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Moment Series #1
By: Marie Hall
Published: March 12, 2013
Marie Hall Publishing
Source: NetGalley
GR's Summary:
Ryan Cosgrove and Liliana Delgado are on a collision course with destiny. They don’t know it yet, but before the night is over their lives will be forever changed.
Spending Valentine’s Day at a burlesque bar, hadn’t been Liliana’s ideal way of spending a Friday night. She’d much rather be back on campus doing homework… until she meets Ryan. Tall, athletic, and gorgeous, Lili can’t keep her eyes off him, and despite his gruff manners and drunken disposition she’s intrigued.
Ryan’s got demons, and they’re deep, dark, and eating him alive. Regardless of his attraction to the petite brunette he’s tired of fighting, of pretending the last fifteen years haven’t been a daily struggle just to get out of bed every morning. That night he decides to end his pain, to leave it all behind and float away into the blessed darkness of oblivion. But fate has other plans for him, Lily finds and rescues Ryan, determined she’ll not only save his body, but his soul too.
This is their moment…
Lindy's Thoughts
This is the story of 21 year old Liliana (Lili) Delgado and 25 year old Ryan Cosgrove, two people that are broken, and struggling in their own way. Lili got pregnant at the young age of fourteen with her very first crush. She had Javier (Javi) who suffers from Autism, and her mother is slowly dying of M.S. before her eyes. Lili's father took off and abandoned Lili and her Mama 4 years ago, and left Lili to struggle with the responsibilities of paying the bills, attending college full-time to become a nurse, bartending full time at a Burlesque Club, and being the main caretaker of her mother, and sole caretaker of her son. Javi's dad is an absentee father, and Lili carries many burdens on her shoulders. Her son is seven years old and doesn't speak, doesn't like physical touch, to be around strangers, and has major tantrums weekly. Lili isn't always sure what is going to set Javi off, but she does her absolute best as a mother to make him happy and comfortable. Lili spends as much time as she can with Javi, reads to him (he loves spiderman comics,) sings while playing guitar to him, and tries to give him a happy childhood. It makes Lili sad that her son doesn't like to be touched or held. The only time Javi lets his mother hold him is when he is tired, and falling asleep. It is painful for Lili as she watches her mother die a slow and painful death. Lili, and her mother are really close, and Mama worries about Lili. She knows that her daughter is young, beautiful, intelligent, and good-hearted. She encourages Lili to get out of the house, and have some fun. Mama has a part time nurse, Ade, who takes care of her when Lili is not available, and the nurse becomes more like a part of the family, cooks for them, and babysits Javi for Lili.
Ryan Cosgrove was an "accident," that his parents resented having. They had him late in life, and he ruined their plans for traveling all over the world and retirement. When Ryan is 10 years old, when something happens to him that ruins his life. He tries to tell his parents, but they don't believe him, and call him a liar. His life goes in a downward spiral after that. He is full of anger, shame, has nightmares, and as soon as he turns 18, he joins the military, and separates himself from his family permanently. All except for his cousin Alex, who is a few years younger than him. They become roommates, after Ryan leaves the army, and are very close. Alex works at a coffee shop near Lili's college, and the two of them talk frequently, and become fast friends. On Valentine's Day, Alex invites Lili to go out with him, and Ryan. After they meet, things will never be the same for either of them again..
I loved A Moment! It was told in dual narration between Lili, and Ryan. Ms. Hall gave us plenty of background information, and makes you feel as if you know the characters personally. The story was fully developed, and there wasn't any insta-love. The relationship between Lili, and Ryan developed at a good pace. Both characters were fully rounded, and made growth in the story, especially Ryan. The secondary characters were interesting, and really added to the storyline. You will adore Mama, Ade, Javi, and Alex! They all become such a close and cohesive tight knit family. You will be disgusted with, and angered by Lili's father, and Ryan's parents and uncle. I appreciated how the story felt authentic, and dealt with real life issues. Your heart will feel heavy, and break for Lili, and Ryan. Ms. Hall addressed many issues that we face in our lives. I believe that everyone will be able to connect with the characters in one way or another, their story will become important to you, and you will be rooting for Lili and Ryan! Such heavy topics are addressed, that I would say be mentally prepared to read about rape, suicide, M.S., abandonment, and a child with special needs. If you are in the mood to read a book with substance, real life issues, angst, pain, love, and passion with well-developed characters, and a well-developed storyline, then read A Moment. If you are looking for a fun, light, and easy read, then I would hold off on this one, but don't forget about it. When you are ready to read this story, it will really touch your heart, make you feel the character's hurt, pain, passion, love, and hope deeply. These characters will feel like your family and/or friends, and make you think about some of the issues that other's are going through in their lives right now. Or, perhaps you will be able to directly be able to relate to Ryan and/or Lili. One thing is for certain, A Moment is a story that will make you think, feel, and remember, long after the last page is read.
