Walking Disaster
(Beautiful #2)
Jamie McGuire
Pub April 2, 2013
By Atria Books
Source: Copy from Publisher
Mature Content: 17+
GR's Summary:
Finally, the highly anticipated follow-up to the New York Times bestseller Beautiful Disaster. Can you love someone too much? Travis Maddox learned two things from his mother before she died: Love hard. Fight harder.
In Walking Disaster, the life of Travis is full of fast women, underground gambling, and violence. But just when he thinks he is invincible, Abby Abernathy brings him to his knees.
Every story has two sides. In Beautiful Disaster, Abby had her say. Now it’s time to see the story through Travis’ eyes.
Lindy's Take
Walking Disaster, for the most part is the same story as Beautiful Disaster, just told through Travis' point of view, instead of Abby's point of view this time. One of the reasons why I enjoyed reading Travis' point of view was because a few of the gaps were filled in for me in the story. We got to see a small glimpse into what Travis' mother was like, how much she loved Trav, how close he was to his mom, and how she really was the glue that held their family together. The beginning of the story had me an emotional mess. I was crying, and my heart just broke for what the whole family had to go through with the loss of their mother/wife. After her passing, the whole family was lost, in so much pain, and had trouble moving forward in their lives. So just that little glimpse made me see how the family was before, and then after her passing, which we didn't get to see in Beautiful Disaster. Also, I got to see a lot more of Travis' brothers, Thomas (the eldest), Trenton (closest to Travis), the twins, Taylor, and Tyler, and Travis' father, Jim. It was one thing to hear about how close they were in Beautiful Disaster, but a whole new take to get to see how close Travis was to his brothers', and father. Trent was my favorite brother. He was always there for Travis, when Travis needed him most. Trent would call to check-up on Travis, would take him to the bar for drinks as a source of distraction, was a good listener, was the only one who could force Travis to leave the house when he was in a deep depression, and would drive Travis home when he was drunk. We also got to meet the girl that Trent was interested in, for 2 small scenes, and I'm really looking forward to reading Trent's story next. Thomas, was the serious, and overprotective older brother. His mother made him promise to look after his younger brothers' and father when she passed. He kept that promise, grew up too fast, and was more like a second father figure to his brothers.
Another reason I enjoyed reading Walking Disaster, was because I liked getting inside Travis' head, and by being exposed to Travis' thoughts, and emotions, I was able to understand his actions more. In Beautiful Disaster, Travis appeared to have major anger issues, jealousy, and possessiveness. However, in Walking Disaster, I was able to come to the realization that Travis really was trying to control his anger, and understood a little more that the reason he would get so angry at times was because he was privy to rumors and other information that he didn't share with Abby, that would make his anger come out full-force. Also, he was insecure, desperate, and really loved Abby, but was always scared that if he did or said the wrong thing, Abby would leave him for good. Little did Abby know, but she gave Travis something back that he had lost, when his mother had died, at such a young age. Abby gave Travis a sense of belonging, loving, caring, and the feeling of "home." With Abby, he had finally found a woman worth fighting for, and he knew that his mother would have loved her, and been proud of him for keeping his promise.
I enjoyed re-reading the plot, and getting to revisit one of my favorite books. The story started out at a good pace, the middle slowed down a bit and got a little tiring with so much arguing back and forth. Also, Abby irritated me more in this version of the story, because I felt like she was too hard on Travis at times, was too stubborn, and kept putting her walls up, when she should have tried to work things out with him. For being so in love with Travis, it frustrated me that she would leave him without trying to talk things through, and he always had to beg her to come back to him. America and Shep were good friends to Abby and Travis, and I enjoyed revisiting them, and their relationship with the main characters, as well as one another. However, my favorite parts to revisit were the hot, and sexy drool-worthy scenes between Abby and Travis! Talk about needing to fan yourself off to cool down! Plus, my heart got to melt all over again every time Travis would tell Abby how he felt about her, or thought about what she meant to him! There were a lot of moments that I would go "Aww, that's why I loved Beautiful Disaster!" I thought the ending was really fast-paced, and it was my favorite part of the book. Who doesn't love a Happily Ever After?
After finishing Walking Disaster, I'm left satisfied with the closure that I feel from getting exposed to meeting Travis' mother, learning more about his brothers, father, and getting a more well-rounded view of Travis as a whole. I am stoked to get to read each of Travis' brothers own story, and look forward to not having to completely close the door on Travis and Abby. By the end of the story, I was able to see the huge character growth that both Travis and Abby made individually, and in their relationship. The ending was bittersweet for me, as I had to say goodbye for now to Travis and Abby, because at least I got to see how everything ended, and can hope that I will see them again when I read all of the Maddox brothers' stories. Yes, I said when, not if, because, Thomas, Trent, Taylor, and Tyler's stories have just been officially added to my auto-buy list!
