read about my beloved's finale for the first time EVER again. This makes me a little sad (huge gaping hole in my chest, or the dreaded ugly cry, boogers tears and shameful blubbering) Adrian! Gray! GAH...
E-vil, Monster this is what everyone thinks of him, if only they knew.
N-ormal, Duffer he steps over the shards of her already broken heart.
C-unning, a wise woman knows sometimes it takes a little push for love to flourish.
H-appiness, unlike anything she’s ever felt. A mere gaze elicits goosebumps on her flesh and her heart to soar.
A-ct, knowing its a ruse both parties play with a fire they know will burn them eventually.
N-ews, from the past can these two mend? A prank turned into murder. It will take Gray’s forgiveness for a bond to form again.
T-ruth, without the influence, without the lies, Gray bares her soul.
M-istakes, proud and stubborn these two have a huge obstacle in the shape of 3 warlocks to overcome.
E-nchanted or not, Gray realizes who her heart belongs to. She will risk whatever may come to ensure no more pain will come to him.
N-eutral, during the witching hour Raj maintains his loyalty, never wavering.
T-urmoil, left behind them, knowing looks and smiles between these two while engulfed in boisterous clapping and shouts.
I loved the characters and the scenery?! I felt like I was there... from the train to gazing at the Mona Lisa. This book was like a delicious french pastry! I was hungry for more and I dug in one delicious morsel after the other! Nan was amazing she made me chuckle at the beginning and by the end she had my complete admiration! The ending was perfect. Gray and Adrian were right where they needed to be...I HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGLY RECOMMEND THIS BOOK!!
My Favs
YES!! So much more to Adrian than meets the eye, part Avenger, part Gray’s rescuer, part broken little boy, part romantic, all these parts added up with a hearty dollop of sexy and you get Adrian *sigh* Reading Enchantment “made me” fall in love with Adrian. I was able to see Adrian the way Gray did and how all of things that transpired transforms her I love the Adrian at the end of this amazing trilogy.
Guilt and a broken heart takes Gray to a place no one has ever gone willingly. She’s done it again! SURPRISED.EVERYONE. Even me!! Raj who? Move over buddy, Mr. Montez has arrived in all of his awesomeness! Gray is strong willed and determined to set certain wrongs right...I loved that she found herself along the way! I love that with little to no concern for herself the lengths she is willing to go to for those she loves!
My rating
4.75 Barcelona, Black Olives, Palm Reading, Completed Program, Rushed flight, Paris sightseeing, Broken spell, Amazing Nan, Admitted Love filled stars!!! GET.THIS.BOOK.YESTERDAY! Seriously do yourself a favor if you like witches, mischief, and to die for swoon you’ve gotta read this!!
The space inside the club was tight, and the girls molded themselves against Adrian at once. He was drowning in halter tops, high heels, and skin—soft, feminine skin. Three beauties shimmied, shaking all up and down his body. Nothing mattered at the moment. And then he saw those eyes—like a beacon through the fog.
Graylee Perez.
And she looked pissed. She always looked pissed when she looked at him.
She stood with her back to the wall, her friends moving toward the bar. Adrian thought to wink at her before she took off after her group, but Gray held her ground and did not take her eyes off him for a second.
The moment Cami turned her back to Adrian and thrust her ass against him, Gray charged into the crowd. Adrian’s grin widened.
Gray stormed up to the cluster he’d melted into and snapped her fingers three times. The women around him cried out when their clothing turned to men’s trousers and T-shirts.
Laughter erupted a few feet away when three young men ended up in halter tops and miniskirts. The women scattered like fireworks exploding right before they faded into the night sky.
Gray stormed up to him. Adrian was too far gone to care. He chuckled as though amused by her show. He may have even clapped. “I’m surprised you didn’t put them in straitjackets.”
Gray seemed to relax a fraction. She smiled slightly. “Yeah, well, I only have a fifty-foot radius to go on so . . .” She shrugged.
“I’m surprised you didn’t put me in one,” Adrian said. He winked at her and flashed her a smile that would surely get him slapped. He’d welcome it. Not like he’d feel it anyway. He was flying high on club potion.