I give, A Moment 4.5 Beautiful Love Story, Healing a Broken Heart, Learning to Trust, Loving Oneself, Letting Go of the Past, and Living in the Moment Stars! I highly recommend, A Moment by Marie Hall. It was such a beautiful and painful love story full of depth and substance! There was a lot of angst, turmoil, and tension in this story, but it dealt with real life issues, such as abandonment, abuse, suicide, alcoholism, and learning how to cope in a positive and healthy way with bottled up pain, anger, guilt, shame, absentee parents, and a painful past. I loved the strength, courage, loyalty, patience, compassion, and love that Lili showed to everyone in her life. She was an amazing person! Ryan had his deep dark demons to contend with, but he had a good heart, treated Javi like his own child, and loved Lili with everything that he had! This story was fast-paced, and I read it in record time! Trust me, this is one story that you do not want to miss out on!
Favorite Quotes
"The look only lasts a second, but feels more like an eternity--a stolen moment in time that exists outside of where we're at right now. But like so much in my life, it's fleeting."
~Lili (eARC Loc. 79)
"Just as she sings that line, Javi looks at her. Dead in her face and I feel like a bastard, because I get to see what I know she hasn't. Love. It's all around him, and it's all for her."
~Ryan (eARC Loc. 1940)
"Ryan can always cut through my crap, can always help me see the positive in the ugly. Truth is, it's getting hard to remember my life before him and I'm terrified of ever going back to it. I need Ryan the same way I need to breathe. He's my air and the reason why I got out of bed wearing a smile in the middle of the hell my life is becoming."
~Lili (eARC Loc. 2068)
~Lili (eARC Loc. 2068)
"Liliana will save me. She has to. Because there's no other choice for me. My soul is black, my heart shriveled, anything good in me is her. That is it. And if she doesn't save me, no one else can."
~Ryan (eARC Loc. 2214)
~Ryan (eARC Loc. 2214)
"I love him. Love this man with scars so deep they terrify me. I'll do anything to save him. I know that now. And when he whispers my name again, I know in that instant he's ruined me for anyone else. Because this is love. And it's beautiful."
~Lili (EARC Loc. 2421)
"You're not dirty, Ryan. And I'm not an angel, I'm just a woman who's desperately in love with you and wants you to know that no matter what, I'll always be here."
~Lili (eARC Loc. 4129)
~Lili (eARC Loc. 4129)
"I'll never forget what happened to me, that's not possible, but I also know I'm no longer alone. Every sigh, every caress, she's stitching me back up. She's taking the broken pieces and gluing them all together, I'm not perfect, there are still defects, but I'm standing again and that's all that matters."
~Ryan eARC Loc. 4142
The Way Ria Sees It
This book was like an amazing Texas Steak...So, naturally I devoured it licking my fingers at the end, just the way I do after a succulent ribeye. ;) Get the visual? Good! If your not a red meat kind of person, then replace with your fav choice of food. The point is I could not put this book down. This was one of those where you bargain with yourself, like “eh, I’m not that hungry, I’ll grab something after a couple of chapters.” Or, “I don’t really need to pee right now...I’ll just keep reading.” Yep, that was me. I’m sorry people, I couldn’t help it, this book tugged at my heart strings from beginning to end.
O-pportunity, to love and be loved is what Ryan and Liliana need.
M-other’s love guiding and teaching everlasting, never-leaving.
E-xhaustion towards the pain, and the secrets that torment.
N-ever again will Ryan love anyone other than Lili.
T-rust, so deep and so pure, it's what it takes for him to finally let go.
This book jumps right into the conflict creating an immediate bond with the characters. Liliana has had to deal with horrible things, and so has Ryan. Alex, Ryan’s cousin loves him and will be there for him forever. I was glad he had a good support system at home. I loved that the book was set in TX because that's where I currently reside, and it's where my heart was born, and where I found true love. Naturally thinking about Texas brings a smile to my face. This book deals with a dark subject that broke my heart, but also swell with joy the moment I realized that Lili and Ryan were made for each other. This book has components of love, betrayal, anger, joy, violence, healing, death, and renewal. I highly recommend this book, but it isn’t all fluffy, the characters have a lot of deep struggles to overcome.
My Fav’s
She is Ryan’s Angel and rightfully so. She has had a non-existent childhood and works incredibly hard to correct the mistakes of her past. She is smart, patient and beautiful. I love and admire her strength. Her smile is contagious and we all know that Javier loves her more than anything. Whether she wants to believe it or not. I really enjoyed watching her fall in love with Ryan.
Broken, so broken. Alone, so alone. He won't let anyone in because he can’t, he doesn’t think he’s worth anything. I wanted to take his pain away, and hurt those who hurt him. I felt so deeply for him from the very first moment. I was so relieved when he takes that final plunge.
My Rating

Ro's Take on the Journey
A Moment, By Marie Hall, is a wonderfully well written, and developed book. It has a storyline filled with controversy, pain, sorrow, angst, taboo issues most people don't want to put in the forefront, love, loss, self-loathing, and soul searching. The story begins in dual narration from the prospective of the main characters, Ryan Cosgrove, and Lili Delgado.
