The Morning Star
Tania Penn
Pub January 10th 2013
Penn Pal Publishing
ARC for review
Gr’s Summary
Being the daughter of Lucifer keeps seventeen year old Dawn Belial busy. For almost her entire lifetime, she has been trying to think of a way to free her Archangel mother, Michaela, whom her father has held captive for centuries. She's also attending high school - balancing trigonometry, history, and recruiting souls for her father along with her wicked half-sister, Venus.
There has been no time for love until she meets mysterious Gabriel, a British exchange student. As they fall in love against their will, she discovers a startling secret about him, and a shocking connection to her mother that changes everything.
The Way I See It
Eeeeep!! This was such a great read, and I loved this book from beginning to end!! I fell in love with the small cast of characters right away! Lilith and Venus are well, you know, Lilith and Venus (evil stepmother and Bee-Yotch half sister). They're all sorts of crazy and cruel, but a part of your heart wants to go out to them. It's not their fault Lucifer truly loves Michaela, but has to keep her a prisoner, because she can never love him back the way he wants her to... I need more of these Archangels lol!! More! Now! I enjoyed the way this telling of the fallen has a twist...We see a different side of the first fallen. It was very refreshing and not to mention fun!
T-yrannical, a father will do what it takes to achieve his desired goal.
H-ell, not what it seems, but still a despairing place.
E-nvious and vicious, a sister not what she seems on the outside.
M-easure, a place that only few can access.
O-missions, almost always result in broken hearts and trust.
R-ecant, most anything can be forgiven as long as it comes from the heart.
N-arcissist, of course no one can ever see anyone other than Venus.
I-nfatuation. Sadly Lucifer has mistaken this for love.
N-oxious, the years of rejection has further darkened this being of light.
G-nawing, Dawn continues to ignore what she knows deep inside to be right.
S-oulmate, “two parts that were once a whole.”
T-iming, Gabriel’s could have been better, Silas’ couldn’t have been worse.
A-ngel of Resurrection, there’s more to this restoration than meets the eye.
R-eprieve, will Michaela ever escape from her captor?
I know I said this earlier, but I’ll say it again! What a great spin! The way Ms. Penn tells this story, my heart went out to Lucifer, but at the same time knowing of his deceptive ways, you can't trust the way he pulls at your heart strings. I really really enjoyed this book and...
I’m going to be pining away for Equinox. Seriously. Pinning away. As an avid angel lover, I loved this book!!
My Fav’s
Okay, I’m really excited about her character! Dawn has some room to grow, and I cannot wait to see her kicking the butt, I know she can. I loved her personality. She was understandably conflicted. Torn between the love she has for her father, and the love that she has for her mother. The basic age old, good vs evil In The Morning Star, we experience it with Dawn’s inner struggle. She is so innocent, even though she has lived through centuries, collecting and creating general mischief. I can tell she has a beautiful kind heart, that makes me very happy. I don’t know how it will work out, but I do know, I want Dawn to have her happy ending.
Charismatic...GAWJESS! Swoon/Drool worthy, falls in love with Dawn. Let me tell you something, if anyone has any doubts Gabriel squashes them right away. He is forced to make a decision, it may not be ideal, but I supported his choice 100%. I don’t want to say anything, because I want everyone to fall in love with Gabriel...The way I did, not knowing him, but discovering his heart. He too is conflicted *winky face*
My Rating
4.25 Art Gallery, High school drama, Interfering persuasion, Sultry Succubus, Molten wings, Unforeseen fall, Enlightening Drive, Irrevocable Love Filled Stars! If you enjoy reading about angels, then you will be delighted with this wonderful tale...Fall in love with a twist;)

Author of debut young adult novel, The Morning Star. Currently working on the sequel, Equinox, as well as a chick-lit, rom-com, slightly sleazy and funny story with a twist, Catching Frogs. And, because I'm loco in the roco, I've got about 12 more on the back burner. When I'm not writing I can be found kayaking, hiking, ninja-training, traveling, and taking a ferry over to the San Juan Islands to search for the elusive creature known as the "Orca." I also am constantly adding ridiculous wants, needs, must-see's and do's to my ever expanding bucket book.
I covet a delicious malbec with a rare steak and make a killer salsa.
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Thank you for featuring me today Ria!! :)
ReplyDeleteNo thank you for Morning Star I can't wait to continue this series!!
Deleteeeep! at 666 total entries as of now! Fitting, considering the story, but EEP!
DeleteIt is fitting ;)