Gray stepped so close he could smell her shampoo—guava or coconut, something tropical. “I bet you’d like that,” Gray said into his ear. “Being all tied up and at my mercy.” She walked her fingers up his arm to his shoulder and tugged gently on his earlobe. She pulled her fingers back and whispered so close to his eardrum, he could feel her lips on him. “Or would you like it better if I were tied up?”
That’s when he knew she was a glamour and a damn good one. Not only were the looks and voice right on, she even made the standard Graylee expressions. He didn’t care. Adrian crushed her against him and locked her into a lip-bruising kiss. He made love to her mouth. It was the only chance he’d get, and he was taking it.
Guest Post
We want to welcome the very talented and amazing author Nikki Jefford to A Bookish Escape, and wish her much success in her future endeavors. We are so excited to read her upcoming work, and are huge fans of the Spellbound Series!
We want to welcome the very talented and amazing author Nikki Jefford to A Bookish Escape, and wish her much success in her future endeavors. We are so excited to read her upcoming work, and are huge fans of the Spellbound Series!
Take a Trip to Barcelona Without Leaving Home
Book, Movie & Music Recommendations
The Best Thing That Can Happen to a Croissant by Pablo Tusset
An international bestseller that takes some slogging through in parts, but won big points for wackiness with me.
An Olympic Death by Manuel Vazquez Montalban
The humor alone in this book was worth 5-stars. It’s a quick read. The writing won’t blow you away, but if you like quirky detective stories set in other counties give this a look.
The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon
This is one I have not read, but bought in paperback and plan to read soon based on the amazing reviews it’s received. Set in Barcelona in 1945.
L’Auberge Espagnole (The Spanish Apartment)
This is actually a French movie set in Barcelona. It’s on my top 10 favorite films. What’s most fun about it is there’s a group of students all living together from different countries: France, Spain, Germany, Italy, Denmark, Belgium, and England! They end up speaking quite a bit of English together so you get French, English, and Spanish throughout the show. This movie makes me feel nostalgic for the days when I was young and could jump a plane onto the next adventure!
Vicky Christina Barcelona
I love quirky movies and this Woody Allen flick tickled my funny bone.
I mean the name says it all! From the “Vicky Christina Barcelona” soundtrack. Latin music is so sexy!
About the Author
Married Sebastien in Meaux, France – pronounced
“moe” as in: eeny, meeny, miny, moe, catch a Frenchman by the toe. (March 27, 2000)
Westie Mama whose life revolves around her dog, Cosmo
Libra (September 27, 1977) born in Anchorage, Alaska
Degree in Journalism and Mass Communication, University of Alaska Anchorage (May 2003)
Graduated from Dimond High School (Anchorage, Class of 1996)
Number of elementary schools attended: 10
Number of times last name has changed: 4 (I kept my mother’s maiden name after I married Seb.)
Vegetarian for 15 years, vegan for 5 – the piggy kind who bends over backwards to make meals even meatheads dig.
Married Sebastien in Meaux, France – pronounced
“moe” as in: eeny, meeny, miny, moe, catch a Frenchman by the toe. (March 27, 2000)
Westie Mama whose life revolves around her dog, Cosmo
Libra (September 27, 1977) born in Anchorage, Alaska
Degree in Journalism and Mass Communication, University of Alaska Anchorage (May 2003)
Graduated from Dimond High School (Anchorage, Class of 1996)
Number of elementary schools attended: 10
Number of times last name has changed: 4 (I kept my mother’s maiden name after I married Seb.)
Vegetarian for 15 years, vegan for 5 – the piggy kind who bends over backwards to make meals even meatheads dig.

I hope i win I'm in love with these book :)
ReplyDeleteNikki Jefford is a new auhor to me. Her book Enchantment sounds very interesting to me. I will have to see about getting the first two stories that goes with this one.
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness love the cover!!! I hope I win LOL!!!
ReplyDeleteI've never heard of this author; but as a travel fanatic; I can't wait to read it! It sounds so very good!