By A Thread
R.L. Griffin
Pub January 15th 2013
by Author Self Published
ARC For Review
Gr’s Summary
Stella's future was set, and it was a bright one. She was engaged to a man she adored, and was headed to law school in the fall. Tragically, her perfectly planned future ends just as it was beginning.
With no ties to family or friends, Stella finds herself alone in a new city, spiraling out of control. Her typical day comes to a close with her passed out on the floor; sometimes clothed.
Luckily, her new roommate, essentially a stranger, is dead set on getting Stella past her grief and back to functioning within society. Putting one foot in front of the other, she climbs up from the bottom of a bottle. Even with all her progress, Stella walks through life unfeeling, numb. Defiant, she sends out warning signals for the world to keep away. But, is that what she really wants?
With the steadfast help of a few tight knit friends, she gradually begins to feel again. She starts to savor the flavor of food again; lets herself notice how the handsome bartender glances at her. Still, after allowing herself a fling, she wonders if she will ever be able to let go of her shattered past, fully enjoy the present, or get over what she thought would be her perfect future and with the man who destroyed her heart.
The Way I See It
HOLY.WHIRLWIND!! OH...MY...MY...MY...MY, My first “reading love” was paranormal...Hmm maybe it was “if you give a mouse a cookie” Whatev, By A Thread just showed me that awesome action and love can happen in contemporary. Okay, so whenever I read a book, you know it opens with a scene, and then there's another, but usually it takes me a little bit to fall in “Love” with a character...Definitely not a slow builder, By A Thread slams in your face and doesn't stop. I immediately handed my heart over to Stella. I cried in the beginning, middle, and end! There was so much that happened! GAH!! I want to punch a wall, and go for a 5 mile run! (my girl El is a champ!) This wonderful book had a little bit of everything! Love, passion, action, heart break, heart mending, betrayals, revelations, mystery, turns and twists! Then, BAM! I was like open-mouthed “What.The.Balls?” but I loved every delicious minute of it! :)
B-elief, everything she knew, she was, she had, all fell from under her.
Y-earning, for the one thing she felt made her whole, made her who she was, too hurt, and too broken without anyone to blame...Will anything make sense ever again?
A-ssumptions, one foot in front of the other she has always been strong and refuses to let others judge her, she has the will of a mountain. She is who she is(Fu**ing awesome,) regardless of what others may infer.
T-ime, always moving, always progressing...Forward and forward...
H-armony, finding a flow and, a rhythm finally moving and breathing.
R-esigned, to her feelings, to her life, a glimmer of happiness resurfacing.
E-ncounter, after so much pain, this realization brings her more pain of which, she didn’t know she would be capable of again.
A-cceptance, the final straw knowing everything she felt was pointless. So much, truly was so little.
D-estination, she has seen this happiness and finally has a clear view of where she wants her life to lead, and she will do what it takes to ensure this new feeling continues.
GAH!!! Loved, loved, every second of this READ! It's like Ms. Griffin took all of my favorite things, and cleverly put them in THIS.BOOK! I found my self saying “hey me too”... Like.A.LOT! Amazing! I Laughed, I cried, I cringed, and I screamed!! I’m not sure I can think of a book where I loved ALL of the characters...Hmm, Let me think...If I have... My, By a Thread Hangover is pretty thick right now, and I can’t think passed Finnegan’s and one Sexy, deep, earth moving, amazing man...I’ll just say it, I LOVED ALL of these characters, picking my fav’s is going to be hard cause I want to list all of them...Okay back to the story, at the beginning of the book some really intense stuff happens and once you think you have a handle on the situation, Ms. Griffin pulls the rug out from underneath. It was crazy good!! UGH!! Seriously, I loved this book. I highly, highly, recommend this book for a refreshing, and different contemporary read!!
ARGH!! It's so hard keeping my mouth shut about what happens cause seriously need a “tumbler” of wine ;) (Ha take THAT Summer!! I didn’t make up that word! I want to talk about what happens...This is def going to be my BookClub’s read probably next month!!
My Fav’s
Stella (El)
Honorable mentions
Without meaning to, she helps Stella heal, and is true to her every step of their way.
Gamer extraordinaire he is El’s new family, he loves her like a sister, and El will do anything for her chosen family.
My Fav Quotes
“She was held together by a thread. Not even strong fishing wire, but the kind of thread that could fray and break in the wind.”
~kindle loc 673
“Time allows you to move forward. But time doesn’t change the pain that sits in your gut. It doesn’t impact the trickle of sweat and fear that traces your spine when the phone rings in the middle of the night. Time doesn’t alter how that pain changed your entire personality” ~kindle loc 1248
My Rating
4.5 Swiming pool, Drunken Dare, Dog park, Red heels, Drunken torture, Deleted FB account, Study group, Scary tattoo, Spare key, Motorcycle ride, Nervous vomiting, Blonde Beard, AFT Agent Debriefing, Sudden Bombing, Embracing Love filled Stars!! READ THIS BOOK! You won’t regret it!! Full of fun and reality. I HIGHY recommend this read!! P.S “little bit bout me” I love making people laugh, dogs, football, bear(Guinness), Harp, running, working out, bar-tending, swimming pools, dancing, and cussing;) Irish carbombs too “though not mentioned had to throw them in” ooh and Vino ofc.
Guest Post
We want to welcome the very talented and amazing author R.L. Griffin to A Bookish Escape, and wish her much success in her future endeavors. We are so excited to read her upcoming work, and are are huge fans of By a Thread.
If you hadn't pursued your dream of writing, what 5 "other" things could you have imagined yourself doing?
Wow, what other things would I have done...
1. FBI Special Agent
2. CIA analyst
3. College Professor (Politics)
4. Legislative Assistant on Capitol Hill
5. Sommelier
Thank You So Much!!

About The Author

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ReplyDeleteRia! Loved your review, quotes and the casting photos :) Thanks for the list of favorites and all the scoop!
ReplyDeleteAw! Thank you!! yes this is def one of the AWESOME ones :)
DeleteRia what an amazing review, I'm definitely going to pick this up, just something about the synopsis interested me and I do hope I love it as much as you did :)
ReplyDeleteThank YOu! Yes no Doubt, but i'm sure you'll love it! I look forward to hearing your thoughts! There are some real mouth droppers Ms Griffin stole my heart with this one...Cannot wait for TENSION!! Eeeeep!
DeleteAny time City thanks for stopping by!