Ryan has an exquisite build, with beautiful blue eyes, a literary nerd of sorts, (which no one knows) a boxer, and well fit. He has a rough exterior, and portrays himself as a non-caring, rebel, and somewhat of an heartless womanizer. In actuality, he is a loving, kind, warm-hearted, loyal young man, who has lost his way, and needs someone to say they love him, and show him that they care. Ryan is a very complicated character from the onslaught. He is a very angry young man who is harboring so much pain, self-loathing, and struggles with his self-worth. He lives with the nightmares that haunt and invade his thoughts, and well-being every night, that are he cannot escape. Ryan has a secret that he cannot share with anyone, but his cousin, Alex. The only reason he can share it with his cousin, is because Alex was a witness to his haunting secret. Alex is his roommate, and his confidant. Unfortunately, Ryan had a father and mother that had other plans when they found out they were expecting him, and everyday of his life, his father reminded him of that. He could never please his father, and there was no love or nurturing in the household.
Lili is her parents only child. She is the hope of her father, to do big things for her family to be proud of. Lili gets pregnant as a teenager, her mother is diagnosed with M.S., and her father leaves them high and dry. He is disgusted the second he finds out that his daughter has let him down. From that moment on, Lili takes on the responsibility of the family. She has her child on her own, without the father of her child's help, and lives with her mother, and the helper, Ade, who becomes one of the family. Ade helps with Javi, the baby, who is on the high end of the Autism spectrum, cannot stand to be touched, doesn't speak, and cannot look anyone in the eyes. Mostly, typical of children with Autism, though some can deal with touch. Javi becomes the center of Lili's world, and she is a loving, tender mother, who works hard, goes to school, takes care of her child, and her ailing mother. This book delves into the depths of despair, and the real search for love and acceptance.
Ryan and Lili meet through his cousin Alex on Valentine's day. A day that will change them all forever. This is the beginning of a relationship that will be based on mutual love, and respect as it progresses. Two people searching for the same things, but for different reasons. Ryan shows his tender side to Javi, and wins Lili's heart over and over again, though she questions the limits of her own boundaries.
Marie Hall, has done a fantastic job with this first book in the Moment Series. She is a very talented author, in deed, that can pull off a story line like this one, with such ease and articulation. Ms. Hall will capture your attention, and keep you at the edge of your seat straight through to the end of this dynamic book. There was no lull in this story. I am completely flabbergasted by the depth and courage it took to delve into the darkest areas of real life, and pull off the most heart-wrenching, sensitive, hurtful, savage, self-sacrificing, loving, tender novel an author can write. This story lived through her prose, and I could feel the pain of the characters down to their souls. I loved this book. It hit on some personal aspects tragedies that have touched my life, along with others that I have lived through other's lives. Ms. Hall is a very sensitive writer to the core. I could feel everything she wanted me to feel from beginning to end. I look forward to the remaining installments in this series. This is a book that will remain with me for a long time to come. Put this on your TBR. Ms. Hall will not let you down. Get the kleenex ready, because this book will put you through the ringer. My stomach was in knots, and I felt the angst, and misfortune for these two characters, and the secondary characters, (which were key to the storyline) throughout the novel. A Moment is sure to touch your heart and soul in the deepest ebb of darkness, and when the light starts shining through, you will sigh with the gratitude that there is light at the end of the tunnel, even when you think there is no hope left in sight at times. I am grateful for being a part of this phenomenal journey, and the fact that I was able to review this book.
I give, A Moment, By Marie Hall, 5 Desperate, Devastatingly Broken, Gut-Wrenching, Soul-Searching, Longing, Loving Stars!
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About the Author
Marie Hall has always had a dangerous fascination for
creatures that go bump in the night. And mermaids. And of course fairies. Trolls. Unicorns. Shapeshifters. Vampires. Scottish brogues. Kilts. Beefy arms. Ummm... Bad boys! Especially the sexy ones.
creatures that go bump in the night. And mermaids. And of course fairies. Trolls. Unicorns. Shapeshifters. Vampires. Scottish brogues. Kilts. Beefy arms. Ummm... Bad boys! Especially the sexy ones.

On top of that she’s a confirmed foodie, she nearly went to culinary school and then figured out she could save a ton of money if she just watched food shows religiously! She’s a self-proclaimed master chef, certified deep sea dolphin trainer, finder of leprechaun’s gold at the end of the rainbow, and rumor has it she keeps the Troll King locked away in her basement. All of which is untrue, however, she does have an incredibly active imagination and loves to share her crazy thoughts with the world!
Hey girls, I wanted to nominate you for The Versatile Blogger award! http://wp.me/p235yk-MZ
ReplyDeleteThanks Velma! How sweet!
DeleteThank You Vilma, that is quite an honor!
Oh my goodness, ladies! A Moment sounds amazing! I would've never heard of this book if not for your review, and now it's going on my tbr. Beautiful reviews !
ReplyDeleteThis book was amazing!!! You need to read it, and then tell me what you thick :) It is pretty heavy with deep issues, so you have to be in the right mood to read it.
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