My Favorite Quotes
"One of these days you're going to fall in love, son. Don't settle for just anyone. Choose the girl that doesn't come easy; the one you have to fight for, and then never stop fighting. Never-she took a deep breath-stop fighting for what you want." (EARC, Loc. 71)
"Maybe it was just me. Maybe it was just me and her. Maybe together we were this volatile entity that would either implode or meld together. Either way, it seemed the moment I met her, my life had been turned upside down. And I didn't want it any other way." (EARC, Loc. 2639)
"Even though we'd put each other through hell, we'd found heaven. Maybe that was more than a couple of sinners deserved, but I wasn't going to complain." (EARC, Loc. 4459)
My Rating
I give Walking Disaster by Jamie McGuire a Sizzling, Swoon-Worthy, Sexy, Sensational 5 Stars! If you want more Travis, and to see into the window of his soul, including his thoughts, emotions, and fears, read this story! If you don't mind reading the retelling of Beautiful Disaster, but through Travis' point of view, and therefore, containing all of Travis' intensity, emotion, and way of life, this is a great read that will have you escaping back into Travis and Abby's roller-coaster relationship, full of constant ups, downs, twists, and turns! Walking Disaster is one ride you don't want to miss!

Ria's Take
Okay, Walking Disaster...In one word was, FanFabtabulisticly Delicious! Okay, that may have been two words, and I may have made one of them up, but DANG IT, if this wasn’t an amazing book!!
>bucket of emotion here<
I was so excited when I heard we were going to get Travis’s point of view! What is the only cure for a Travis hangover? YEP. MORE. TRAVIS. (winky face). Thanks to Walking Disaster I now know what goes on in that mischievous, passionate, hot head of his. If you’ve read Beautiful Disaster *wags finger if you haven’t* then you know this is the SAME STORY different POV! Please don’t expect the plot to change but obviously everyone knows how amazing Ms. McGuire is...she has cleverly added some really cool little differences!! Eeeeep!! I enjoyed every second of this book! Love Love Love!!
W-omen, came easily enough, but none were worth a second thought.
A-nger, fueled him, and affected everyone around him. Its who he was.
L-ove, was lost from a young age, and he doubted he would ever be worthy of it.
K-ing pin, ruthless and cruel, Benny takes and destroys anything in his path.
I-ncandescent, Travis in the ring, in life, in his love for Abby.
N-avigating, through life, with a gaping hole in his heart. Broken.
G-amble, a bet will set things in motion to mend what was broken, and to remind him of a promise that he made as a child.
D-espair, breathing hurts with the loss of her, desperation will not seize until he can hold her again.
I-nnocence, two sinners discover they were made for each other. Together they will build their own heaven.
S-in City, a place with dark memories of dark pasts will hold a new place in their hearts.
A-bby determined, decided, deadfall...In Love with Travis.
S-anctum, what Abby is for Travis.
T-ravis Passionate persistent paralyzing...His Love for Abby. E-vermore together they will fight for each other for their Love.
R-apture, years later their bliss has not wavered.
Wow, it was so nice to see through Travis’s eyes! I highly highly recommend Walking disaster! Your probably going to see that a few more times, lol! Sorry y’all I can’t help it WD is a beautiful enhancer ;) Keep in mind this is Travis, its going to be gritty and a little crude. He’s not a poet y’all he’s a friggin fighter!! The supporting cast is amazing! Shep, Mare, Trent, Tommy, Jim, even Parker everyone played their part and I fell in love with all of them!
My Fav’s
There’s something about her that Travis needs, he finds out later all he needs is her. She is so strong, she might be petite but this girl knows how to hustle a room. Abby can outwit you at a poker table with the smile of an Angel. Lucky 13. Totally wicked. I love her because she’s smart and loves with her whole heart.
