Dark Kiss
Michelle Rowen
Pub May 22nd 2012
By Harlequin Teen
Kindle Purchase
Gr’s Summary
I don't do dangerous.
Smart, über-careful, ordinary Samantha-that's me. But I just couldn't pass up a surprise kiss from my number-one unattainable crush. A kiss that did something to me...something strange. Now I feel hungry all the time, but not for food. It's like part of me is missing-and I don't know if I can get it back.
Then there's Bishop. At first I thought he was just a street kid, but the secrets he's keeping are as intense as his unearthly blue eyes. If he's what I think he is, he may be the only one who can help me. But something terrifying is closing in, and the one chance Bishop and I have to stop it means losing everything I ever wanted and embracing the darkness inside me....
When angels and demons must work together, something beyond evil is rising...

The Way I See It
This book drew me in right away, I was attracted to the cover and after reading the summary my curiosity was peeked. Sam and Carly seem like they would be the perfect best of friends! Bishop is so interesting...I want to know all about him. The story takes place in trinity...Cute...Lol, k something awful is happening there and Heaven and Hell join forces to eliminate the problem. Thats when you know its bad. I love the originality and all of the characters. This is a great YA read minus the usual over the top angst that comes along. Sam doesn’t know who she is and why she can do the things she can. It takes a while but we find out, theres only one problem it seems she cant trust anyone because everyone is constantly lying to her. If I were Samantha that would drive me insane, I don’t know how she put up with it. Earlier I mentioned Carly and their amazing friendship, there were times when I worried about them, but I was in no way prepared for what happened. Sam is very interesting and I’m looking forward to her character growth. Bishop, bishop, bishop, where do I begin...Must find out everything.ASAP! Kraven I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOve! Thats all I’ll say about that, but things aren’t always as they seem ;)
My Fav’s
He is honest even though he can be harsh...There is more to him, I want to know who he was as James and I want him to fall in love with Sam because I think they belong together!
What can I say a leading lady would be no one with out their supporting actress and thats exactly how Carly fits in, sure the girls make some mistakes but who doesn’t? I’m very attracted to Carly’s love of life, and she is a great friend through and through!
My Rating
4.0 Shining star, Gray, Nexus filled stars! I highly recommend this different and interesting story!

I loved reading your take on this one. Kraven was an interesting character for sure. I thought his mystery was one of the best parts! New GFC Follower Jaclyn @ JC's Book Haven