Well, Ahem, Ahem, lets see aside from being one of the sexiest characters EVER written he’s passionate. He loves with such ferocity its awe striking, its inspiring, HE’S MESMERIZING! Travis is a little broken and empty all he needs is his pigeon, once he finds her he will fight. Travis will never stop fighting for the peace Abby brings him. He breaths to be near her, she is his light in the dark that has become his life. *sigh*
My Fav Quotes
“I decided a long time ago I would feed on the vultures until a dove came along. A pigeon.” Kindle Loc 119
“When you’re around, I don’t need booze or money or the fighting or the one-night stands...all I need is you. You’re all I think about. You’re all I dream about. You’re all I want.” Kindle Loc 2472
“You love me?” “It’s the tattoos,” she said flippant and shrugging, as if she hadn’t just said the one thing I’d ever wanted to hear. Kindle Loc 2495
“You know why I want you? I didn’t know I was lost until you found me. I didn’t know what alone was until the first night I spent without you in my bed. You’re the one thing I’ve got right. You’re what I’ve been waiting for, Pigeon.” Kindle Loc 2855
“I was now in a situation where I didn’t have to prove myself, because the one person that fully accepted me, my best friend, was now a permanent fixture in my life.” Kindle Loc 4335
“Even though we’d put each other through hell, we’d found heaven. Maybe that was more than a couple of sinners deserved, but I wasn’t going to complain.” Kindle Loc 4462
My Rating
5 Vulture, red lipstick, Kansas, fake ID, lost bet, new couch, Morgan Hall, Undercover, Pigeon filled stars!!! GAH!!!!!!!!! GET.THIS.BOOK.NOW. Seriously I’m having T-shirts made this was such an amazing story!
Do It!!

Ro's Take
I loved Abby's point of view in Beautiful Disaster, and then I read Travis's point of view in Walking disaster, and I fell in love with the book, and him, all over again. This was a story I wasn't sure I wanted to read again, but I am so glad I did. Right from the first chapter of the book, it was devastatingly sad. In this version, the reader is privy to the family's last moments with their mother, and wife, as she is passing. The reader lives it through Travis' eyes. I was sobbing, and there was no end in sight.
I loved the fact that a lot of holes were filled in from the first version of this novel. The reader thinks they're reading the whole story in, Beautiful Disaster, but when you read Travis' version in, Walking Disaster, you can see why he was the way he was, and understand his reasons for his disconnection with everyone he comes in contact with. I felt so much compassion in this version for Travis. He was very reflective in this book, which made the reader see his romantic side, the little nuances, and his vulnerability. Though, a few times during the book, I wanted to scream at him not to let anyone break him to the point of groveling. He wanted what he felt was his, and he was overly obsessive. This was a book filled with obstacles, twists, turns, and misunderstandings. These two characters had to go through a lot of hoops to learn how to understand each other. This is a love story worth reading, with secondary characters that made this novel amazing, and complete. The tenderness that Ms. McGuire shares about her characters, is swoon worthy. There are wonderful scenes that don't even have sex in them, that are sweet, magical, and sensitive, and the reader gets goose bumps. She creates the kind of man that every woman is looking for. A man that worships the ground his woman walks on, showers her with love, and flowers, opens doors, defends her honor to the ends of the earth, eats her up with one hungry, longing look. This book is worth it's weight in gold! I for one, loved it!!! The close relationship that Travis has with his father and brothers, their deeply intense abiding love and fierce loyalty for one another is memorable. They all share the same hurt and sadness, but still try to deal each in a different way. Yet, each is always there for the other when they need it.
I loved the fact that this story went full circle. There are no cliff hangers! The development of each character is apparent, and the growth evolves at a moderate to fast pace throughout the novel. This book has violence, mafia, drugs, sex, depression, and, gambling. Every bit of it is necessary to the progression of the story.
Happy Reading followers...this is a must read. I give Walking Disaster 5-Intense-Filled, HeartBreaking, Fiery, Breathlessly -Explosive-Love-Struck-Stars!!!

Guest Post
We want to welcome the very talented and amazing author Jamie McGuire to A Bookish Escape, and wish her much success in her future endeavors. We are so excited to read her upcoming work, and are are huge fans of Walking Disaster.
"What are 5 items in your life that you can not live without?"
Four of those would be my 3 children and my husband, but assuming we’re not talking about people, and we’re not being literal, I would say...
Cell Phone
Hand Sanitizer

Book Trailer
About The Author
Jamie McGuire
was born in Tulsa, OK. She was raised by her mother Brenda in Blackwell, OK, where she graduated high school in 1997. Jamie attended the Northern Oklahoma College, the University of Central Oklahoma, and Autry Technology Center where she graduated with a degree in Radiography. Jamie now lives in Enid, OK with her three children and husband Jeff, who is a real, live cowboy. They share their 30 acres with four horses, four dogs, and Rooster the cat. Books published by Jamie include the Providence trilogy, and The New York Times best seller Beautiful Disaster, a contemporary romance. When she’s not writing, Jamie spends her days letting her four dogs in and out.

was born in Tulsa, OK. She was raised by her mother Brenda in Blackwell, OK, where she graduated high school in 1997. Jamie attended the Northern Oklahoma College, the University of Central Oklahoma, and Autry Technology Center where she graduated with a degree in Radiography. Jamie now lives in Enid, OK with her three children and husband Jeff, who is a real, live cowboy. They share their 30 acres with four horses, four dogs, and Rooster the cat. Books published by Jamie include the Providence trilogy, and The New York Times best seller Beautiful Disaster, a contemporary romance. When she’s not writing, Jamie spends her days letting her four dogs in and out.

OMG!!!! Don't get me started on Walking Disaster!!! I loved this book so freakin' much that I was not able to read for at least 5 days after!!!
ReplyDeleteI loved his POV !!! So raw and emotional.
My heart broke all over again reading it. OMG!!! That scene with his mom :( And what about with his brothers at Thanksgiving ... Ugly Crying!!!!!
I can't wait to read about all the other Maddox brothers. These books are going to be PHENOMENAL!!!!!
Great job ladies with your reviews :)
Gah!!! So totally with you!!! Thanks giving Travis POV made me ball! I also loved his the fight scenes!! So GOOD even though I read BD I was on the edge of my seat for every elbow every punch!! GAH!!!!
DeleteListen because I <3 you!..
Any time you miss Travis and you want to say hi... Go Here ->
Oh boy!! yep!! Maddox HEAVEN!! When Jamie announced it at a book event in January EVERYONE SCREAMED!! MYSELF INCLUDED!!! Eeeeeep!!!!!!
Dios Mio!!!!!! Pure Perfectionnnnnnn!!!!
DeleteRia, you owe me a coffee. I just spit out mine out of excitement when I looked at the picture! Mujer, give me a warning or something next time !!! :P LOL!!!!
Thanks Mikki!!!! I'm glad you enjoyed our reviews! This book had me crying endless tears at the beginning! Jamie McGuire is AMAZING!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThese books should come with virtual hugs and tissues!!! She is AMAZING! :)
I just bought Beautiful Disaster and I'm going to order Walking Disaster if I don't win it...I read the back blurb and had to buy it...
ReplyDeleteYay!!! Maureen you are going to LOVE it!!! They are also making a MOVIE!!! Yay *Happy Dance!!* *WooHoo!* Good Luck in the contest!! :)
DeleteBeautiful Disaster was such an addicting read! You will not be able to put it down! Good luck with the giveaway!
DeleteI love your review of Walking Disaster. I enjoyed reading the different reviews and I liked the casting ;) I've read BD, but haven't yet read WD. Definitely need to.
ReplyDeleteOh yes!! I gobbled it up and had a huge CHESHIRE CAT SMILE ON MY FACE... like the cat that ate the canary!! :)
DeleteWell, if you love Travis, you will love Walking Disaster! Just keep in mind that it's the same story as BD, just Travis' point of view with a few little extra's! If you put BD and WD, you get a more complete story! Myself, Ria, and Ro all loved it!
Deleteloved your review! and loved this book soo much!!! i just fell in love with travis maddox all over again! he was just wonderful!!! i felt for him! he is just amazing! my number one book boyfriend!!!!
ReplyDeletethank you for this chance!! so want this book! and signed even better!!! :)
Thanks gloria! We are glad you enjoyed our reviews! We are huge Travis Maddox fans over here!
ReplyDeleteI fell even more in love with Travis after reading Walking Disaster. I'm so glad that you guys liked it as much as I did. He's definitely my favorite book boyfriend!
ReplyDeleteI've kind of been afraid to read Walking Disaster because I'd heard some negative stuff in a few reviews, like it was repetitive and redundant and didn't really add anything new to the story. However, your reviews are super encouraging and make me want to take the chance. I mean, I like to re-read my favorite books eventually, so this would be kind of like that, but...more. You know? Anyway, thanks for the chance to win a copy :)
ReplyDeleteGreat Reviews!!! Have heard mixed reviews about this one. But i am really looking forward to reading it!!! Its on my kindle taunting me, LOL!!
ReplyDeleteI seriously can't wait to read this book! I loved the first one and I think it's an interesting idea to retell the whole story from a different perspective. Thanks for the giveaway!
ReplyDeleteI loved this one too! I read it at the same time of rereading Beautiful Disaster and it worked out well! I hope to see more great books by Jamie! Thanks!
ReplyDeleteOK, I'm turning Kermitty green here :( Every time a see one of these great reviews for these books I start kicking myself for not having picked up Beautiful Disaster as yet. I mean, what the &^%*(&( is wrong with me? I ask myself. I really need to get moving on this!!
ReplyDeleteOMG!!! I can't wait to read this! I just finished Beautiful Disaster and was blown away!!